Chapter 17 - Day 13

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Yeah so I tried to kill my girlfriend, she was a bitch anyway... It sucks that my damn plan failed. I need to see her, I can't believe I'm actually saying this but.... I miss her. I walked to James's front door and knocked. Surprisingly Z answered. " H! Where have you been?" Z asked shocked. " I ran away to think about what I'd done.... Can I see her?" I asked him. " you're so lucky it's just me and her here, Liam is really pissed off at you." He said with a scared face. " She's down the hall in Liam's room reading. Make your visit worth while." Z said as he let me through. I walked down the hall and stopped at Liam's bedroom door, I took a deep breathe and knocked gently. " Come in." She said in her sweet caring voice. I opened the door and she looked up from her and threw her book at me. " "Woah watch the aim I need this someday." I said covering my area with my hands. " what are you doing here?! You tried to kill me! You're a pshychopath! " she screamed at me. As she was ranting on with anger I grabbed her body and pulled her close as I kissed her lips. " listen, I'm sorry. I've been an ass this whole time to you and I didn't mean to hurt you, I don't know why I snapped like that that night, I love you. Please come back to me." I cried as I fell onto my knees. " Well, well, well, cry me a river why don't you!" A voice laughed. I looked up and standing in the doorway was Liam. " Payne." I said with a snarl. " leave my girl alone H, we're trying to a have a baby." Liam said as he put his hand on her stomach. " you're gonna have a baby with him?!" I said shocked. " I..." She said. She walked out of the room and out towards the sidewalk. And then she saw someone and she smiled happily. " Niall!" She cried as he ran up to her and hugged her. " I miss you babe." He said kissing her lips. " I missed you more Niall." she smiled. " so this is nermal!" I said with a laugh. " his name is Niall! Not nermal! And he's my boyfriend. Leave him be. Come on Niall let's go inside." She said taking his hand. " but babe... You're with me remember?" Liam said with a smile. " I'm sorry Liam, but my heart belongs to Niall." I said.

" SON OF A BITCH! I WAS THIS CLOSE TO MAKING HER MINE FOREVER, AND THEN HE SHOWS UP AND RUINS EVERYTHING!" Liam screamed as he punched the door with his fist. " She never loved you Liam, and she never loved me she played us both like fools! She played our affection just so she could slip through our fingers and get back to that nerdy ass Nermal!" I said as both our faces turned red. " That Bitch! She's a whore! She made love to both of us!" Liam growled. We both stormed through the door and into the library where she was sitting with Nermal as she romantically read to him. I grabbed her up by her throat and pushed her up against the wall. " You two timing slut! I'm gonna choke the life out of you and make Nermal over here watch in horror." I said as I laughed and tightened my grip on her neck. " any last words?" I asked her. " I love you. I've always loved you." She said as she coughed. My face went blank and then filled with pain. " what are you doing dude, choke the life out of this whore!" Liam snarled as he held the blonde kid named Nermal back. " you don't love me! you never loved any of us! You played us! And now we're gonna kill you!" I growled as I got on top of her. " Liam I didn't get the chance to tell you this but I'm pregnant." She cried out. Liam's face went blank and his eyes watered. " Harry, don't kill her. She's got my baby inside of her." Liam said with a sigh and a growl. " say goodbye to Nermal, because he's never allowed back here again ever. You're still my girl and that gonna be our baby." Liam said. I dragged Niall down the hall, as She cried. " Niall! No..." She cried as she fell to the ground. " I'm sorry I lost control like that, we're gonna be a happy family." Liam said he kissed her cheek. She wasn't really pregnant, She just didn't want to die. She kicked Liam in between the legs and ran towards Niall, She grabbed his hand as She pulled him back into the house and into one of empty bedrooms, She locked the door behind them."Who's this?" A voice asked which made her jump. She sighed as she turned around, " James." She said happily. " hello darling. So this is Niall I presume?" James asked with a smile. She shook her head happily as she pulled Niall into the closet, can we sleep in here?" She asked James, " go ahead, be my guest." James said putting out his smoke. " thank you." She said with a smile. "No problem sweet thang." James said with a smile. " the others call Niall, Nermal." She said with a laugh. " I know, I heard them." James said.

" you can stay in here under one condition." James said. " and what's that?" She asked him. " you have to sleep with me in my bed every night." James said with a smile. " I swear to god if you try anything on my girlfriend I will kick your ass!" Niall said. " Yeah, yeah calm your hormones, Nermal." James laughed. " I'm serious man keep your hands and lips to yourself." Niall snarled. " James is nothing like Harry, he has self control." She said to Niall. I wasn't ready to let her go she was my girl, I claimed her I would have her back and Liam's baby will be ours and Nermal will be a thing of the past make no mistake about that. Liam's got another thing coming watch out Payne because daddy styles is in the house and I always get what I want and what I want is her.

- Little Miss Sunshine X

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