Chapter 26 - Day 20 (Part 2)

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I loved Marcel with all of my heart and Marcel sent the love right back. I was shy but I opened up to Katlynn like a new book. Marcel and I are expecting a baby but it doesnt show yet. That entire day we snuggled and held hands and kissed. Honestly katlynn wasn't upset She thought it was adorable. I had finally found happiness, something katlynn had been searching for and then She found Niall. Well actually Niall found her, actually he bumped into her. god how She missed her boyfriend Niall, She hopes he's okay. I thought to myself. She couldn't get what H had said to her yesterday... You just made a big mistake! nobody says no to Harry Edward Styles! I will destroy you. Destory her? How could someone say that to such a kind and caring girl like her, oh I know who! a Kindless, Heartless psychopath with a long history of violence. He took her hostage, held her captive.. now She's finally free. I thought in my head as my conscience spoke my thoughts. Me and Marcel were outside, as Marcel was singing to me in perfect harmony. I had my eyes closed and my head on his chest. It was raining later on in the day so we stayed inside and played board games, we asked Katlynn to join us but She declined. " Marcey?" I asked him as he smiled. " Yes my love?" He asked back. " Is it my turn yet?" I asked him. " Yes." Marcel said with a smile. " Yay!" I said happily. I took the dice off of the board and rolled them and then moved my game piece. " Marcey?" I asked again. " Yes Princess?" he asked with a smile. " I'm gonna win this game." I said happily. " I don't think so I'm going to win." Marcel chuckled. " I'm closer to the end spot." I said. " True but I've got a free move card." He said holding up the card. " You wouldn't" I said with a laugh. " Oh but I shall." he said placing the card down. " No!" I cried in defeat. " It's just a game baby. I'll let you win the next round." Marcel said holding my hand. " You will?" I asked with a smile. " Of course I love you." Marcel said. We later baked cookies and then watched a movie on the couch. Katlynn read a whole stack of books all night. " What time is it?" Katlynn groaned rubbing her sleepy eyes. " 10:00" I said. " I'm going to bed." Katlynn said getting up off of her feet and trudged to her room. her head hit the pillow and instatly felt at home. This place isn't as bad as She thought it would be, She was safe from H here. The next day Marcel took me for a ride around town, I kept my eyes glued to the window and found everything so fascinating. " Baby, be careful not to hit your head against the window." Marcel said has he took one of his hands off of the steering wheels and put it on top of my hand. Marcel parked the car as I moved my head to look into his eyes. " I know how much you love the beach so I thought I bring you here so we could spend some quality time together." Marcel said as he opened up his car door and grabbed my hand helping me down the beach stairs. My bare feet hit the cool sand as the sun was setting. "Let's look for some seashells." Marcel said as he took my hand in his and we walked along the sand. " the sunset is so beautiful." I said with a smile as I kissed his cheek. " You talked that's a good sign." Marcel said with a smile as he kissed me back. " I found one!" I said picking it up. "Wow it's so beautiful." I said looking at the sun shining off of it. " Not as beautiful as you are." Marcel said as he took of his glasses and rubbed his eye with his hand. "I don't know why you don't wear contacts you have such beautiful eyes." I said to him. " I'll wear them for you. Remind me and I'll go buy a box of them at the store on the way back home." He said kissing my hand. He cleared off two fold out chairs out of his car trunk and set them on the beach, we built a fire and sat by it as he held my hand and I put my head on his shoulder. " nothing more important to me than spending time with my angel." Marcel said kissing my lips. I blushed happily. " Marcey." I giggled happily. "It's true." Marcel said as he kissed my hand as we both looked out at the star covered dark night sky. It got cold so we put out the fire and packed up to go home. "11:30, I'll have to go get those contacts Tomorrow morning." Marcel said as he started the car and he drove us back home. He carried me up the stairs and opened the front door. " I love you." Marcel said as he put his nose to mine. " I love you more." I said with a smile. " I love you little munchkin." Marcel said as he put his hand on my tummy. " you're gonna be the greatest dad ever." I said holding him close. " and you're gonna be the best mother ever." Marcel said kissing my neck. " Marcey stop that tickles!" I giggled. I heard a dark laugh coming from the corner of the living room fixing his sleeves and looking at both of us was one of my ex boyfriends, Harry's other brother James. " What do you want James?" I asked him angrily. " I came to see you." James said with a smile. " back away James, leave my girl alone." Marcel said. James lifted his hand and slapped Marcel clear across the face. "James!" I growled angrily. " speak again and you'll be next baby." James said. I gulped and backed up against the wall as James cames towards me and put his hands on the wall. " don't say a word just kiss me." James said with a grin. Marcel grabbed his brother by the shirt and tackled him to the ground. " I may be a nerd but that doesn't mean I can't kick your ass!" Marcel said as he punched James in the face. " she isn't with you anymore James, I suggest you leave if you know what's best for you. If you or any of the others show your faces around my property again I'll call the cops." Marcel said as he pushed James out the front door and locked it behind him. " marcey you're bleeding." I said grabbing a paper towel. I cleaned the blood off of his face and gave him an ice pack for his swollen eye. " my poor Marcey." I said put my hand in his. "I'll be fine baby, I'm just glad you're safe." He said with a smile. Safe I was, and well cared for. Marcel treated me like royalty and helped me erase my painful memories of my past. The only person I was most scared of was Tom, Tom was the only evil person in my life. Tom will never find me. Never.

Little Miss Sunshine X

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