Chapter 21 - Day 16

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H had dragged me into the house and flung me onto the couch. " Stay!" he scolded like he was talking to a dog giving it a command.

" What are you gonna do to me?" I asked nervously. " I need to come up with a punishment for you for trying to escape." H snarled as he walked off. I heard his fist pound the wall as I jumped startled. All the endless possibilities of ways he could punish me. I shuttered at the thought. I'm not gonna let H control my life, I'm not gonna let him hurt me. I thought to myself. H came out sniffling as I could see his eyes were red from crying, " I can't hurt you... But yet, I need to come up with a punishment for you. Ugh." H said as he flung himself onto the couch. " I'm not afraid of you." I growled. " What was that?" H asked as his face turned red with anger. " I said, I'm not afraid of you!" I screamed angrily. " Go ahead punish me all you want! I'm still gonna escape one day and you'll never be able to harm me ever again." I said as my face turned red. " Take that back!" H snarled as he got up and raised his hand in the air. " Never in a million years pretty boy." I said I narrowed my eyes at him. H hit me across the face as he had fire in his eyes. " Now that you said that... I'm gonna make your punishment ten times as painful and worse." H said as he growled as he stormed off down the hallway. Oh no, I had done it again, I had pissed off the devil once more and now I was gonna pay for my actions. " Hey." A voice said. I turned my head to see Liam sitting there with a small smirk across his face. " Hi." I said softly. " Let me guess, H hit you again?" Liam said. " Yeah." I said with a sigh. " Good old H with his anger issues." Liam laughed as he looked me in the eyes. " I meant what I said, I still wanna try." Liam said as he put out his cigarette in the ash tray. the way he smashed it in there gave me goosebumps. " What do you think H is gonna do to me?" I asked him nervously. " Not sure luv, But I don't think H has enough guts in his body to harm you." Liam said with a smirk. " I have plenty of guts!" H snarled as he looked at Liam. " Don't test me Payne.. I'll punish you too as well." H growled as Liam stood up and got into H's face. " Don't threaten me! You lay one finger on her and I swear to god I'll knock the wind out of your lungs." Liam said as got closer into H's face. " Too late, Her punishment has already been set, tomorrow you pain and suffering will begin, unless... you beg on your hands and knees for forgiveness.." H said with a smirk. " Go to Hell." I snarled. " after tomorrow you'll never try to attempt to escape me." H said with a dark laugh as he exited the room. I gulped. dear god, It's me katlynn. Please rescue me from this monster.. I'm too young to die. I said to myself. H wouldn't even tell me what my punishment was let alone set one for me... pain and torture. But the only question was were they gonna make Jennette and Niall watch in horror as I suffer in pain? I don't think Z would allow that. " Niall." I said crawling up to him. " Kat." he said with a small smile. " I can't believe they did this to you! this is inhumane!" I cried holding hand through the cage bars. " I've been through worse... remember the football incident?" He asked me. How I not remember that day had a huge crush on me before we became a couple and he tried out for the football team to try to impress me. " Okay Horan, all you have to do is catch this ball and then run like your life depends on it! can you do that?" the coach asked him patting him on the back. " Yeah... I can try." Niall studdered. " Go get 'em Horan!" the coach said as Niall lined up with the other tall very muscular players. " I'm gonna crush you pipsqueak." one of the guys growled. the coach blew the whistle and Niall backed up fast as he caught the ball, he ran for it and caught it. " Run! Run! RUN!!!!!" Coach shouted as Niall gulped and then ran for it. He got passed five players and then got smashed to the ground like a bug being stepped on. " ouch." I said making a painful face. " Horan? Horan! Can you hear me son?" coach said. " Yeah." Niall said dumbfounded. " I don't think that football is cut out for you." coach said lightly. " Nice try though." he said with a smile. " Yeah you heard coach Horan go back to playing chest or whatever it is you do." one of the boys named Chad said. Chad Derekson was a senior. complete player and jerk. Niall walked off as a tear fell down his cheek. "Niall." my small voice said. Niall turned around. " Oh hey." he said with a smile. he wiped his tears away with his sleeve. " I thought it was really brave of you to try out for the football team." I said with a smile. " I... I... I did it to impress you." Niall said shyly. " Niall, I like you because you're you." I said as I walked closer towards him. " Hmmm... Umm..." He said with a smile. I kissed his cheek and he blushed happily. " would.. would you like to go on a date with me?" he asked me nervously. I smiled brightly. " I would be honored to." I said with a smile.

" Katlynn? Katlynn? KATLYNN!" A voice said as I was pulled back into reality. " Huh?" I asked Niall. " You need to go, I heard footsteps coming this way. come back later okay? I love you." Niall said. " I love you more." I said getting up. we untangled our hands that were locked together and I made my way back out into the hallway and sat back down on the couch. I smiled at the thought of Niall. He was my one and only true Prince Charming. Nobody else compared to Niall, Niall was uniquely amazing. He was my whole world. " I give up, I can't do anything to control you." H cried as he sat down next to me. " Don't give me those crocodile tears... we all know you hate me." I said with a mad expression. He looked at me and then looked away. " Your punishment has been canceled. Liam was right, I don't have enough bones in my body to harm you." H said as he put his arms around me. " You caged him! How could you?!" I cried angrily. " Oh you found Nermal. I have to keep him caged up because if I don't he'll try to touch you." H said with a sigh. " You're a sick individual!" I growled angrily. " I know that, I always will be that way and you cant change that." He snarled.

- Little Miss Sunshine X

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