Chapter 22 - Day 17 (night)

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All day I worried about wither or not I would ever see Niall again... This is my only chance to see him, I snuck down the hallway and tiptoed to the door that lead to the basement I opened it half way when suddenly a hand landed on the door and slammed the door shut. " Where do you think you're going?" a voice growled curiously. I gulped and turned around on high alert. " I was going to.. check on tinker bell." I said happily. " We both know damn well that tinker bell is in the living room, now where the hell are you going!" Z growled as he angrily push me up against the door. " Besides, today's our day together... you didn't forget did you?" Z asked with a smirk. " Uh.. I... I have to use the bathroom.." I said walking and shutting the door behind me as my breathe increased. Being alone with this crazy dirty perverted monster was something I didn't want. I just wanted to spend time with Niall. I walked out into the hallway where Z stood up against the wall with his arms crossed. " Can I please go down to the basement?" I asked him. " No Nermal!" Z growled as he blocked the door. " Z move!" I growled as I pushed him aside and walked down the stairs. " Niall?" I asked curiously. I heard Niall cough and then he put his hand through the cage. " Kat." Niall said happily. " Niallbear." I said holding his hand. " I don't have long... Z is coming for me!" I cried as someone grabbed my hair and pulled me backwards. " I told you No Nermal what part of NO NERMAL do you not understand?!" Z growled as he held me by my hair as I could feel his breathe hitting my neck. " Disobeying one of your Masters calls for punishment!" Z snarled as he dragged me upstairs. " Please! No.. Don't hurt me!" I cried. Z whistled and the other four entered the room. " We've got a rule breaker!" Z snarled as he threw me to the floor. " I almost forgot today is the day I punish you for yesterday." H said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hallway. He sat down on a chair and threw me across his lap. " what are you gonna do to me?" I cried upset. slap! " Owwww." I cried. " There's twelve more where that came from." H growled as he raised his hand. " Now count!" He snarled as he kept his hand raised in the air.

2... "Owww." I cried. 3... " please stop" 4... " it stings please stop." 5..." No! Stop!" 8... " UGHHH!" 12... " There all done."

my bum was red and sore. " that's all for today... I hope you've learned your lesson." H snarled as he kissed my cheek. " the punishments will get more painful every time you disobey us.. stay away from Nermal.. you're mine and only mine!" H growled as he looked at me with fire in his eyes. " Yes H." I said. " Good girl now go play some GTA." H said as he kissed my cheek again and then walked off. " I took and ice pack out of the freezer and sat on it. at first I cried because it hurt but then the cold of the ice pack numbed the pain away. To make H happy I turned on some GTA and played. " That's my girl." H said as he jumped over the back of the couch and sat next to me. " Jennette and Z are going to the night club do you wanna come along?" H asked. " Ummm... sure." I said. If it meant spending extra time with my best friend I was all for it. " Be careful I'm a dirty dancer." H said as he placed hand on mine. " Fun." I said with a fake smile. " We're gonna have so much fun tonight!" H said with a smile. " I need a night out, I miss the fresh air and the open town." I said. " Then it's settled we leave at 7:00." H said as he kissed my cheek. " Make sure to wear something good, something that'll make me hard." H said as he growled happily. " TMI." I said walking off. I walked into H's bedroom and flung myself onto the bed. It felt as if someone or something was under the bed. I didn't pay much attention to it, Instead I drifted off into a two hour nap. " Wake up!" H said. I groaned and rolled over. " But I don't wanna!" I cried. " I made us a dinner." H said. I yawned and rolled out of bed. the light was dimmed low and two candles were light. " wheres everyone else?" I asked him. " Z took Jennette out to eat and the other three well they went into town." H said. " What did they go into town for?" I asked H. " That's none of your business." H mumbled under his breathe. " what was that?" I asked him. " That's none of your business! now shut up and eat this delicious dinner I made you! god you're so nosey." H growled. I started to cry as H's facial expression turned from angry to remorseful. " I'm sorry I snapped at you babe..." H said as he tried to hug me. " Don't touch me!" I said. " Eat dinner by yourself... I'm not hungry." I said as I walked off. I went into James's bedroom and cried as I hugged James's pillow. I cried myself to sleep that night. the door opened and the light from the hallway light up the room. "Can I come in?" A voice asked. I moaned and rolled over to see H's eyes glowing in the dark as they stared at mine. " Geesh! You almost gave me a heartattack!" I cried as I rubbed my eyes. " I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to scare you... I came to apologize and to bring you a little I'm sorry present I picked up while you were asleep." H said. H turned on the light and put a bag on the bed. " I hope you like it, it's to show you how much you mean to me." H said as he put his hand on mine. I opened the bag and suddenly all my sadness turned into anger. " Is this some kind of a joke?! Drugs really?!" I cried angrily. " I.. Uh... Um..." H stammered dumbfounded. " that's what I thought, you only care about yourself. And I thought actually you might love me. But boy was I so stupid to believe you could love me." I said as I rolled my eyes and threw the bag to the ground. I took a towel and placed it on the sand and sat down as I looked out at the ocean. " Beautiful isn't it?" A voice asked me. I looked up to see Liam and I smiled. " Yeah it's breathtaking... I love watching the sun go down. It's so, peaceful." I said with a smile. Liam sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me. " Harry brought home drugs right?" Liam asked me as if he read my mind clearly. " Yeah, instead of bringing me home an apology gift.." I said rolling my eyes. " that curly haired punk doesn't know how to treat a lady properly." Liam said. " You can say that again." I said with a chuckle. " you have an amazing laugh." Liam said with a smile. " are you kidding me?! I laugh like a lunatic!" I said. " a beautiful curly haired, blue eyed lunatic that's all mine." Liam said as he kissed my forehead. " that's my favorite star right there." Liam said as he pointed to a bright star in the light up sky above. " wanna know why it's my favorite?" Liam asked me. I just shrugged and he smiled. " it's my favorite because I named it after someone I truly love... You." Liam said as he kissed my lips. " you named a star after me.. That's so cute!" I said happily. " tomorrow night let's say we try again for that baby after all it's been a month and a half since our last try." Liam said with a smile. "Okay daddy Payne... I'll be ready for you to rock me hard." I said with a smirk and a wink.

- Little Miss Sunshine X

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