Chapter 14 - Day 10

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Liam had a terrible grudge against H. After their fist fight last night it just made it worse. H not only gave Liam the hate eye but he gave me the extra hate eye. " Why the hell are you giving me that look! What did I ever do to you?" I said putting my cereal box on the counter. "Nobody says no to this." H said as he walked by me. " I didn't say no to you, you kidnapped me and brought me here." I said as I poured the cereal into the bowl. " I was trying to be romantic, it's not my fault you're a fighter." H said with a dirty smirk. " don't give me that smirk. Liam is over there." I reminded him. " let Payne watch, who cares. You're still mine." H said as he put his arms around my waist. " you're lucky he isn't watching cause his hatred towards you would grow even bigger than it is now." I warned him. Liam looked up and saw Harry's hand on my sides. He coughed and I looked away awkwardly. H looked at Liam with a big grin on his face. Liam got up and started growling lowly to H but I could hear everything. " what do you think you're doing touching my girl?" Liam asked with a burning fiery red face. " I can touch her if I want to this is the wild Payne, May the best man win." H said. " I'll give you the god damn wild when I take you to the zoo and lock you in with the gorillas." Liam said. Z laughed and threw his banana peel at Liam and it landed right on his face and then into my Cereal bowl. " when I asked for banana in my cereal this is not what I meant." I said looking at Z. Lou just laughed. I took the peeling out of my bowl and threw it in the garbage. " You're the only monkey here you bozo." H said to Liam. " Hahahaha very funny you're a UHB." Liam said. " what in the world is a UHB?" I asked Liam. " it's a unidentified human being." Liam said. " which is an alien." Z said. " I'm not an alien!" H snapped. " I don't want you probing my girlfriend, now get." Liam said. H angrily stormed out of the room and through the front door. " probing me? Really Liam." I said rolling my eyes. " what... You don't know what that dirty guy is hiding. I don't want his fingers having its ways with your body. You're my girl, not his." Liam said. " yes I agree H is very grabby, but I highly doubt he's an alien." I said with a smile. " you say that now until he sticks a straw in your head to suck out your brain." Liam said. " okay. You've been watching too many alien films, H is not an alien, you like pissing him off don't you?" I asked him. " it's fun, I just don't like him around you." Liam said. I could see the fear in his eyes as he had his hands around his coffee cup. " H doesn't want to take no for an answer." I told him. " he's gonna have to start cause I'm sick of him lying his dirty hands on you." Liam said as he picked up our puppy. " last night was a perfect example of why I don't want him near you, he snuck into our bed, if I fell asleep without knowing he was there, he could've made a move on you." Liam said. " you've got a point." Z said to Liam. " finally, someone who understands!" Liam said happily. " If H was an alien, he would be green and have antennas growing out of his head." I said looking at Liam. " being in a battle with H over me is a terrible game that I won't partake in." I said walking off with my cereal. " omg." Lou said looking out the window. " H is outside in his gym shorts, and his hand glove... He's taking it really hard on that punching bag." Lou pointed out. " let him, at least he takes his anger out on that bag then on me." Liam stated as he finished his coffee. " you should go and apologize, that wasn't very nice." I said looking at Liam. " apologize? He's the one who should be apologizing for putting his hands on you." Liam said as he put his hand on mine. " I don't want to talk about it, I will be in the library if you need me." I said to Liam. I walked off down the hallway. Liam walked awkwardly towards the tree near where Harry was angrily punching his fists into the bag of sand. " Hey." Liam said. " what do you want Payne?" Harry growled as he continued to punch the bag. " I came to apologize for what I said earlier, it was over the line, and I shouldn't have called you an alien. Please just don't touch my girl anymore. Can you forgive me?" Liam asked him as he stopped punching the bag and snorted at Liam. " Can I forgive you? Possibly. No I won't stop putting my hands on Kat, she's fair game. Out here in mans land it's survival of the fittest. good luck." H said. " good luck my ass." Liam mumbled as he came back into the house. " So how did it go?" Z asked. Liam sighed and then sat on the couch. " can I have a smoke?" Liam asked Z. " Sure pal." Z said as he took out a cigarette and handed it to liam as Liam lit it. " He told me he's not gonna lay his hands off of my girl, he called her fair game which only pissed me off even more than I was before." Liam said as he took a smoke off of it and blew the smoke out. " there's only one thing I know, H isn't gonna give up without a fight, if H sees something and he really wants it as his own, he'll stop at nothing to have it." Lou said as he sat down next to Liam and stole his smoke out of his fingers. " I'm not gonna let him take her away from me, she means everything to me. H is only gonna use her to satisfy his needs." Liam said as he got up and walked away down the hall. He opened the door and walked in to where I was sitting reading a book. " I talked to him." Liam said to me. " And?" I asked him curiously. " he possibly forgives me and he told me that you're fair game and that he's gonna continue to put his hands all over you, but always remember you're my girl. You know that you're my girl right?" Liam asked me with a smile. " Yeah, I know that." I said smiling back. " That's my girl." Liam said as he kissed my lips. " I wasn't kidding about brining him to the zoo and locking him up with gorillas, I'm gonna do that one day." Liam said to me. " you're so malicious." I said pushing him playfully. " hey he's the one who pisses me off most of the time." Liam corrected. " I didn't know gang members fought amongst themselves I always thought they only fought against other people." I said confused. " nah, we fight all the time as a group, I guess having a girl around really changed us all." Liam said as he held my hand. " don't let him fool you, he's a dirty monster." Liam said as he kissed me. " I love you." I said as I kissed him back. " I love you too." Liam said he ran his hand through my hair. " meeting you was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wouldn't regret it ever." Liam said as he smiled and Put my head on his legs and willingly and restlessly fell asleep on his lap. Today was a scary but also amazing day. ;)

- Little Miss Sunshine X

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