28 Graduation Day

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I sighed. I messed up with my best friends, and the only ones that I had. I want to make it up to them but I just don't know how. But today is my last chance in ever making back with them so I really need to make this work.

I can't wait for tonight. I jumped out the shower and happily changed into my graduation gown. I did light makeup and foundation because I'm saving the heavy stuff for later. Grabbing my graduation cap I got to the driveway and started the engine, well, here we go.

I got up with Natalila shaking me. She's been in my room more often ever since I first brought her in here "Jacob, wake the hell up. You are not going to make me late for graduation" she yelled. She said the "g" word and I groaned. I grabbed her by the waist and got on top of her "Please don't remind me of today, I have a really bad feeling about today". She sighed and grabbed my face close to her "Jacob, everything is going to be fine, okay? Nothing is going to happen and if it does, we have our three musketeers to save us, alright?". I smiled and kissed her. I don't get how she always know the right thing to say, it's like she can read emotions, it's like she knows me better than anyone, even Jake. She immediately responded and I brought her closer to me. Surprisingly she pulled away first "Get ready lovemister or you're going to make us all late" she breathed out smacking my arm playfully. I chuckled as she got off of me and went back to her room. Sometimes I wonder how my life would have been if I've never met her in my life. I doubt I would have felt the same way for any other girl than how my feelings go for Nats. I'm literally in love with this girl and she's right about me getting ready for graduation. I got out of bed and threw some cold water onto my face to fully wake me up, and today I'm going to really show how much I love her.

Today is a day that I finally get to change my life. It's a day for me. I got out of the boys bathroom next to the chemistry lab in my graduation gown. I didn't really bother to wake up Jacob or Natalila because I wanted to reach before them anyway. I mean sure I'm pissed that Clara picked Jax over me but I guess it's time for me to move on with my life, get over her. Today is my day, today I change my life, my own messed up life. Today I make a difference. Fixing on my grad-hat, I started to practice everything before the ceremony.
The two most important people in my life is going to be in it my entire life, no matter what. Jacob really cares for her and I respect that, but what makes me nervous is that he said he has a really bad feeling about today and so we should be prepared. I don't know when it's going to happen and neither does he but either way we should get ready. I slipped a pocket knife in the back of my graduation gown and I also slipped in my dad's old hunting knife into my tuxedo for prom. I sighed and went to the garage and started the car, it's time to get this party started.

Today I'll have my revenge on those Bediva's, and they wouldn't even suspect a thing. They think that they are going to survive and live on their sick'n lives? I would not allow her to live no more. Tonight the last female Bediva dies.

I can't wait for tonight. I would finally have my revenge on that man stealing bitch. He may think that she's an amazing person but when she dies in front of her friends and her "boyfriend", he will be mine. As I tried on my graduation gown I laughed with vengeance, he will be mine, and Clara Roberts would be the first to die.

I changed into my graduation gown and headed downstairs to wait for Jacob to come down. As I was just finishing a bowl of Coco Puffs he came down with a half smile on his face. I frowned "Is something wrong?" he shook his head "No, just ready to get all of this over with". I smiled and said "Well this day won't start if we're just standing around here" he chuckled and grabbed the car keys.

