31 Crying Out Loud

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My tears were coming down uncontrollably now as past streams are being replaced by new ones "No, no. Brittany please no". My voice was shaking as I touched her body drawing back my fingers to see the blood staining it. My head was clouded, my ears rang and my eyes blurred. I can't believe it, Brittany's dead and it's all my fault. My hands lingered over the pool of blood that was being made under her green dress. Just seeing her fade away like this made me break down inside. I started to cry again and Jacob picked me in bridal style. He tried to calm me down but nothing can make me stop for my mistakes. She should have lived a really nice life, finding love and dying like a normal person, not like this. Kay was still of shock and he froze. That gave us time to sneak away, but Jacob held on to me because I felt like lead, I felt motionless and weak. When we got home I clinged on to his tuxedo jacket and I started to cry.

I don't know how long I've been on Jacob but apparently long enough for him to move to his bedroom. I looked up to see that he was nearly asleep. I poked him "Jacob, why are you still awake?" I asked him in confusion. His eyes opened up immediately and he replied "Are you okay? Because you have been crying for the last two hours, non-stop". I smiled meekly "I'm fine, thanks for staying up for me" I said resting my head on top of his shoulder. One of his hands stroked my hair and the other went into his jacket. I looked up at him curiously "What are you doing?". He unwrapped his hands from me and took out a small black box. Before I could say anything he said "It's not what you think". And then he opened the box to reveal a diamond sparkly ring. My mouth gawked open "Are you sure that this is not what I'm thinking? Because surely you know that it looks like it". He chuckled and shook his head "Yup, I'm sure. This is a promise ring, and if I'm ever going to propose to you, I would have bought a better looking ring than this". He raised my right hand and slipped the ring on the fourth finger. I couldn't stop smiling and staring at it, it like it's mind controlling me. He murmured to my ear "You are now forever mine". I grinned up to him "Forever yours"

 I grinned up to him "Forever yours"

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Natalila's promise ring

The next morning I woke up with the worst bed head ever, but the good thing is that I woke up with Jacob. I carefully got out from under his arm and went into the bathroom to freshen up.

I went downstairs to make breakfast when I heard the house phone ring "Hello?". Brittany's mom said "Natalila? Glad that your up. Is Jax up too?". I blinked "Uhhh I don't know. But I can call him. Anyway so what bothering you Mrs. Michaels?" I asked. "I'm just call to ask if you and your brother could help plan Brittany's funeral". I gave out a shaky breath and blinked away the tears that were prickling at the corners of my eyes "Uh sure, Brittany was a great friend, I'd love to help" I replied. "That's great thank you. Oh and one more thing, I would really appreciate it if you and Clara would say a speech in of everyone". I half smiled "Sure, when is the funeral?". She sighed "We were going to wait till next week but we need to sign a lot of financial contracts around that time so around Friday?". I bit my lip "Of course, can't wait to be there". She sad laughed "I always wondered how her life would have been if she didn't meet you, your such a good friend" she said before hanging up. I placed down the phone and went to the kitchen.

After making breakfast for the boys I called Jax "Hey bro, you got a moment?". "Of course I've got a minute, I could even spare an hour for you. What's up?" he asked. "Can you meet me at the funeral home? Brittany's mom wants us to help her decorate for Brittany's funeral" I said surprised on how clear that came out, because I'm breaking on the inside "Sure sis, let me just tell Clara where I'm going and I'll be right there okay?". I replied "Yeah, and thanks". Before he hung up he asked "Are you sure your okay with all this? Because I saw how devastated you were when you saw her corpse on the sidewalk". I sighed "Yeah, I guess. But I just feel like all this is my fault, you know?". Now he sighed "Don't blame yourself for these things okay? None of these things are your fault, it's Kay's. Don't ever think like that, it scares the shit out of me". I laughed "Oh Jax, you why you". He chuckled "You know you love me, anyway I gotta go but I will see you there, laters sis". I murmured "Yeah, see yah".

I went upstairs to ask Jacob if he can drop me to the funeral house, but as I went up to see him the doorbell rang. Usually I would open the door but I've gotta go change for something.

After putting on my army jeans and my cami sweater, I header downstairs. Jake and Jacob was downstairs, but also his parents and two little kids. Jacob turned his eyes to my direction in utter confusion "And where do you think your going?" he asked. I rolled my eyes "Please, and I just agreed 1 hour ago to help Mrs. Michaels decorate the funeral home for Brittany's funeral" I shot back. His eyes opened wide "Are you sure you wanna do that, because if your still wounded you can postpone it". I shook my head, "No thanks, besides, if I avoid everything about Brittany and her life I'll never get over her death, ever. So I have to do this, now or never". He nodded "And you need me to drop you off". I nodded slowly, walking the the other quarter of the stairs "Where are you going with all this?". He smirked "You know me way too good. I'm gonna drop you off to that death mansion on one condition, you have to babysit Alex and Alexia with you" he remarked, very straight forward. I sighed in annoyance "Agh fine, but you owe me". He walked up to me and kissed my forehead "Hm, don't I ever".

Okay so my stomach hasn't been feeling like itself lately and it's mainly because I apparently have acid reflux. And what makes it weirder is that I have more stomach pain than chest pain. Plus the fact that I'm too young for that. So I've only found time now to update this chapter and I hope you enjoy. Leave a vote, comment, share with all your wattpad friends and follow me if you didn't already.

              Catch you later,

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