23 Our Moments

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I can't believe that my own mother dissed my girlfriend. I mean I did stand up for her but Nat didn't do anything. God, sometimes I just wish myself to disappear with Natalila and hang out somewhere safe and relaxing. But my parents, aka mom, has to go. As we arrived at this so called welcoming party I immediately took Natalila's hand and walked her inside. I introduced her to Uncle Bart, Aunt Lily and cousins Betta and Link. I would say the others but then I'll be very boring so na. Anyway, I showed her around, btw, we're in my parents house, and took her to my favorite place when I was young, the water bridge.


"Wow" I said looking at the water that surrounds the small bridge we are standing on "it's beautiful isn't it? This was one of my favorite places when I was a kid. I thought that this place was a fairy tale land where Peter Pan flew with fairy dust and Tinker Bell, is that weird". I turned to him "Actually, I agree, it does look memorizing, kinda like a fairy garden" he half smiled "Well, at least I get to show the girl that I'm crazy about this fantasy that she deserved when she was younger" he said making me blush, wait, I'm literally blushing, wow, first time I guess. He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ears and bent down to kiss me. I let myself out for him because I'm in love with him. My younger self would think that I wouldn't have found Jacob at all because at times I thought that I would never fall in love because of what my life became of me, toucher and sadness whenever I had to run away. But finding Jacob was a like blessing, and knowing that he'll fight for me makes me feel so happy and overjoyed. When we broke apart we held each other which felt like an eternity.

After 10 more minutes we headed back to the bigger of a house, because of his mother of course. We ate, drank and talked like family. I miss my parents but Jacob has shown me how it feels to be a family again. Afterwards we went home but before I came out of the car, Reesha held me back "Don't you dare break his heart or I swear I'll come out for your phony ass" she whispered, more like hissed, into my ear before letting me leave the car. Hand in hand I walked back inside of the place that I now call home.


"We need to file out a plan for this to work" I shouted getting very furious at the moment "But sir, won't it be easier to just barge in while all the fun is taken place? Then we can act like special guests when really we're coming to finally kill last female Bediva in their bloodline" Ben said. I sighed in frustration "But we need to act fast, and be smart about this, not just come in there looking around like a bunch of maniacs" Ben rolled his eyes "Kay, we need to do this, it's our last chance of ever capturing this girl, ever". I sighed, I hated to admit this but he's right. This is our last chance to capture Bediva and if we do this, there's no turning back, none. But we have to be smart, and make sure nit to mess up anything. We can't foil our plan at all or else we are done for. Hopping onto bed, I dream of full, sweet domination.

I woke up feeling something snuggling against my lower back. I turned around to see Jacob with his nose near my butt. I slowly moved away from him and before I even got away his big hands grabbed me "Ahh, Jacob that is not funny" I screamed really annoying and surprised "Mhm, you are just like the cat that I always wanted, soft, snuggly and hot" he murmured. I tried to move but he did the grossest thing that I would cringe if it wasn't him, yeah, I know, weird. He brought me down to my neck and then licked it "Ewww, Jacob get off" I said really looking forward for a bath "No no, I'm not done yet" and with saying that he bit me "Hey, stop" I said almost throwing him of the bed. He stopped and went to shower by saying "Your welcome". I rolled my eyes, who he thinks he is, Mowi from Moana? Jerk, fuck he gave me a hickey, but we are together right?. I got up and walked over to my mirror and looked at it. It was easy to cover it up because of how long my hair is but as I said, that is not cool. I sighed and walked to the bathroom.

We were eating breakfast when we heard the doorbell ring "Expecting anyone?" I said to the two brothers. They both shook their heads. I got up and walked to the door, opening it to find a package, To Natalila Bediva
          From The Johnson Family
"Jacob, there's a package that says it's from you guys family, is that supposed to be your parents?" I said making Jacob come into the room "I don't know, it supposed to be. Well, what are you waiting for, open it". I sighed and opened it. The last thing that I remember was seeing smoke before falling into unconsciousness.

I woke up on Jacob's bed, yes, first time "Hey, how you feeling?" I heard Jacob said "A little dizzy but okay, I guess" I said and continued "What was that?". He sad smiled and said "Apparently my mother is jealous of you and wanted you to be in a coma, which didn't work since you woke up 5 hours after. You must be hungry, wait here I'll get you your lunch" he said rushing out of the room. I murmured "Jacob wait, why am I in your room?" he paused midway "When you fell into my arms, I was worried as f. I wanted to watch over you, and we're going to talk some sense into my mother tomorrow" before walking down to the kitchen.

Hey guys I hope that you guys enjoyed your New Year and tell me, how's 2017 so far? Any who so I hope you enjoy this chapter and please comment, vote, share with your friends or even follow if you ever find me. I'll see you maybe tomorrow, who knows.

              Love you guys,


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