We just pulled up behind Clara's new ride and got out as quickly as we can. We came just in time and walked to our seats. There were an even number of boys and girls in our class, 12 each. I sat between one of our math geeks and a cheerleader who is also my friend in a way. As our teacher walked on stage the adults started clapping happily. Miss Charles nodded and said through the mic "Thank you all for coming today. I know that some of the students may have dead parents, divorced parents or even adopted parents, but still, we're all here to congratulate every single student in this school. Now first, let's start by saying our country's National Anthem before we go on to the handing out of certificates" she finished. We all stood up and sang the National Anthem proudly. We were finished in a minute and we all took our seats. Miss Charles continued "Now we shall have our handing out of certificates, first lets call up our class boys up on stage, in alphabetical order of course" she said taking out a list of the students names and clearing her throat "First up on stage is Andrew Adams". Almost everybody applauded but other people thought that he was kinda lame. "Okay, next up is Charles Horley" I clapped because he helped me out in Physics. Charles was kinda cool to hang around, and definitely an awesome friend to keep too "Now let's welcome Dean Aaricks". Dean was one of those douchebags who used to always make fool of himself in class for fun, and in my opinion, I kinda felt sorry for him "Next is Derrick Salters" I waited until they called up another one "Next up, Edward Richards". Edward was one of those daredevil guys. He always has the nerve to pull of any stunt as long it has the word danger marked at the back of it "Now we have Gary Rick". Gary is one of the football players in the team. He cool, but has a gigantic anger issue "Now we have Geoffrey Johnsinville". I was groaning inside. Geoffrey is one of those guys who would flirt with any girl, he even tried with me too and trust me, you definitely don't wanna know what happened after "Next up is Harry Roberts". Harry is Clara's stepbrother. He cool around us but he has a big issue with Jake, don't ask "Now Jacob Johnson". I was clapping and smiling. They finally called him up and I felt like shouting out "He's my boyfriend" but I'm not crazy like Rebecca is. "Coming on stage now is Jake Johnson" we clapped for him, and I got nothing else to say. "Now on stage is Jax Bediva". Jax casually walked up on stage and took his certificate like it was no other. I grinned when he sent a smirk my way. Miss Charles continued "And last but not least is Jeremy Rivers". Jeremy is like the male class pet. Most of our teachers love him, but then I can't blame them. He's one of the most behaved male students that our class ever had. Now she finished "Those are all of our male students, now Miss Roberts will take the stage". (yes Miss Roberts is Clara's mom). She started "Hello students and parents, I will be calling up our female graduates"

I was so nervous that I can hear my heartbeat from my head, pounding. After the speech from our guest Miss Roberts came back on stage "Thank you for that wonderful speech, now lets call up our graduates shall we?" They all clapped and she continued "First up we have Brittany Michaels". Even though she spaced away from us, she's still a friend, in a way "Next up is Ciara Clare". Ciara is swimmer for our school, and a pretty good one too, but she isn't really a people's person "Now coming up stage is Clara Roberts". We all applauded for our badass cheerleader and my crazy best friend "Now we have Destiny Sloane". Destiny is a very she person, but she stands up when she wants to "Next we have Ivy Davis". Ivy is another cheerleader because she enjoys the flips and the cartwheels but, she's more into the goth culture. The whole class, even Rebecca was shocked to see her in the school's pink cheerleading uniform "Now we have Mimi Lee". Mimi is the cheerleader friend that I was talking about. She's funny, cute and has a bubbly personality, the perfect cheerleader and friend "Next we welcome Natalila Bediva". I took a deep breath and muttered "Well, here we go". I walked on stage and shook hands with my Art teacher over the past few months. I turned to the school photographer and smiled. I smiled at my brother, my brother and my best friend knowing that I'm going to be surrounded with for my entire life.

The rest of the students like Naila (Math Geek), Penny (Class President), Rebecca (Bitch princess), Relia (Class Actress) and Sarah (International Speaker) passed after they called me up. Sooner I knew it graduation was over and were singing Treasure Bruno Mars leaving with our certificates. As Jacob and I were about to get back home to change for prom Brittany came up to us and said "Look guys, I'm really sorry about everything that happened after exams and, I hope you can forgive me sooner or later" she finished before turning around. I looked at Clara's direction and she nodded "Hey Brittany" she said walking up next to me. She turned "Yeah?". I continued "Does a frog have legs?" she grinned and ran to hug us "You do not know how much I missed you guys" she sniffled. We sighed and replied "Us too".

I'm back!!! I'm so happy to update again and seriously, this was really easy to write and so will the next one. I hope you guys liked it because this is how long I can write apparently. So Brittany is back in the story, but for how much longer? (^_-). Stick around and find out. See you all in the other side, cause that's where all the action starts.



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