Chapter 8 - Day 5 ( First Escape) Pt. 1

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I was tired of being used, H and the others were all sitting around me I got up and walked towards the door. " I'm gonna go catch some air." I said to them. " hurry back, my boner is getting bigger." Z said as he blew the smoke from his cigarette out of his mouth. I closed the door and breathed, minutes later I heard the door open as I took off at a sprint for my life, I heard a British voice shout out to me as I ran. " You can't run from me! Come back!" The voice growled. I got into town as I flagged down a taxi and told them the directions to Niall's place. I knock impatiently on Niall's front door, seconds later my knocking turned into panicked fists. Suddenly I heard footsteps inside, " alright, alright I'm coming." The voice said. They opened the door and I was so happy to see Niall. " Katlynn?" He asked. " yeah it's me babe." I said I hugged him. He cried as he kissed my lips. " I thought I lost you forever! You're back." Niall cried as he shut the door. "Lock the door and windows, shut the curtains and shades. God knows they'll come after me." I cried. I dialed Jennette's number and she answered. " Jennette its Katlynn, I escaped." I said with a happy voice. " Katlynn! I'm so glad to hear your voice."she said, I heard another voice next to her. " who's that?" I asked her. " it's my Tv." She said. I laughed. " I've got to go." I said. Niall took off his glasses and put his contacts back in. " I missed you." Niall said as she kissed my lips passionatly. " I missed you more." I said as we crashed onto top of each other as we started undressing. " oh I almost forgot." Niall said pulling out a condom out of his back pocket. " no condom." I said. " okay." Niall said throwing the condom package over his shoulder. He slid off both of our pants and crashed into me as put my hands on his shoulders and moaned as he kissed my neck. afterwards Niall fell next to me on the bed as we both panted. " that was great, I've never done that before." Niall said. " neither have I." I said as we kissed. " round 2 tomorrow night?" he asked me as his slipped his shirt and jeans back on. " You bet." I said. " I'm gonna go make some hot cocoa want some?" He asked me with his sexy irish accent. God that accent gave me chills down my spine. " marshmallow or no marshmallow?" He asked as he wrapped his arm around my waist. " you're a marshmallow." I joked. He laughed. " it's true." He said, " guilty as charged." He said putting his hands in the air. " marshmallow." I finally said. " good choice." Niall said as he winked. In the meanwhile at the gang hangout... H stormed back into the room as he slammed the door behind him. " Son Of A Bitch!" H growled loudly as he pushed over the table in the kitchen. " What's up?" Z asked. " That whore got away! she's gone! How could've I been so god damn stupid?!" H screamed.

" What do you mean she's gone?! We let her escape! Fuck! Now I have no whore to blow me!" Liam snarled. " that's it we're going after her, no guns, no weapons, just the five of us. We're gonna make her pay." Z said. " I can't wait to kick the shit out of her nerd boyfriend, while she watches in horror!" James laughed. " then it's settled Tomorrow we go on the hunt. I want my girl back!" H snarled as he punched a hole in the wall. " who's with me!" Harry cried. " Let's go get our whore back!" H sang. " Yeah!" They all said. " that's my boys!" H said approvingly. " Leave the girl to me! The rest of you can one time have your turns later when we return back as a celebratory thing." H said. They all licked their lips and snarled. " I will enter the house first, the rest of you sneak through the back door, sneak up on the boyfriend, if he sees you guys we're screwed." H growled. " We'll take the black van. It's suspicious looking and cool at the same time. James! Get your ass over here." H called. " you'll help me with our little playmate." H said with a wink. " I like this plan." James said with a smirk. " great minds think alike." H said. " now get off your lazy asses and go get some sleep! We have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow, I don't need any dozing off!" H snarled. The other four got up and went to bed. H laughed evily as he turned out the lights. Me and Niall had no idea what was gonna take place tomorrow. We were just happy to be in each other's arms again. The next morning, me and Niall woke up smiling at each other. " good morning beautiful." Niall said. " good morning Niall." I said as I yawned into my pillow. Niall rolled over and farted. " Niall!" I laughed. " what it just slipped out!" He laughed back. " slipped out my ass!" I said playfully hitting him with my pillow. " I'm gonna go make breakfast. you can take a shower if you'd like." Niall said with a wink. I really needed a decent shower, I got cleaned up and dressed. I walked into the kitchen as me and Niall enjoyed a nice breakfast together. " what are you reading?" I asked Niall as he read the newspaper. " I'm reading about how carrots are good for your eyesight." Niall spoke as he looked up from the newspaper at me. I put it aside and put his hand in mine. We walked into the living room as Niall grabbed the remote and turned on the television. the morning went by quickly, the clock struck 12:00pm. " it's noon time already? that was quick." Niall said checking his watch. " yeah, time flys by when you're having fun." I said with a smile as Niall kissed my lips. " anythings fun to me when I'm together with you." Niall said. There was a sudden knock on the door. " coming." I called as I got off the couch. I unlocked and opened the door. " Daddy's home, did you miss me?" H said as I gasped.

" And James!" James said. " shut up James!" H growled. " let go of me!" I heard Niall cry. " let him go! " I growled. " Say you'll come with us and never try to escape again or I'll have my buddies kick the shit out of your precious boyfriend nermal." H said. " it's Niall!" I said. " Nermal. Niall. Who really gives a shit!" H snarled. " do you agree?" H snapped as he looked me in the eyes as his grip tightened on my arm. I yelped in pain but didn't say anything. " I SAID DO YOU AGREE?" H snapped louder as his grip grew even stronger. I yelped again and then spoke, " Yes." I squeaked out in pain. " Good! Guys let go of nermal! let's go home!" H snarled. " I'm not gonna let you take her again!" Niall screamed. Z kicked Niall in the stomach and he fell to the ground in pain. " we do as we please, talk like that to H or any of us again and I'll put a bullet through your head!" Z growled. Niall gulped scared and then back away. And just like that I was their captive again.

- Little Miss Sunshine X

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