8 The Lookout

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"They're not getting away with this plan" I shout out in fury. She and her stupid brother are planning something, but it isn't going to be a secret soon. "Boys, tonight we're going on a Bediva hunt!" I grinned evilly. The whole crew cheered for their leader as I stand like Obama in the White House. I raised my killing knife high in the air for all of them to see it and said "Let the hunt begin"

Last night surprisingly,Kay did not get to my dreams, which also means that he's planning something. As I waited for Jacob to come over and take me to his place, I thought about all the things that I'll end up doing when I reach there. Will he finally kiss me? Wait, what? Okay I really do need to stop thinking about that, and him. I was about to call Britt to tell her the English exam homework when I heard Jacob's car at the front door. Well, here's go nothing, I said to myself. I wrestled my suitcase off my bed and dragged it down the stairs where Jax was going over the plan to him. I sighed, leaned on the stairway and said "Are we gonna get going or are we just gonna waste time going through that plan for a hundred more times until Kay get here and end up burning the house down with us in it?" I finished making them jump out of their skins. "Right" I continued smirking "we'll be leaving now, later Jax" I said pushing myself off the stairs and dragging my luggage along with me. Jax just rolled his eyes,took my suitcase from me and put it in the trunk of Jacob's Chevy. As we were driving to his place he asked "Can Kay track us down from here?". I asked myself that same question every time I think about this whole thing. "I still don't know the answer to that" I replied, a little sorry for bringing in all my friends and seeing him work so hard to keep me alive. He just sighed and nodded his head. As he stopped the car and opened the car passenger door, I stood with my mouth hanging open. Danggg, he must be really rich, I mean just look at the place. I thought to myself in shock. Finally closing my mouth, all that could come out was "Wow". He lead me inside and showed me my room and when he left I took out my journal and started to write.

Dear Journal,                                  I moved in today and the place is better than I expected. It's like a frecking mansion in here (well obviously), and the room that he picked out for me is bigger than mines at home, so much more space to put all my books and clothes in. And best of all, I'm so much closer to getting to know him so I can known him better and keep my feelings under control. Jax said that he has a feeling about Kay coming over to our place with a mob of people so it's best that I stay over for like two to three weeks at least so yayyyy. He always boasts about his Libra senses and I'm the unlucky twin. Hellooo, I'm the one who has to go through these stupid dreams with you know who every night so I have a much better gift than him. So I have to take a shower and then get some sleep for tomorrow so,yeah.
                 Good night
               Natalila Bediva    

I stopped writing, went to take a hot shower and went to bed, praying that this plan actually works.

"Sigh". I sighed looking at the window still waiting for that bastered to come over so I can break the bad news. I just hope he didn't find her yet or it's going to be a real pound down with those assholes. I was about to call her when I heard a set of commotion outside. Putting back down the phone, sighing of relief that she's okay. I picked up my dad's shotgun,took a deep breath and muttered to myself "Well, here goes nothing". I twisted the door handle to see Kay smirking in front of me. "Jax, great to see you but I'm in a hurry right now so, where's Bediva's little princess?". Boy was I excited to break the news. Grinning I said "Your princess is not here Kay"

As soon as I heard those words fly out of his mouth I angrily demanded "What do you mean that she's not here?". The young boy replied "You heard me Kay, she ran away as soon she heard the news. So what your gonna do about it?". I half-grinned and replied "I will search all over for her until I end this generation once and for all". Turning around I said "Gentlemen, looks like we've got a bigger hunt than we thought" I said and continued "I want all of you to search high and low for that girl until she is found,and when she is, I'll make her death quick and swift". Before I fully left the front gate I said "Don't worry,we'll find her, soon" laughing and smiling at the same time. This is going to be epic.

Clenching my hands at the side of me, I reached out for my phone and dialed Nat's phone num. It rang and rang until I heard a drowsy voice in the background. "Jax, do you know how late it is? anyway, did the plan work?" she asked a little too quickly "There is good and bad news so which one you want to hear first?" I asked running a hand through my sweating hair. She sigh in annoyance and said "Let me hear the good news first" "Well the plan worked because he believed it, but him and his pack of wolves are now looking for you everywhere". There was silence for a few seconds and then very softly she said "Let us talk about this to in the morning, I have to figure all this out" and then hung up. I just stared at my phone screen and then without thinking, I threw it, smashed it and thought to myself, This was one shit up plan.

I was going to sleep, but the thought of him in my dreams again made me shudder. So I took out my journal again and started writing more things.

Dear Journal,
Well now I know that I should make the plans instead because his ideas made everything the situation worse. Kay and those dogs of his are looking for me everywhere. I know that I said that I wanted to stay with my friends, and Jacob. Anyway, so I need to think of something, and fast. Wish me good luck

                   Freaking out
                Natalila Bediva

Sighing I laied back on the pillow and soon I was pulled into another nightmare.

I was just about to hit the sack when I heard Jake rap on my bedroom door. I was mad until he said "Natalila's having a nightmare". Running to her room I thought to myself, Way to go asshole,real smart to let her go to sleep so damn early. Feeling like I wanted to punch myself, I opened her door to see her tossing and turning and muttering words like get out off my head and all sorts. "Dude, we have to wake her up, all this is freaking me the hell out" Jake shouted, sounding panicked. I ran up to the side of the mattress and started shaking her frantically over and over saying "It just a dream" and "wake up", and finally those beautiful brown eyes opened in fright. I now realized what this Kay guy is putting her through.

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