14 Examinations

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Two days after
"It's finally exams!" I exclaimed. Brittany was just as excited as I was. "I know right! This is awesome, I wish we could have studied together but my parents had to go Boston in some stupid vacation home". Did I forget to say that? Hm, I guess I did, sorry. Hey, at least she missed a lot of the drama! "Hey no problem, and Clara, why aren't you excited about exams today?". She was quiet for the whole walk, which is very bad "Clara, what's wrong? Did someone forget to tell you about a new spring outfit from Lizzy's or something?" Brittany asked knowing that her talking was also wrong. She gave us both death stares and walked away angrily "Jezz, what's her problem?" "Maybe she didn't find that joke funny?". She just shrugged and opened the door to class. On the way I saw Jacob in homeroom and we both smiled at each other. Brittany glared at him and asked "Anything happened while I was gone?". Thank god Mrs. Ollie came in before I could even answer that question. Great, now I have two problems : Clara being mad at both of us and Brittany being mad at Jacob. What the matter with them?

I know that I was mean at my two best friends but today I'm mean to everyone! But of course I have my reasons and it's because today Jessica was flirting with Jax! I know that I'm overeating but come on, in front of me, not cool. Come on Clara man up, besides,he didn't look like he was enjoying it, was he?. Well for once my conscious is right, in fact, he was really uncomfortable, and he was cringing too. But I still have a right to get jealous, I mean, I do like the guy, don't I? Then why can't I tell him up front? Then it came to me, I enjoy playing hard to get, it's really fun. But anyway, when it was lunch I walked up to them and said "Okay guys, I'm sorry for how I was acting this morning but I was in a very bad mood". They looked up and raised their eyebrows at the same time "I don't even want to know" Natalila said, but as always, Brittany's the one to speak up "Well it must have been a real big asshole to piss you off like that". She paused for a moment before pulling me down to sit and asked "So, who was it?". I immediately sent a panicked look over to Natalila and she saved me once again "Brittany she will tell us later, right now we need to let her eat cause we have kept her at it for a long while now". She let my arm go and went back to studying Algebra and eating her butterscotch pudding. I sent a grateful look to Nat but she was in serious thought, probably thinking about Jacob again. I plugged in my head phones and ate my chicken salad while thinking about my crush also.

After finishing up English and P.E (the worst subject for me, and Clara's favorite subject because she's a frickin cheerleader) I decided to walk my friends home, and yes I still did not tell her, why?, for her to freak out, or kill the guy, hell no. After walking Brittany home, me and Clara were in deep conversation about what happened two days ago which I'm still thinking about every single day! We stopped by her place and before I can walk off again she said "Hey, we'll figure it out soon enough, the both of us, together". I just smiled and walked back home. When I got back inside Jake and Jacob were fighting about something. I closed the door and slammed it to make sure that they heard me come in. They turned my direction and immediately stopped talking "Good, now can somebody tell me what's going on? Because you can't tell me that your arguing for no reason" I said, leaning against the wall and folding my arms. They froze for a moment before they started blabbering everything and soon started to fight again. I sighed and brainstormed some ideas to stop this nonsense. I looked around the kitchen and found Jake's cell phone. I picked it up and took it with me back to the living room, grinning evilly. Jake stopped talking and said panicked "Nat, put my phone down, please?". I pretended to think about it "Hmmmm, nope, not until one of you explain to me what's going on". They looked at each other for a few seconds and then Jacob said "Who's side you wanna hear first?". "So there are sides now?". They both nodded and I sighed out "Ok Jacob, you first" he sighed and started. When he was done I had to blurt out "You have a crush on Clara?!". He grunted and said "Yes, but I still won't tell her" his jaw clenched. I folded my arms and said "Well big guy, let's hear your side of this" romance story "of yours" raising an eyebrow. He glared at Jacob who was smirking "Fine but you better not tell Clara about this". Now it was my turn to smirk "I do what I want" and he shot me a death glare. When he was finally finished, I felt like my ears were burning "Jake, your pathetic. You really think that she is gonna stop talking to you if she finds out!?! Your being immature baby". "No I'm not! She can attract anyone she likes and we hardly talk anymore". Jacob and I both rolled our eyes and I said "Well man up already and ask the girl! She won't bite". I went upstairs and changed into my pajamas. Not because I was gonna study till I fall asleep, but because it was my turn to cook again. Going back downstairs, I heated up the pan and made some pasta. After the boys ran to the kitchen, I took my bowl into my bedroom and started texting Clara.

Hey, I have some gigantic news!

Did DQ bring out a new flavor in ice cream?

No! I mean I don't know but that's not what I was gonna say.

Then spit it out already!!!!

Okay, guess what? Jake has a crush on you!!

Your joking, please tell me your joking.

Uh, why would I joke about this?

I told you that I like Jax

Yeah, but you also told me that you liked Jake too

Not precisely, I got over him

But why?

Because I realized that he would be just like the other guys, and as I said, I liked Jax cause he's, different from the others

Oh, well then, good for you!

Heh, yeah. Well see you tomorrow then

Oh and one more thing


Tomorrow, act like I didn't say anything, okay?

K, laters


Since that was done, I started to study and soon fell into a deep sleep.

As I stared at my phone, a lot of thoughts were running through my head. Jake likes me? But if he likes me then who do I pick? Jax, or Jake?. Sighing, I laid down onto the bed thinking what a messed up day today was.

I looked through my window quietly thinking about all the events that happened after school. I knew that Natalila was going to tell Clara sooner or later, but I know my reasons for not asking Clara out. She likes Jax, and no matter how much it pisses me off, I have to leave her.

Ohhhhh, he found out. I can't believe it, exams are finally over! But I still have to wait till the results come out. Oh why my life has to be so slow. So anyway I want you guys to comment and rate me how your school is or was. And we are so close to 200 reads and I would be really happy if you guys can continue being awesome. Also vote, share with your friends and family and follow me if you got the time. Have a great day and I'm too lame to make up nicknames.

               Over and out


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