Chapter 13 - Day 9 ( Night)

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It was night time, me and Liam were sitting by a fire as he was singing a song to me, H watched from the porch as his face filled with anger and jelousy, the night before he had sang to me, and now here was Liam impressing me with his voice. We also roasted marshmallows and made s'mores as the other three fooled around in the warm water of the lake. I saw H standing there looking intently at me and Liam. " He's watching us." I said to Liam. " let him, doesn't bother me any." Liam said. " hey look what James found!" Louis cried. " is that a puppy?" I asked them, " yeah he must've gotten lost." Z said. " Awwwh he's so cute! Can we keep him?" I asked Liam. " Yeah why not. If it makes you happy, you can have him." Liam said. He held the puppy in his arms as the puppy licked his nose. "'Awwww. He likes you." I said. I took the puppy gently from Liam's arms as the other three walked beside me. " let's get you cleaned up little fella!" I said with a smile. I brought him inside and gave him a nice bath. I dried him off. " does H have any stuff?" I asked Z. " yeah, his parents have a dog," he took out two dog bowl and poured some puppy food in one and water in the other. " there you go little muffin." I said putting him down. " Z put some tick and flea stuff on him." James said handing him the puppy. " fine." Z huffed as he took the puppy. " come on pal." Z said holding the small dog in his arms. We had to let him be while he had the flea stuff on. An hour went by and we could hold him. He licked my face and I laughed happily. I put the puppy down and he ran towards H. " umm..hi." H said. He picked the puppy up and put him on the couch. " it's not a boy, it's a girl." Z said. " oh!" I said with a smile. " I'm gonna name you... Uh what should I name her guys?" I asked them. " uh... I'm not really good with girl names." Z said. " let me see her." Louis said. He inspected her little face and then spoke, " you should name her lucky." Louis said with a smile. " lucky? I love it!" I said with a smile. " lucky this is your daddy, Liam." I said holding her up to Liam. Liam put her in his arms and that's first time I saw Liam actually happy. " H you can hold her if you want to." I said to him. " nah, I'm good." He said. " I hate dogs anyway." H growled. " get this ugly thing out of my way." Harry growled. I gasped and picked up the puppy. " don't talk to her like that!" I cried. " H you better watch what you say, if you bark at Liam's girl you piss off Liam and you don't want to piss off Liam." James said. " I'm not afraid of Payne, he's a pussy." H said. Everyone went silent as Liam stood up and growled. " what did you just call me?!" Liam snarled. Liam clenched his fists and crackled his back. " you heard me pussy." H repeated. " Nobody calls me a pussy! I'm gonna knock you out." Liam snarled. "I grabbed my puppy and walked down the hallway into Liam's bedroom. " mommy is gonna keep you safe." I said gently holding the puppy. " stay here." I said to the puppy. I gently closed the door and walked out back into the kitchen. Yeah just as I suspected another fist fight, yawn. By now the fights had gotten boring I was sick of seeing them. " Break it up already!" I screamed. H smacked me across the face and his face filled with rage. " guys shes right, you need to stop fighting. It's getting really old." Z said. " the fight isn't over until I say its over." H said. H hit Liam ten more times and then stormed off angrily. " awwww you're hurt." I said to Liam, his lips was cut and bleeding. I put a wet paper towel over it and then ran into the bathroom to get a bandaid. " there that's better." I said with a smile. " I need a foot rub." James said. " not unless you're paying for one." I said back with a smile. He held out a fifty dollar bill. " will this cover it?" He asked me. " damn for that price you could get a foot rub and a lap dance!" Z said. " sorry boys I don't do lap dances." I said. "Awww come on." James cried. " maybe you could just shake your booty a little for us?" Z asked with a wink. I rubbed James's feet and then got up as James put the 50 on the table. I shook my butt like a dog wagging its tail. Then I sat on Liam's lap as he kissed my lips. " I'm tired wanna go to bed?" Liam asked me. I walked into the bedroom as I flopped down onto the bed and Liam got on his pjs. " goodnight babe." Liam said. " goodnight Liam." I said. " goodnight beautiful." Another voice said. Liam turned on the light and growled. " H! What are you doing?!" Liam growled angrily. " I'm just spending time with my girl." H said with a smile. " go to sleep in your own bed and get out of ours!" Liam snapped. H got out of bed and Liam covered my eyes, " and put on some boxers." Liam said. H left the room and then we both fell into a deep peaceful sleep as our new dog curled up into a ball in the middle.

- Little Miss Sunshine X

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