7 The Plan

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"He what! You guys what!". Clara and I were walking home and I was telling her about what happened in the art room,and like always, she takes these things like if it is some big deal (personally I think so to) but she can overdo it and I'm just weirdly hoping that Brittany would just pop out of no were and tell her to shutup cause I just don't have the heart to say it, or courage "So did you get close to his lips or face?" "Does it really matter Clara?" I sighed annoyed. "Of course it does silly, not everyone has a friend who cares about things like this, so suck it up, grow up and get used to it" she said so ghetto,and continued "You lucky that Brit ain't here cause she jealous like fuck, plus I have more experience in this than you guys will ever have" I cringed at what she just said and replied "Please don't tell me how you have experience because I really don't want to know". She grinned evilly and said "I won't give you the details but all I can tell you is that cheerleaders have their way" I smacked her arm to make her shutup for the rest of the walk, cause right now I have my own problems to fix up. We walked up to the front door hearing Jax saying something to another person. I went inside to see Jacob and Jax talking about the fight at school and agreeing with some plan. I was very confused about all this so thankfully Clara took this one over "Hey you brainless einsteins, what the hell is going on here!" she said like if she's the boss. That made both of them jump seeing both of us here. Jax said "This is not any of your concern Clara so just leave" he said annoyed. This got Clara mad "Hey asshole sorry for my concerns but she is my best friend, and what do you know about death, at least you still have your sibling you ungrateful son of a bitch" she finished with her voice cracking up a little. The three of us just stared at her with wide eyes, including Jax. So I continued "And why is Jacob here?!" All the attention went to me now. "Well since you told people about the secret, I thought it would be smart to involve some of them in the plan I just made up" Jax said like he's in the hunger wars. "So my dear brother" I said in my best sarcastic English accent, "do tell me what this wonderful plan of yours could be" "Well Queen Elizabeth the annoying" he said rolling his eyes and smirking, while I glared "I will tell you after your "friend" leaves" ". We both glared at him and Clara turned and stomped outside."See now you made her mad Jax. Go fix what you've caused" I said angrily. He sighed and ran outside to get her. So it was me and Jacob alone, again!!! Okay, I'm trying to keep those butterflies under control, including when their scattering in my whereabouts. "So ah, what's the plan you guys came up with?" I asked trying to break the awkward silence between us "Yeah, you best
wait till your brother comes in, I'm not so good at explaining these things" he replied. I couldn't help but laugh at what he just said, and soon he was laughing along with me. Man,I wonder if he ever thinks about me?! I thought, and replied to myself Natalila behave and play it cool. I was so glad that Jax came back with Clara who wasn't mad anymore, just annoyed. So breaking the tension she said "I may not be Brittany,but anything that concerns Nat's is my concern" she said and continued "So what's your plan Einstein?" she asked sarcastically. Jax just rolled his eyes and said "Well miss want it all, and all you normal people here's the plan" As he went on with the plan I was shocked to here that Jacob was even included in the plan, and it was an awesome plan except for one problem "So I have to hide in Jacob's place for the rest of the term?!!!" I said with big eyes. Mostly I thought it is be kinda hard being next to the guy I'm crushing on, not to mention living with him. I've got to get through this, no matter how hard it's going to be, although I kinda wish that these butterflies would agree instead of celebrate. "Nat's just joking, she is so excited" Clara beamed. I glared while Jax was choking on laughter and Jacob was looking smug (cute, but not cool) and smirking like he's on top on cutes a lot mountain, okay, I've really got to stop with these cheesy pickup lines because this is never going to help me and my crushing problems. It got late after going through the plan again, so Jacob and Clara had to run back home while Jax and I was arguing that he doesn't want to cook, yet it's his turn to cook anyway. "Come on, you know that your a better cook than me, so why don't you just take my turn?" Jax wined "Jax,we both agreed that Thursdays is your turn to cook so let's not debate on this" I said getting frustrated.
I ran to my room before Jax brings up one of his snarky comebacks. As I wasn't sure of what to do, so instead I chose to write in my journal again.

Dear Journal,                                  I know I took too long to write but we have a plan, now I need to learn how to stay around Jacob for long periods of time without staring at his muscular, built body or blushing half of the time. The plan will work, but will it help my relationship with Jacob, or it's just not meant to be.

                      Yours truly,
                   Natalila Bediva

I stopped writing and thought of something else to do.

Dear Mom and Dad,               How are you up there? Hope your is fine, cause life is just too crazy down here at the moment. I know I always say that but it's way crazier in L.A. than I thought it would. For once I finally feel at home here,I have nicer friends and I finally have my first crush, and I never even thought of myself ever saying that in my entire messed up life. I hope that this plan works but if it doesn't, just please wait for me to come to you guys. I miss you guys so much and hope that you guys can find peace in the afterlife. And please keep looking out for Jax and I.

                 Your daughter,
                 Natalila Bediva

"Sigh". Almost crying myself to death, I said a prayer and crawled under the covers closing my eyes to wholesome darkness.

"Dude, you sleeping already?" Jake asks me. "No, I'm going to meet Alice in Wonderland and drink tea from saucers with the mad hatter and the Easter bunny" I replied sarcastically "Good night then" he said copying mothers voice. I just rolled my eyes and went upstairs. After going on Instrgram, I fell asleep thinking about the girl of my dreams.

After checking Nat's room to see that she fell asleep, I went to bed thinking of Clara and what she said about her whole family dying in an accident. She may be annoying, but she still has the gut to stand up to people, including me. And she has the shiniest blonde hair and, nope shutting up now. I took of the light letting the dark swallow me for the next day.

Taking selfies always helps me to fall asleep. Natalila is awesome, yet she has the most annoying brother on earth. Although, he is kinda cute. Thank god I have these thoughts to myself, cause if I said that around my team captain Jessica Thompson, I'll be dead meat, cause she has a major crush on him. Well, good night me.

Hey guys, it's so surprising that I made this chapter so soon, although it's past my bedtime, again. So before I go to sleep, let me share some inspiring people on wattpad writing books in the first place. First person: Alina aka mythtwist, being the person who gave me a lot of advice during my experience on wattpad so she was a lot of help and also a great friend. Number two: vi also known as visheretowrite, her books are very aspiring and inspirational and gave me ideas to write my own books. Third but lastly, my older sister Shanice .M. Seuraj also referred to neecysuriie. She helped me with everything since birth and made me the person I am now. She is the one who told me that writing this book was a good thing because I had lots of great ideas to share. So thank you to these three amazing authors and citizens on wattpad and I hope that you will be watching my books in the future. So enough about them,and let get on a roll. So later on in the book, who should be with Clara? Jax or Jake?!!! Comment your choice and tell me if what I said earlier on was cheesey or not. Like, share and also follow me if you not yet and I'll see you in another chapter.

            Good night people


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