Chapter 26 - Day 20 (Part 1)

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James did his best to try to protect me from H's raging anger that blew up like an active volcano. The littlest things set him off, from when I refused to please him from being cute with Liam. H's jealousy set off his anger and he lashed out. His knife, I had totally forgotten about since I was now in Liam's safe arms was H's favorite weapon of choice. He started abusing me, hitting me with pans and newspaper and anything he could find, he slapped me and kicked me until I coughed up blood. H wanted me to suffer the same pain he was suffering in his deep dark hole of a heart. " You selfish two faced Bitch! We had everything and you choose WRONG! I gave you everything!" H screamed at me one night as I ran down the hallway and into Liam's bedroom. I turned around and gasped in horror and betrayal. I gave Liam everything and here he was making love to some other chick. " What the hell?!" I growled angrily. Liam saw me standing there and stopped kissing her. " You.. I can't believe you would do this to me! I thought you loved me and to think I was gonna have a baby with you! I'm so done with you Payne. DONE." I growled as I walked out the door angrily. " You're so stupid" H said. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and held him up against the wall. " Lay off of me." I snarled. "Wait! Come back!" Liam yelled to me as he jumped into his jeans. " Go Away." I growled. " But listen..." Liam said. " I SAID GO AWAY!" I growled angrily. Liam walked off and H's mouth was wide open in shock. I cried as I threw a rock into the open water. H walked up behind me slowly. " Forget Payne... Come back to me." H said in my ear. I tried to hide a smile. but something deep inside of him made me want him more even though he had a dark side. The less and less I saw his dark side the more I grew to love him. " Be mine forever. We both know you can't resist me." H said as he wrapped his arm around my waist. " If only you would release your light side more often... that would be amazing." I said looking out at the ocean. " I'm willing to start if you promise to be mine, and mine alone." H said with a smile. " You just think I'm gonna come crawling back to you after you tried to kill me with a pocket knife?!" I cried. I walked off into the woods and kept walking pushing tree limbs and low branches out of my way. I could hear H yelling for me. But I didn't care, I needed to get as far away from that psychopath as possible. He was a living nightmare with a ticking timebomb temper. All those horrible memories flashed in my head. I kept walking hoping these woods would lead to a town or something. I pushed past the last tree and came to a small part of downtown L.A. I walked down the sidewalk into the mingling crowd of people, I put my hood up and kept walking. I could feel the cold from a distance and knew he tried following me. I opened a door and walked into the building. Please be somewhere safe. I breathed a sigh of relief as I slid down the wall happily. The building I had walked into was the bakery I worked at. " Thank You." I said kissing the floor. " Ummm.. What are you doing?" a voice asked me curiously. I looked up to see a face staring at me. I got up and smiled. " I was thanking god for giving me a safe place to hide." I said looking into the boys eyes. " You look a lot like H..." I said scared. " H..? You know my twin brother?!" the boy said shocked. " He captured me and held me captive for 20 whole days." I cried. " I'm Marcel. My brother won't be able to harm you ever again... Why don't you come stay with me and my girlfriend Kelsey... She's shy so I'm hoping a new friend will help her come out of her shell." Marcel said. " I'm Katlynn." I said holding out my hand. " Nice to meet you Katlynn." Marcel said happily. I turned around as H smriked at me. I screeched and jumped behind Marcel. " Long time.. No see Marcel... How's that socially awkward girlfriend of yours? Step aside so I can take my girl with me back to our cabin." H said. " Please don't let him take me." I cried. Marcel's face turned bright red with anger. " My girlfriend is not socially awkward!!! she has autism." Marcel growled. " You're not taking her.. I'm letting her live with me and Kelsey. Away from you, you vicious monster." Marcel said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. I opened the door and almost got in the car, a hand gripped my wrist and whipped me around. " Where do you think you're going! Don't make me angry again! Hope in that car with him and You'll regret it." H said as he let go of my arm. I anxiously jumped into the passenger side seat and shut the door. H pounded his fist on the car window. " You better come out of that car right now! I swear I will come for you and this time I'll use reinforcement!" H snarled. I put on my seatbelt and Marcel started the car and drove off. " You just made a big mistake! nobody says no to Harry Edward Styles! I will destroy you." H screamed. I slumped down in my seat and cried. Marcel pulled up to his big mansion/house and parked the car. " After you." Marcel said as he held open the front door. A girl peeked around the corner and then vanished. " That's Kelsey my girlfriend she's super sweet but extremely quiet and stays to herself most of the time." Marcel said. " Kels, It's okay to come out.. This is Katlynn." Kelsey slowly walked out into the room and we both gasped. " You look like me." Kelsey said. " Twins." Marcel said. " So the family story was true.. I do have a twin sister." Kelsey said. " I'm Katlynn." I said with a smile. " I'm kelsey..." she said. " Kels why don't you give Katlynn a tour of the house." Marcel suggested. Kelsey nodded and then kissed marcel on the cheek, she then took my hand and led me down the hallway. " This is the livingroom." she said shyly. she kept walking. " what's that?" I asked her curiously. " That's Marcel's room but we both share it." Kelsey said. She kept walking quietly. " This is your room." she said opening a door. " I decorated it just for you, hoping one day I would find you." Kelsey said. " My very own room." I said walking into it. " I hope you like it." she said. " I-If you need me I'll be down the hallway." she said as she walked off. she walked off into the kitchen as marcel wiped his glasses off on his shirt and smiled. " Hey babe, did you show Katlynn around?" Marcel asked her. " Yep." was all she could say. " Good Job, I figured a friend would help you open up." He said as he kissed her cheek as she laughed happily. " After Dinner, How about me and you watch that show you like so much." Marcel said as she shook her head in response. she smiled a little at him. "Now what shall we have for dinner princess?" Marcel said as he held her hand and walked her towards the fridge. " Lasagna!" she said happily. " Lasagna? we had that for dinner last night silly! we can't have that for dinner every night." Marcel said. " Hmm... How about pizza?" He said with a smile. She nodded in response with a smile. " I'll take that as a 100% yes." Marcel said as he took the frozen pizza out of the freezer. " While This cooks you can go read a book if you want." Marcel said. She nodded no. " I wanna.. stay here with you." she said softly. " That's fine. That gives me more time to spend with you." Marcel said as he lifted her off her feet and spun her around in the air. She laughed happily. " You're so beautiful, I don't know what I would do without you." Marcel said as he hugged her. " Marcey.. I'll always be here for you." she said as she smiled. I walked into the room and Marcel smiled. " Did you like your room?" Marcel asked me. " I loved it." I said. Kelsey smiled and hugged me. " I'm so happy to see you again sister." kelsey said as she smiled. "Awww." Marcel said as he smiled. " Aren't you gonna cook the pizza? it's still in the box and plastic wrap, if you cook it that way It'll catch on fire." Kelsey said with a smile. " Absolutely true." Marcel said as he took the pizza out of the box and ripped open the plastic wrap. " there much better, right Kels?" marcel asked with a smile. " Yeah." she said as she sat down at the island. I couldn't believe I have a twin sister?! why didnt anyone in my family tell me.

Little Miss Sunshine x

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