Chapter 11 - Day 7

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H wasn't willing to give me up that easily to let me slip out of his grasp like butter melting out of someones hands. He threw his smoke onto the ground and stepped on it with his leather brown work boots. He had his hair In a quiff and a leather jacket on. " mmmmm!" a muffled voice screamed from the trunk. " shut up in there!" H growled as he slammed the trunk door with his fist. " ouch, SON OF A BITCH!" H snarled as he held his injured hand in his good one. " Mmmmm!" the muffled scream said again. Nobody knew that the muffled cries for help were coming from me, I was being held hostage in H's trunk. " quiet down babe, we will be there in a little while." H said as he unlocked the trunk. He helped me out of the trunk and forced me into the passenger side seat. He took the duct tape off of my mouth and then shut the door after I was buckled. " there now stay quiet." H growled. I opened my mouth to speak but then closed it. " that's my girl!" H said as he smiled and winked at me. I folded my arms across my chest. H grabbed my hand and held it in his. " there that's better." H said as he drove down a road I didn't recognize. " I'm taking you to my most favorite place in the whole world, my wooden lake house." H said. " Its just gonna be me and you and nobody else. we could cuddle or go swimming or I can teach you how to juggle." H said happily. H heard my stomach growl. He laughed and then smiled. " sound like someones hungry, don't worry babe. I will make you lunch as soon as we get there. " okay this is getting boring, talk to me." H said. I opened my mouth and only one word came to mind "psycho" I said softly. " what was that my love?" He asked me. " I said I like you." I lied with a convincing smile. " I like you too." H said. He stopped his car in the front of a beautiful log cabin with glass doors and a front porch with lights and a swing. It overlooked a lake with the water just a few foot steps away. H pulled me towards the door and unlocked it. " welcome to case dell styles!, my beauty. let me give you a grande tour." H said as he untied the rope on my hands. He grabbed my hand and walked me down the hall. " this is the master bedroom, or should I say our love chamber." H said with a wink. He pulled me down the hall farther, "this is my library." Harry said as he opened a door, I gasped In happy shock. " ahhhh. The sound of happiness." H said as he pulled me back near the master bedroom "the room across the hall is the master bathroom." H said with a smile. He pulled me back Into the beginning of the large house, " this is the kitchen, it's very open and has handmade marble counters and brand new appliances thanks to my parents." H said as he kissed my cheek. " and this is our living room and look all the GTA games you can think of and a large flat screen tv with a blue ray DVD player." H said as I tried out the couch and he put his arm around my shoulders. " isn't this great angel!" H cried happily. He lit a cigarette and took a puff off of it. " oh I almost forgot! I got you a little something!" H said as he walked up to the coat closet. He pulled out a bag and handed it to me. " for my beautiful girl." H said as he had the smoke in his mouth. He smoked half of it and then put it out in the ashtray. I opened it and then smiled. " H, did you have someone make this? It's beautiful!" I said with a smile. It was a necklace with my name on it in letters. " I'm glad you like it. I know people, they gave it to me for free... I sell them pot." H said. " you sell drugs?" I asked him as my eyebrows raised in shock. " only on the side babe, besides if anyone tries to hurt you I always come loaded." H said as took out his pocket knife. I gulped as my face turned white. My heart raced a mile a minute every time my eyes hit that knife, I wanted it off of the table. " is my knife scaring you, sorry babe I'll put it away. I want you to feel comfortable here. This is our home now." H said as he kissed my cheek again. " I like angel better." I said. " angel it is." H said as he put the knife away in a box. " there now that that's gone, let's have some fun! Oh lunch! I almost forgot, what would you like my angel?" H asked as he opened up the fridge. " do you have shaped Macaroni and cheese?" I asked him. " yeah." H said, " I keep that stocked in my cabinets, it's my favorite." H said as he pulled out a box. " Pepsi right?" He asked me with a smile. " diet Pepsi." I said. " diet it is." H said as he pulled out two cans. " go ahead and make yourself at home, I'm gonna start cooking." H said with a smile. It seemed like he loved to smile at me. Secretly I loved his dimples when he smiled. Even though he scared me and I was terrified of him Because of his large amount of weapons, deep down there was a kind caring side of H, and whenever I was with him I seemed to bring out that side of him. If helping him become kinder meant me being stuck here with him, as long as he didn't try anything on me, I'd be fine. Who am I kidding of course he'll try things, he always does. I sighed and stuck my hand into the couch cushion and pulled out something papery and green, I opened it and smiled. A 100 dollar bill. I'm rich! yes!

I tried to put it in my shirt pocket and a voice made me jump. " what did you find?" H asked me. " nothing... Just money." I said with a playful sigh. " that's a bummer." H said with a wink. " go ahead and keep it, I have tons of money. My parents are rich but I chose the bad boy gang lifestyle, I know, I know. You're expecting me to have some kind of backstory that I ran away from home when I was little, my father or mother was an alcoholic and all that sob story crap. Unfortunately, that's not what happened." H said with a laugh. " my parents don't approve of my life style choice so they left me a boat load of cash and this lovely lake house and I've lived alone since I was 16." H said. " so what about your life?" H asked me. " well..." I said, " I wasn't as fortunate as you." I started out. " I was raised in a small town by my parents, moved to Los Angeles, meet Niall because he was the only guy my parents would approve of. I met Jennette and we became best friends. I came to LA to be a writer, I wasn't rich." I said holding the 100 dollar bill in my hand as a tear fell down my cheek. " Jennette was the only thing I had close to a real sibling, I was an only child." I finished. H whimpered and then put his head on my shoulder. " I'm so sorry." H said as he hugged me. " I have an older sister but she went off to college unlike me. And now here I am with a beautiful girl and a wonderful life." H said as he held my hand. " yeah." I said. " I'm sorry about everything that happened before, me and the guys got so excited about having a girl in the house." H said as he got up. He poured the macaroni into a strainer and put the meal together. We ate in silence and then I yawned and walked into the bedroom, I flopped down on the bed and as soon as my head gently hit the pillow, I fell asleep.

- Little Miss Sunshine X

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