1- New School Term

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Dear Journal,
                       Los Angeles is a great place to hide, and after what happened with mom and dad I didn't think I could've lived another week at that house. Well we're here and we could finally live a new life, hopefully normal ones.
                      Natalila Bediva.

First days of school are always challenging, that's the sarcastic fun of it. As I walked down the hallway with my brother Jax we made it in front of the administration building. We looked at each other and went in together. We gave in our transfer slits and information so we could get our timetables for the the new year. I thought to myself, Okay Nat, new year, new start but you still gotta be cautious about Kay finding you. I encouraged myself to stay calm as I entered my homeroom which sadly, Jax has a different one.

I chose to sit in the back behind some wannabe biker dude and two plush makeover blondie's sitting next to me. I sighed as it took forever for the class to start, and as I was about to fall asleep the teacher finally came in

"Good morning class, I'm Ms. Roberts and welcome back to school. Before we get into any deeper details for what we have today I want to introduce you to our new student, Natalila Bediva". I walked up in front of the class and everyone was muttering and mumbling things but I could care less "Everyone please make her feel very welcome here and be nice. Clara dear, would you and Brittany like to show Natalila around the school?". One of the blondie's stood up and replied

"Yeah mom, we will, right Britt?". A brown skinned girl looked up and nodded her head. Ms. Roberts continued "Alright then, Natalila you may take your seat and we'll go through what we did last term".

After that we did Maths, English and lastly History. The rest of the day was mostly a blur so I didn't really remember much. I sat outside waiting for my brother when those two girls I saw in class came and sat down next to me. Brittany asked "So we had made very important plans for today so is it okay if we give you the tour tomorrow morning?".

I shrugged "Whatever you guys say, I wasn't feeling for a tour anyway". As to admit it, it was true. It was my first day anyway so I didn't really care. They nodded and went their way. Jax finally came through the door and we walked back to our temporary home.

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