32 Babysitting

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As Jacob parked behind the graveyard I asked him "Where are you going for me to look over them?". I know I'm good with kids but you had to tell me to look over them now? "Because I have a family meeting with my parents and these two are too young, annoying and winny" he shouted out loud behind him. Alex said "Says the one who's always do nothing". Alexia agreed with her twin with an eye roll. Jacob scoffed and I just rested my head on the window pane sighing to myself.

We finally got here and Jacob helped me get his siblings inside. Jax was already there and raised an eyebrow "Did you get my sister pregnant?". I punched him on the arm when Alexia replied "I doubt Jacob could even get anyone pregnant, he doesn't have the gut to be a daddy". Jacob groaned and turned back to his car "Have fun Nat, and please if you get annoyed don't hesitate to lock them in a room or something" he said before pulling off the curb and back on the road. Brittany's mom came to greet us "I'm so glad you guys could make it" she said hugging both me and Jax then gasped "Who are these little cuties?". Alex started "My name is Alex, and this is my twin sister Alexia" and then Alexia continued "It's really nice to finally meet you Ms. Michaels". She gushed and asked them "While we're decorating the place do you two want anything?". They both thought for a second before saying "Pudding cups would be nice" Alex said in wonder. Alexia continued "and some soda". Ms. Michaels smiled and said "It's like I have my own children again, coming right up".

It was kind of relaxing having the twins here. They were really well behaved and they made Ms. Michaels really happy. As I was polishing the coffin I smiled to myself, Jacob is gonna be really proud of me for how well mannered I tell him they were. I opened the coffin and I immediately became depressed again. I started to have images of Britt's dead body in this thing, but I covered it up. The damage was already caused but she served her purpose in life, it just wasn't meant to last longer.

When I went outside to wash the polish off my hands I saw Alexia follow me. I turned to her while drying my hands "What's wrong Alexia, you want something?". She shook her head and said "I want to go home, I'm tired". I nodded and assured her "I'll call your brother and ask him where he is, okay?". She nodded back "Thank you" before walking back inside. I sighed and dropped the towel on one of the inside benches and walked to the front stage to test the mic. Everything looks set and all the props and decor are perfectly ready for Friday. I rummaged through my backpack, I know, I'm such a tomboy, and got out my phone to dial Jacob. His phone rang and rang before it went to voicemail. I groaned in frustration then chose to texted him instead.

Gonna get Jax to bring kids at McDonalds for behaving so well, grab some food and ice cream then gonna be home after.

After the text sent I slinged the bag over my shoulder and headed out to find Jax.

I finally found him sleeping on himself with Alex drawing a marker mustache onto his face, okay, maybe not all that good but anyway. I smirked and asked "What are you doing?". He turned around and dropped the marker "I'm sorry, I was bored". I tisked and shook my head "The proper way to draw on a fake mustache is by making it look real, but silly at the same time. Here, let me show you". I showed him what to do and he did exactly what I said. I gotta admit but if I ever get kids in the future, I want them similar to Alex and Alexia. I love their personality and energy, and I also love that they are on the same page of mischief as I am. Plus the fact that they can trick anybody that their angels and it's easy because they are too damn cute. I wonder if they'll exchange a twin brother for a little one. Alex snapped me out of my self conscious when he said "He's waking up, what do I do?". I smirked "Hide the marker while I'll snap a photo when his eyes are open, okay?". He nodded and waited for my call "Ready?" I asked. He nodded. I whispered "Now". His eyes were half open when I snapped the photo. His eyes then bulged wide open and blinked. Alex asked "Are you gonna post it on Facebook or Instagram?". I grinned "How bout Twitter?". He nodded and I clicked post. Jax was still confused but didn't say anything. After taking off my data I asked him "Hey Jax, can you drop by McDonald's for us to eat and then you can take us home?". He grunted but agreed nothing less.

We parked in front of McDonald's when he saw his face on the mirror and groaned "So that's the pic that you posted? Come on sis, that's way too low". He took out a wet towelette and roughly rubbed the mustache off his face. When he finally got all of it off, and us laughing our guts out, we went inside to eat.

I arrived back home to see the place empty. Nats must have really been serious when she said that she was gonna be late back home. I closed the door half way and went to the fridge to see if there was anything to eat. I was relieved when I heard a car pull over in the front. My two new siblings ran in with half eaten happy meals with Natalila and Jax holding empty burger wrappers. Jax nodded my side and went back outside. I asked the twins "You guys had fun today?". They squealed and Alexia shouted "We had more than fun. And I got Starfire in my happy meal". Alex rolled his eyes "Please, Robin is soo much better". They got in an argument again and Natalila smiled while walking upstairs. I shook my head and did the same.

Isn't this chapter sad or what? Or maybe not? I don't know? Anyway so the good news is that my stomach pain is starting to ease up, but I feel kinda nauseous atm. But I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and please tell me who you think might stay and who might go in the next book, that is if there is any.                                              
            Hope I scared you,

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