Chapter 28 - Day 22 (Marcel)

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Finding Kelsey that night in that alleyway changed my life forever, what she went through at home I'm not surprised she left, I would've left too. The bruises covering her legs and arms made me realize what abuse really was like, I never had encountered someone who had suffered from abuse before. It hurt me that someone could do such an awful thing to a kind hearted girl like Kelsey. I vowed that night I'd ask her to be my girlfriend and that I would keep her safe and never let anyone hurt her ever again. Every day I imagined what this Tom character would look like, I imaged he had the bad boy look of my twin brother James. I shook the thoughts out of my mind and paid my attention towards Kelsey who was looking out the window watching the squirrels chase each other. The way the light shined off of her brown curls made them look almost golden. She looked at me with a smile and then waved her hand for me to come join her. " See that squirrel looking at me?" She asked me with a smile. " Yep I see it." I said with a chuckle. " I named him Freddy." She said with a smile. " If that's Freddy then who are the other five?" I asked her holding her hand. " His paparazzi." She said laughing. " So Freddy is famous?" I asked her curiously. "Exactly." She said as she got up and walked to the mirror. She touched the bruises on her arm and starting crying into her hand. I turned her around gently and held her in my arms. " I love you." I told her as I rocked her back and forth in my arms. " I... I love you too." She said softly. I raised my hand in the air and she flinched away. " I'm not gonna hit you, I'm stretching." I said with a serious look on my face. She cried and walked off and hid behind the couch. " Baby, please come out I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." I said holding her hand as I helped her up. " be careful with your hand movements I'm very sensitive." She said as she hugged me. " Will do love." I said holding her close. She avoided coming into the sunlight because of her scars. I invited my brother James to come visit to meet her for the first time. " Kels, I have someone I want you to meet." I said taking her hand as I brought her into the kitchen where my brother sat at the table. I lifted my head slowly and me and James's eyes meet. " "Maria." James said happily. " Her name isn't Maria it's kelsey bozo." I said looking at him. " That's not what she told me on the bus." James said. " She was scared..." I said to James. " Oh right, Marcel told me all about you. Man that sucks." He said offering me to sit next to him. Instead I sat next to Marcel as he put his hand into mine. " James." I growled quietly. " So you and my brother are a thing now?" He asked her. " Yeah." She said with a smile. I put my nose to hers as she smiled as I kissed her forehead. " I'm glad my brother found love. Nerds need girlfriends too." James said. " Just because Marcel is very intelligent doesn't make him a nerd." She said. That's the longest sentence shes said so far. " Your girlfriend can defend herself." James said with a smile. " of course she can shes very amazing." I said with a smile. " Awwwh Marcey." She said as she smiled. " it's true." I said kissing her cheek. " she's a charm isn't she?" I said to James. " Yes." He said with a smile. " if you ever decide that my brother is a real bore, I'm always available." James said as he winked at her. She blushed and then walked off. " God James you're such an idiot." I said walking off after her. " I'm just offering." James said with a chuckle like it was a joke. " She's not interested." I said angrily. " Calm down guarddog, you're like a personal pitbull." He said with a smile. " I'm gonna protect her with my life after all she's been through I can't risk letting her get hurt again." I said looking at him. The next morning something horrific happened, I'm ashamed of what I did. Kelsey decided to get up early and do the dishes and put them in the dish washer. she was washing a sharp knife when I crept up behind her playfully as she wiped around quickly and accidentally cut my hand with the knife. Fear and embarrassment filled her face and her eyes. " What the heck! You cut my hand! the next time you do that I'll cut your fingers off one by one." I snarled angrily. Her eyes filled with tears and she walked off crying. My face filled with regret at what I had just done, After all I've never yelled at anyone like that before. I cleaned the blood off the cut and put some healing cream and a bandaid on it. It wasn't a big cut it was the size of a large paper cut. I searched the entire house for her until I heard crying coming from the closet in the hallway. " Kels?" I asked her kindly. " Just leave me alone! Don't hurt me or touch me!" she cried. " Kels, I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm ashamed of what I did please come out of there I just want to hug you." I said. The closet door clicked open and she slowly came out of it. I gently grabbed her hand as she collapsed into my arms. " I'm so sorry. I love you and I would never ever hurt you." I said rocking her back and forth in my arms. She didn't say anything she just stayed in my arms, to me that was a sign of forgiveness. I put my nose to her as she smiled."Look what I bought." I said holding out the box of contacts. " You bought them... I was kidding." She said. " I'm still gonna wear them to make you happy." I said looking into her eyes. I walked into the bathroom and took my glasses off and put in the two contacts. I looked at myself in the mirror and for once in my life without those things on my eyes I could see clearly. I walked out into the hallway as she smiled. " You look amazing." she said as she kissed my lips. " We're gonna make great parents." I said hugging her gently. " Careful our baby is a kicker." she said with a laugh and a smile. I put my hand on her stomach as I felt a thump. " Yep he just kicked." I said with a smile. we spent our day taking a walk in the woods behind my house as she pointed out all the animals she saw. I liked the way she got excited over nature, it made me smile to see her face light up when she saw an animal she liked. "Ewwww Spider." she said grossed out. " Don't worry baby, I got this." I said confident. I rolled up a magazine and smacked the spider dead with it. " There now it's gone." I said with a smile. " My hero." she cried happily hugging me. " I see you don't like spiders, I don't like them either they're nasty little creatures." I said making a grossed out face. she laughed happily as she looked at me. " What was so funny?" I asked her. " Your facial expression when you get grossed out it was cute." She said with a smile. " What this?" I asked her making the face again. " Yeah that's the one." she said happily. She continued laughing as her face went from happy to serious and worried in a matter of seconds. " Marcey?" She said. " Call an ambulance, my water just broke." she said with a serious face. I ran to the phone and dialed 911 and explained what was going on. they told me that they were on their way here and to not worry. I grabbed the already packed baby bag and the carrier and loaded them into the car. I waited for the ambulance to come and I looked into her eyes when it stopped. " I'm gonna be right behind you." I said. " Okay." She breathed in pain. " Promise me you won't pop that baby out until we get to the hospital." I told her. they got her into the ambulance and before she shut the door she mouthed 'I Promise', I got into my car and popped on my seat belt I stayed right behind the ambulance the whole ride. they brought her into the hospital on one of those hospital beds and got her into one of the room in the delivery room. They put in a IV and told her to breath calm breaths. When it was time the doctor said. " Okay Kelsey Sweetie, You're gonna have to push hard this first time when you're ready start." She said. I held her hand and looked her in the eyes. " We're ready." I told the doctor. This was it nine months and the baby was ready to pop out, god the suspense of seeing the baby was killing me. But I stayed with her the whole time until the baby came out and the doctor spoke. " It's a healthy baby boy." She said as I cut the cord and they swaddled a blanket around him, the nurse helped her sit up manually and then the doctor handed her the baby. " my little boy." She cried happily. At that moment our family was finally complete and we were ready to begin our journey as parents.

- Little Miss Sunshine x

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