Chapter 9 - Day 5 (First Escape) Pt. 2

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James and H dragged me into the van as they tied my hand behind my back. " Hello beautiful, we all missed you. You're lucky I care about you cause if I didn't I would've brought weapons." H snarled as he looked me in the eyes. " Go to hell! How dare you kidnap me!" I yelled angrily. James took a roll of ducttape out of the back door and taped my mouth shut. " sorry sweetheart, I had to do that you were babbling too much." James said as he closed the door. I stomped my foot on the floor as I tried to scream. H climbed in the back with me as he played with my curls. " You got away from me, I'm glad I have you back. Now we can have some more fun." H said with a cluck. " don't worry, I won't let the other guys hurt you. You'll be mine forever." H whispered in my ear. My eyes furrowed as he squeezed my boobs, " just how I remember them." H said with a dirty smirk. I tried to scream through the duct tape but I couldn't. I stepped on H's foot as he growled angrily. " just kidding, that didn't hurt me! It's gonna take more than these two little feet to injure me." H sang. " IF YOU DONT WANT TO HAVE ME ALL TO YOURSELF YOU CAN SHARE." H growled happily. I put my nose towards his as he smiled. " oh so you're playing snuggles, I can play that game." H said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I had to play it cool, if I made H happy he wouldn't harm me. If I made them all happy well that would be horrible. All they want is sex, sex and more sex from me, no go to the store and buy us some more beer or rub my feet because they hurt or give me a back scratch. Fuck I hated these five dirtbags, if I could, I would sack them all in the face! But I had to keep my cool. Z drove us back to their hideout. H dragged me and they locked the door behind them, they untied my hands and H gently took off the duct tape. " welcome home!" Liam said he hugged me. All of the guys hugged me and kissed my lips. " I don't wanna be here!" I cried. " oh and by the way H, me and Niall had a wonderful time in bed last night." I said with a wink. " you had sex with him?!" H said angrily. " well, he's my boyfriend so yeah." I said. " No! I'm your man! Not him or any other guy! You're mine and only Mine!" Harry snarled. " let me go!" I growled. " no! You're coming with me!" H growled as he dragged me into his room. " you think Niall made you happy, I'm gonna rock you!" h snarled as he pushed me up against the wall as he kissed my neck, I played like I enjoyed it to give H the satisfaction and victory of a job well done. I got up and got dressed as H had fallen asleep, apparently all that sex made him tired. I snuck into the living room and took a Pepsi can out of the bottom fridge draw. " H made you tired, didn't he?" A voiced asked me. Liam stood up against the counter with a smoke in his mouth, " yeah you could say that." I said with a laugh. " I need a favor." Liam said. oh no! Here it comes! more sexual favors... Ugh! " I need a massage." Liam finally said. I sighed in relief. " yeah sure, I can do that." I said. He took his shirt off and put the chair around backwards as he sat on it. I gave him a nice back massage afterwards he cracked his shoulders and then got up.

" thank you, that felt amazing." Liam said as pulled me close, he kissed my lips passionately. " your reward is... $20 and a free day of me pleasuring you." Liam said as he kissed my lips one more time and headed down the hall. I felt two arms wrap around my waist. " I have a request now... I need a cuddle buddy tonight." Z said as he kissed my neck. " I will cuddle with you on one condition, no sex." I told him. " deal." He said with a smile. I climbed into his bed as he wrapped me in his arms and pulled the blankets over us. " goodnight Kat." Z said. " goodnight Z." I said as my head hit the pillow. Suddenly Z's door swung open as a full on red faced pissed off H stood there. " YOU'RE SLEEPING WITH HIM?! DID I NOT MAKE MYSELF CLEAR ENOUGH WHEN I SAID YOU'RE MY GIRL!" H screamed as he punched a large hole with his fist in Z's wall. " calm down H. She's cuddling with me! It's not like we're fooling around!" Z laughed. H's face turned even reder. " SHES MY GIRL! I NEED TO REMIND YOU OF WHO YOU BELONG TO!" H growled as he pulled me out of Z's bed. He brought me into the living room and made me lean up against the counter and pulled down my pants and underwear. I heard him pull off his pants and underwear. He slammed his way into me as I screamed in pain. " WHOS YOUR MAN?" H growled as he pounded into me. I held in a moan. " I SAID WHOS YOUR MAN?" H growled pushing in harder. " your my man." I said. " What was that? I can't hear you!" H snarled. " YOURE MY MAN!" I screamed in pain. " That's my girl!" H said as he let go and then got out of me. " the next time you betray me I'll cause you even more pain." H snarled. I huffed as I pulled up my underwear and pants. " I saw that! You're such an ass!" Z snarled as he put his arm against H's neck as he slammed him up against the wall. " We swore as a gang, to share her! stop being so god damn selfish and let us enjoy her too!" Z snarled. " Get off of me!" H snapped as he pushed Z away. " Don't you push me! I'm not done!" Z screamed as he pushed H back up against the wall. I grabbed my Pepsi off of the table and opened it, I just sat there and watched, this was actually kind of fun, as long as they didn't kill each other, watching them beat each other up was the best entertainment I had to enjoy in this shity hangout. If swinging fists and blood made me happy, then so be it bring on the fight! two guys fighting is the best kind of fight. I wish had some popcorn! Suddenly the fists were flying as I started cheering and watching. " YOUR GIRL IS CHEERING ME ON STYLES." Z laughed happily. " SCREW YOU SHES CHEERING ME ON!" H snarled. This fight was so amazing! I took a drink of my soda and continued cheering. I hadn't had this much excitement until I went to disney world for the first time! to me this was extremely exciting and sent adrenaline through my body. I finished my soda and threw my can against the wall as I let out a gigantic loud BURRRRRP! both guys stopped fighting and burst out laughing. " Nice one babe." H called out. I blushed embarrased. " uh... Thanks." I said with a small smile. they continued pounding the crap out of each other's until Liam came out and seperated the two. "Awwwh man! that was so exciting I wanted to see who was gonna win!" I cried out loud.

" My girl likes fights! Badass!" Z said as he kissed my cheek. " SHES MY GIRL! And that really turns me on." H said as he smirked. I was now becoming one of them, oh god.

- Little Miss Sunshine X <3 xx

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