Chapter 6 - Day 3

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tonight the weather was crappy outside, it was down pouring and thundering and lightning made the dark sky light up. I was sitting on the couch with all five guys crowding me. Z grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hallway to his room. " Z." I said as he began kissing my neck. " what happened during our first time in the bathroom was only the beginning. Ready for some more?" Z snarled as he smirked.

" What the hell are you doing with my girl!" H snapped as he pulled Z off of me. " the only person who can make love to her is me." H said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me into his bedroom. " Sorry about Z, he's a little bit out of control." H sighed. " A little bit?! Try totally out of control!!!" I screamed as H got closer towards me. " I haven't offically had my turn yet, I'm gonna make tonight very exciting and pleasuring for you my love." H said as he smirked. I gulped and then did the one thing I could do, play the romantic card. or I could just play a sob story. all of sudden I started fake crying. H's face went blank and pale with concern. " What's wrong?" He asked as he sat down next to me on the bed. " it's not you... It's me. I had a guy friend before I met Niall, he looked almost identical to you, we fell in love one summer and then two months later he died in a car accident. I'm not comfortable doing this with you right now. I'm sorry." I said. H put his hand on mine. " no I'm sorry, I should've pushed myself at you like that." H said. " I feel like such an ass right now." H growled. " I'm gonna go sleep on the couch." I fake sniffled. I walked out into the quiet living room and flopped down on the couch. " Please don't hate me right now babe." H said. " I don't hate you H, I'm just not used to having so many guys giving me all this attention." I said. " please come sleep in my bed." H said. " I'm sorry H, I need to sleep here tonight." I said. H sighed, " then I'm sleeping out here too." H said. He walked into his room and dragged his blankets and pillow off of the bed. " you boys have been so kind to me. especially you, H. Thank you." I said. " the schedule still stands beautiful." Z said as he stood up against the wall. " how long have you been standing there Z?" H snarled. " a while, why?" Z asked. H didn't say anything he just put his pillow and blankets on the carpet and I watched him lay there. he was shivering so I got up off the couch and sprawled out on the floor next to H. God what was I thinking?! I kept my hands to myself as I fell asleep. The next morning Niall, who was devastated that I had gone missing, walked to the one place Niall could ask for help, the bakery I worked at. He walked into the door as the door bell went off. " hello, how may I help you?" A girl with blonde hair said. " Yeah, have you seen Katlynn? I went to her house and she's been gone for two days." Niall said as the lady looked at him. " are you related to her?" A voice asked. " I'm her boyfriend, why do you look familiar?" Niall asked puzzled. " I'm jennette, Katlynn's best friend." A blonde haired girl said with a smile. " two hot chocolates please." Niall said as he handed the cashier money. I handed her one of the two as they walked to a table. " before she disappeared she keep going on and on about this H person, she was paranoid and frightened. I thought she was just playing with me." Niall spoke as he looked out the window. " And then you kicked her out, she told me everything the last time I saw her, H does exist. I saw him myself. He took us both captive, they let me go, but she wasn't so lucky. They still have her captive." Jennette said. " H is real?! So she wasn't lying! Omg how could I have been so stupid!" Niall cried. Suddenly the doorbell rang and in came a tall boy with brown curly hair and green eyes walked in, I noticed he had tattoos all over his arms, and a black lip ring. " one iced coffee with extra caramel." He said, she handed him the receipt and he wrote something on the piece of paper and blushed. " call me sometime." He said. Their eyes met and and then Niall quickly looked away. he sat down at the table next to niall and then smiled. " blonde, long time no see." He smirked. " where's my best friend?!" She growled. He took a sip of the iced coffee and then looked at both of them. " You must be Niall the nerd boyfriend, nice to meet you I'm H." He smirked as he looked Niall straight in the eye. " so you're real! where's my girlfriend!" Niall said as tackled H to the floor. " I don't know what you're talking about." H laughed. " you know exactly I'm talking about you psychotic freak!" Niall snarled. " be careful what you call me, I'm the leader of the biggest gang in Los Angeles." H said. " gang or no gang, I'm still going to pound your face in!" Niall snapped as he punched H's face over and over again. " Now tell me where she is!" Niall said. " never short stuff, now get off of me." H growled as he pushed Niall off of him. " she's my girl now, if you come looking for her me and my gang will kill you while we make her watch!" H snarled as he grabbed his coffee off of the table and stormed out of the bakery. Jennette could see the fear in Niall's eyes. Niall angrily pushed the table over and stormed out of the coffee shop as Jennette chased after him. " Hey wait up!" Jennette called. Niall kept running not listening to jennette calling after him. Niall crashed onto the grass in front of my house and started crying. " I should've believed Her! But instead I assumed she made the story all up for attention." Niall sobbed. He pounded the ground with his fists and growled. He realized I wasn't lying and came face to face with the monster I was so horrified of. Would Niall risk his life to save me? Or would he let me stay prisoner to these five psychos and forget all about it and move on without me? What do you think?

- Little Miss Sunshine X

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