Chapter 12 - Day 8 ( Night)

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I was sitting on the swing outside watching the sun go down, Harry was running up and down the beach, I wasn't quite sure why, I just figured it was for exercise. He had his shirt off and he smiled as he saw me sitting there. " what are you doing out here? It's freezing." H said as he wrapped a blanket around me. " I was watching you run." I said with a small smile. " gotta keep in shape for my lady." He said kissing my lips. I walked into the house and sprawled onto the couch as H smiled. " now where am I gonna sit?" He joked with a smile. " I guess I'll sit on this lumpy couch cushion." He said sitting on my side. I laughed as he looked down. " Oh my bad this isn't a couch cushion... It's my girlfriend." He said as he laughed. I was the one to kiss his lips this time and he didn't try to stop me. H got off of me and sat on the couch near my head as I put my head on his lap. " do you think Liam realizes I'm gone?" I asked him. H just growled. " Payne is to chicken." H said. " Ni..." I almost said the name. H just looked at me. " don't say it." H growled. " Nice hair." I finally said. " Niall." I said. "Don't mention him, that's probably who you always think about! Him him him! Never me! Me! ME! Well I'm sick and tired of hearing his name! YOU GOT THAT?!" H growled as he threw me to the floor. " I'm...Sorry! I don't think about him at all I swear! you're always on my mind!" I cried as he took his knife out of the draw and swung it open. " is that so?" He asked me. " Yes!" I said getting up. He shut his knife, and then he laughed. " you thought I was gonna hurt you with my knife... I would never hurt you." H said as he wrapped his arms around me. " I love you." H said. I didn't say anything. " do you love me?" H asked me. " I SAID DO YOU LOVE ME?" He asked again this time squeezing tightly around my waist. " Ye.... yes." I said softly. " You're lying!" He snapped. " No, I'm not!" I said. I walked off and went into the master bedroom I shut the door behind me and sighed. H walked up to the door and knocked. " Babe, please come out, I'm sorry." H said. I had to lie to him. I think he would kill me if I told him I didn't love him and that I thought he was a total psychopath with a bad temper. But, I won't say that. " what do you want?" I cried. H opened the door and walked in. " I know you love me." H finally said. " then why would you think I didn't." I said. " I wanna show you how much I love you." H said. " o...okay." I said with a small smile. " follow me." H said as he took my hand. " I've never showed anyone this before." H said. He walked into a dark room and turned the lights on. " is that?" I asked. " Yeah, it's a piano." He said with a large smile. " I wanna sing to you." H said. I sat down on a chair near the piano. H stretched and then began playing a song, when he opened his mouth and let words flow out he sounded like an angel from heaven. After he was done, I clapped. " that was amazing!" I said hugging him. He got up and took his knife from his pocket once again. " I'm glad you liked it, that's the first time I've ever sang to someone." He said as he smiled. He walked towards me and kissed my lips. He dropped the knife to the carpet as he smiled at me. " please stop with the whole knife thing. It's creeping me out." I said to him. " will do." He said with a laugh. I snuck out of his grip and put my hand on his member. He growled happily. " playing dirty huh?" He said as I took my hand off of it. I kissed his lips as he pulled down his pants and his boxers, he threw my clothes to the floor and pushed me up against the wall gently, he leaned into me and moved faster and harder. I moaned. He let go and everything was fine. " that was my turn to make you happy." I said as I kissed him. I got dressed again and walked out into the kitchen and went to open the door as a hand shut it. " where are your going?" H asked suspiciously. " uhhhh... I'm going to see the stars." I said. " oh okay." He said as he held my hand. I sat on the swing and looked out at the open sky. " I'm glad you were the one to start the fun, usually it's me." H growled. " I don't enjoy it I do it to make you happy." I told him. He laughed as he put a smoke in his mouth. " those loud moans you made tells me otherwise." H said. " I was playing along." I said. " playing along my ass." He said as he laughed. " okay then, no more fun for you then." I said. " what?" H said. " you heard me." I said. I walked into the cabin and took a blanket and pillow and made my bed on the couch. " come sleep with me, it's cold out here." H whined. I groaned and grabbed my stuff and hopped into Harry's bed. But we didn't go to bed, we got into an argument and H slapped me across the face and pushed me to the ground as his knife made a small cut on my cheek. H was horrified at what he did. I cried and slept on the couch that night. I always thought about what would happen if I tried to escape. The knife... Liam. How I missed Liam. And Niall. And Jennette and Harry's other three friends. The only person I didn't think about right now while I was sleeping was H. I heard the master bedroom door open as someone kneeled next to where I was sleeping. " I'm sorry." A voice said. They held my hand and my eyes opened. " who's there?" I asked freaked out. " it's me H. I'm so sorry." He said carrying me to his room. He gently placed me on the bed and wrapped the blankets around the both of us. I heard rustling during the night and got up and snuck to the kitchen on my guard. " who's there?" I asked as the fridge door was open and the light was on. They didn't answer so I went around and I saw them... The clothes! It was Liam! I almost fell to the floor happily. " Liam." I said. " Hm?" He said. He took his head out of the fridge and then smiled and hugged me. " I thought you ran away. But you're safe!" Liam cried as he kissed my lips. "H kidnapped me and took me here." I said. He kept me wrapped in his arms suddenly the kitchen lights went on. " babe whats... You!" H snarled at Liam. " you're a sick person." Liam said to Harry as he looked him in the eyes. " what I took my girl on a vacation. What's so wrong about that?" Harry asked. " yeah, well I came here to check up on you, your parents called me to come and make sure you were okay." Liam said. " I'm just happy shes safe." Liam said. " of course shes safe you numbskull! She's my girl." Harry said. " don't get me pissed off." Liam snarled. Suddenly the door opened and Louis, Zayn and James all walked in. " Beautiful!" James cried as he kissed my lips. " daddy z missed you." Zayn said as he hugged me. " Lou!" I said as I hugged him. " I brought beer!" Zayn said. " sweet GTA!" James said happily. They fought over the controller until I sat down on the couch and then they stopped fighting and handed me the remote. " I'm just here to watch, take turns." I said. " okay." Z said. Now that the guys were there, h had no fighting chance and I was Liam's girl again. Idk what had gotten into me earlier maybe it was my girl hormones going crazy. God was I an idiot.

- Little Miss Sunshine X

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