16 Last Day

23 3 1

I came to school in a button down light green shirt and light pink shorts. I know, weird combo but what do you expect, I'm a weird person, besides, today is our last day of exams!!!! I got to the art room just in time for the painting exam. Yeah I know I'm late so let me explain why.

2 hours ago
"Nats, wake up, you have to get ready!" Jacobs voice said in a distance "But it's four in the morning" I wined in a sleepy tone. He sighed and then shaked me till my brain wasn't saying sleep anymore. I opened my eyes and then yawned while stretching "Why you waking me up this early?" he rolled his eyes and turned my head to my alarm clock, 7:05. Shit, I'm gonna be late. I rolled away from Jacob's body weight, and heat, and started getting ready as fast as I can. While I was finishing up brushing my mouth he shouted "Nat, Jerome will drop you off, see you later" and he dashed off. I couldn't care less right now so I started to shower. Usually I have time to pick out my clothes but I picked up the first thing I saw. Light green flats with pink bows, I immediately started to brush my hair. Then I checked the time, "7:35. I groaned and ran to the kitchen to grab an apple. I got all my stuff and I only had twelve minutes to get to school. I ran to Jerome's car and we drove off.

While I was explaining I ended up painting a field with a lot of cows. Oh and by the way, Jerome is Jake and Jacob's homeschooled cousin. I went to see cheerleading practice afterwards cause we only had an Art and IT exam so school finished early. I have to admit, I may not like Jessica, but she is an amazing cheerleader. It's like she knows every move that they are going to make and corrects them afterwards. Then she shows them over and over again till they get it right. And that is why she is the perfect cheerleader captain that all the gym teachers love. I rolled my eyes at my self conscious "Always gotta be on my side" I muttered back to myself. I sat on those waiting benches and watched them practice their routine for the cheerleading semi finals nock- out. The routine was really good but it was also similar to the moves that they usually do. After Clara was finished we walked by Jacob's place together "Soo, since exams is finally finished, did you tell him yet?" she asked. I smirked and shot back "Did you tell our dear Jax yet" she clenched her jaw and kept her mouth shut while I'm was smirking in satisfaction. Wow well you turned into one of the boys easily, my self conscious laughed. I smirked and shot back, Well that's why I got boys and you got none. I smiled at myself and Clara was watching me weirdly. She shook her head and walked in with me.

As soon as we walked in we were turned around back to the porch. We knew it was Jacob and Jake but we were surprised to see my brother with them. I stayed calm but of course, Clara is not that type if person "Hey assholes, were are we going, and where's Britt?". Oh, I forgot to say that Brittany was supposed to meet us there "Clara calm down, we're going Taco Bell to celebrate the end of exams, and for living over Spring break" Jax said smiling at Clara's response. I rolled my eyes at him and popped in the passenger's side. I plugged in my headphones and listened to some of my favorite songs.

Playlist below:

We finally reached Taco Bell and sat down to wait for service to come to us.  When it did, Jake and Jacob ordered the Soft Taco Supreme and I ordered a Double Decker Taco. Jax and Clara ordered one of those smothered burritos. Afterwards we all decided to order a 12 pck Cinnabon Delights. When we finished eating and were sure  that we were nit gonna order anything else, we packed up and drove back home.

When Jacob dropped off Clara and I, I stopped her before she walked inside "Clara, I need to ask you something". She turned around in confusion "About what?". Oh this is going to be really confusing. I pushed her against her door and before she could say anything I kissed her. For a few seconds she froze, but after she responded. For all my worries about her hating me for doing this flew away. I learned her a little closer to the door and started exploring her taste. She opened her mouth more and moaning while wrapping her hands around my neck. I wrapped one of my hands around her curves and the other cupping her face, her feel,touch and taste bringing sparks all around my body. Ten minutes later, we pulled away,and before I left, I whispered close her lips "See you at school tomorrow".

When Jax left I ran upstairs and started squealing. Yeah I know, it's girly of me but how would you feel if your hard to get crush finally kisses you, and damn he's a really good kisser. God, he make me fell so in love and the way he held me made my legs feel like it's floating on air. When I finally got myself under control I texted my besties to meet me at Starbucks in the morning. I started to squeal again. He's finally mine, all mine.

I wondered what Clara wanted to talk about. It's usually about something very important. But anyway, I shut off the lights after posting the pictures that we took at Taco Bell on Instagram. "Sigh, I wish Jacob was here again" I whispered to myself.

Hey guys, as usual it's always a slow update but at least give me credit. So who was expecting Jax to make the first move, cause I didn't and yet I'm writing all this. If you guys got any books for me to check out please let me know on my wall or in private chat cause really? I am as bored as f so yup, and it might even be in my reading lists who knows. Thank you for reading my speech and I can't believe I just said that, and please take the time to vote, comment on any advice for the story and share with your friends. And follow me to know if I choose to do or write any crazy things on here. Oh and I almost forgot, my little sister started this book called The Vampire Secret and I know your thinking, Samantha why are you not making any vampire books? Well it's because I wasn't thinking about vampires at the time but I will make a vampire book when I watch out all the seasons of Vampire Diaries and The Originals. So that's all that I've got to say and I'm gonna make some salad cause I'm on a freakin diet for Christmas (well if eating sugar cookies and ice cream counts then yeah).
             See you next time


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