Chapter 29 - Day 23 Part 2 (Marcel)

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I held her close, she was shaking in my arms. I wasn't gonna let that monster hurt my girl, not now, Not Ever. That ass has messed with the wrong person. "Is everyone okay?" H asked looking around. "Yeah we're fine, we need to loose these lowlifes! STEP ON IT GOD DAMN IT!" Z said as he pressed the gas and H took control of the vehicle and put it back on course. "GOD DAMN IT! LOOKS LIKE IM GONNA HAVE TO GO FULL FORCE THIS TIME!" Tom said he smashed into the side of our truck. "THOSE ASSHOLES ARE WRECKING MY BEAUTIFUL RIDE WHEN I GET THEM TO SURRENDER IM GONNA BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF BOTH OF THEM, TWICE AS HARD FOR MY BROTHER BECAUSE HES A BACKSTABBING DOOSHBAG!" H snarled as he pushed back and rammed Tom's "Stolen" van. "GIVE US THE GIRL STYLES! DONT MAKE ME HURT YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS!" Tom threatened as he hit the gas again. H squealed his tires as we pulled off the road and into an abandoned alleyway as I put my hand over Kelsey's mouth. "YOU SON OF A BITCH! IM GONNA CUT OUT YOUR ORGANS AND DONATE THEM TO SCIENCE! NOBODY FUCKS WITH HARRY EDWARD STYLES'S RIDE! WHO ARE YOU SCUMBAG?! YOU WANT KELSEY HUH? WELL THAT'S TOO GOD DAMN BAD CAUSE YOU CANT HAVE HER!" H snarled angrily as he light a cigarette and scuffed his boot in the dirt. "IM TOM HER FUCKING STEP BROTHER! WHO ARE YOU TO CALL ME A SCUMBAG?! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME! I COULD DESTROY YOU!" Tom screamed in H's face. They got close almost touching as I held my girl close in the back of the van. "shhhhh babe don't cry, it's gonna be all right. I will protect from harm all around you. I will be here don't you cry." I sang to her. "Cause you'll be in my heart from this day on now and forever more always." She said rubbing her eyes from crying. "Always." I said putting my nose to hers as she smiled. I knew one thing and one thing only I wasn't gonna let that ass take my girl. She's my whole world and I'd fight any battle for her, even if it meant kicking her brothers ass I'd do it. I love Kelsey.

-Little Miss Sunshine X

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