25 Feeling Watched

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After dropping Clara home we made it to the nearest McDonald's and ordered three McFlurry's. When we were finished eating we drove back home. As I came out into the cold wind I felt the hairs on my neck started to prick. I turned around to see nobody. I crunched up my face in confusion "You okay Nats?" Jacob asked me taking off his jacket and putting over me. I smiled "Nothing, I just felt someone watching me that's all" I said putting on his jacket on and hugging it close to me "Eh, maybe it's just Kay again" he kissed my forehead and took my hand to go inside. Maybe it him but I just don't feel. Usually when it's Kay I feel cold in the inside, but this person is different, he or she is just making me turn around, no feeling to it.

The next morning I felt the same feeling again. I chose to ignore it until I started to feel this way everywhere I go. When I'm brushing my teeth, when I'm in the shower, even when I'm changing in my own bedroom. It just felt like two pairs of eyes piercing my every move. I went downstairs to see Jacob walking around with his face shown in thought "Something wrong?" I asked wondering if it has something to do with me "Yup, I saw something sparkly by the tree next to your bedroom. Apparently you were right, someone is stalking you, we just have to find out who" he said seriously "But don't we have to go to Jax to get his help with this? I mean he has been with her for like her whole life" Jake said coming in. I sighed "I'll call him" Jacob shook his head "No, we talk to him about this in person" and with that he picked up his keys and opened the door. I sighed again "I guess I have to go to huh?" I muttered "Yup" popping the p. Sighing once again, don't blame me, I got my sweater and followed Jacob behind.

"Yo Jax, open up" Jacob shouted through the door and started pounding the door. He opened it before he could make a fist hole through the door "Dude what?" he asked clearly annoyed by the unsuspecting company "We need to talk some business, it's about Nats". His face expression soon changed and he opened the door wider "What's it about?" he asked clearly we got his attention now "Someone's stalking Natalila. Not just Kay spy talk man, at least they got some dignity" he said tensing but calmed down when I looked up at him to continue "he's been hiding in our tree since yesterday and watching her every move, literally. His eyes follow her everywhere, even I wouldn't be surprised if he was here right now" he finished with clenched teeth. He sighed out "God, I didn't know that this would have gotten so serious, even more serious than our Kay problem" Jax got up and started pacing and shaking his head  along with it "This is bad, this is real bad". I got up "We I don't see the sense of staying here on a really nice Friday afternoon just thinking about this one person spying on me. I say we make a plan because not only we have someone stalking me bit we have a murderous killing machine that could be anywhere right now" folding my arms with my eyebrows up "Now who's with me?". The two boys looked at each other and nodded "We are" they said in a chorus.

We were thinking of a plan when Clara came through the door "Oh, hey Nats, if I knew you guys was going to be here I would have brought some popcorn or something" she said cheerfully "Not to burst your bubble pinkiepie but we're having a very important discussion so if you would please le, owww okay, okay" Jacob said raising his hands in defense after I slapped his hand, hard. I motioned for Clara to hear what we had told Jax "Wait, so some guy could be stalking you?" she asked clearly intrigued with the news. I nodded "Yeah, our only problem is figuring out who it is" I thought out loud.

After what it seemed like hours we finally came up with a full prof plan that will obviously work if we don't mess this up. Jacob and I decided to take a walk around the park just to clear our minds a little "Nats, I'm sorry for acting like that today but I was really tense" he said turning me around to look at him "Jacob, I'm not mad at you about that, it was the fact that your starting to act like my brother, period" I said a little bitter but any way reasonable. He pleaded "I know but I really care for you. I'm sorry if I'm overdoing all this" I sighed and hugged him "Jacob, I will always love you, no matter the shit you do, I do or how messed up our lives are. Nothing can't stop me from loving you, at all" he smiled and hugged me back "I'm glad that we think the same way".

As we were walking we bought ice cream and sat down on one of those park benches near the playground "Don't you just think that kids are so precious" I asked out of nowhere "I miss my babysitting job back when I was younger". Jacob looked at me surprised "Wow, then you should watch my toddler twin brother and sister my parents showed me. And yes, now I'm officially an older brother" I asked him "Do you still have those pictures?" he nodded and took out his phone "Their names are Alex and Alexia. As I said, you can watch them whenever my parents give me that responsibility". I looked up at him "Why don't you want to watch them with me? It would be really fun and you can learn a few tricks along the way". He thought about it for a while, then said "Well, for starters I suck at minding kids no matter how cute or behaved they are, and you have been in the babysitting job of years and you'll have more experience than me" I grinned "Who says that you need experience"

Hey guys guess what? Today is my daddy's birthday!!!! If you guys want to wish him happy birthday you can find him on Facebook and Instagram.
Lyndon Seuraj is his Facebook name and goldenboylyndo is his Instagram name. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please vote, comment, share or even follow if your going along. I'll talk to you soon, I hope.


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