Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

*Author P.O.V*

"I don't really transform much so it's quite painful for me and will be worse for you since it's your first time." Niall stated just as Harry closed his back door just a little bit.

"How long does the pain last?" Harry asked, watching with red cheeks while Niall got undressed.

"Ten minutes then it slowly decrease the more you transform. Just take in deep breaths and imagine your body becoming the wolf." Niall said while he closed his eyes.

Harry nodded and watched as Niall fell to his knees with a wince. He really wanted to cover his ears hearing the bones in Niall's body snapping loudly. His eyes growing wide as he started to see blood drip onto the earth. He jumped back with his eyes landing on the chuck of skin that was falling on the ground. Not a single noise being heard from Niall as his body was being covered in more fur than skin. Harry could feel the pain Niall was going through which caused him to flinch and hiss every now and then. He didn't know how that was possible since he had no type of connection to Niall. He was pulled out of his thought seeing Niall's white fur in the morning light. He was so big but beautiful at the same time. Harry put out a shakey hand to touch the top of Niall's head. The fur was incredibly soft and so thick. Harry brought his second hand on top of Niall's head and gripped the fur gently. It was just such an relaxing feeling for some odd reason.

Niall was quick to change back with Harry taking a few steps back, making sure not to step on any skin. He was quick to hand the blue eyed man his clothes back. He looked away while Niall had got dressed again then cleared his throat. Harry glanced back at the guy and took in a deep breath still in complete shock. He focused on the imagine on a wolf running in a green forest. He then thought about his body bending into the shape of that wolf. He could feel a tingle in his body but a sudden scream took him out of his concentration. He and Niall glanced toward the woods that was behind his house. Nothing but trees, grass, and bushes being seen. Another scream was heard and the two took off to help whoever it was. Their naked feet leaving tracks in the earth as they ran side by side. It didn't take long until they came to the source of the scream. Three huge black wolves were ripping away at a male who was dead now. Harry gasped which caught the attention of the wolves.

"Rogues." Niall stated quietly as he took a step back and sat his hand on Harry's lower back.

"What do we do?" Harry asked resisting the urge to piss himself seeing the wolves snarl at them.

"Run." Niall said, pushing Harry back to his house just as the wolves came at them.

Harry didn't have to be told twice as he took off with his heart beating loudly in his ears. He glanced back only to gasp again seeing that Niall didn't run with him. The blonde stood there, knowing he had to buy some time for Harry to make it home safely. He wasn't going to let nothing hurt that omega even if that meant losing his life. He groaned as the wolves crashed into his body, knocking him off his feet and onto the ground. He let out a scream as he was bit at. His legs, arms, and stomach soaring with pain. He tried hard to tug himself away from the sharp teeth that kept going through his skin. His inner wolf whimpering but at the same time wanting to surface and dominate. Before he could do any of that, one of the wolves were tackled to the ground. A howl leaving their mouth as lay there limp. The other two wolves looked at the brown wolf that growled lowly at them.

Niall knew that it was his brother Zayn. He let out a breath of relief, knowing that his brother could take on all of them with his eyes closed. However, there was another wolf standing a few feet away. Its silver fur blowing in the cool breeze that passed by. Niall had no idea who that could be. He could faintly hear the wolf whimpering and looking around frantically. He sat up just as his brother took on the other two wolves and winning effortlessly. His brother had came over and started to lick at his wounds. The silver wolf coming over after a while and rubbing its head to Niall's neck. Niall slowly stood up and he finally got a chance to see the torn boxers that was still attached to the wolf. His eyes grew wide as he looked at the silver wolf that was Harry. He didn't know why he didn't think about this sooner because the wolf smelt just like Harry as well. Niall was taken back as Harry jumped up and started to lick at his bloody face.

"You're such a hand full. I don't know how your mate can deal with you." Zayn said after transforming back in his human form.

"I don't have a mate." Niall said sadly while he hung his head low trying not to fall with Harry's weight on him.

"Of course you do. He's right here." Zayn stated nodding his head to Harry who had stopped licking Niall and looked at Zayn."Oh you two didn't know that."

"We're just friends." Niall said and Zayn shook his head before grabbing Niall and sitting his fingers on Niall's temples.

Niall's eyes rolled to the back of his head as Harry's voice started to fill his head. His voice repeating mate over and over again. Niall's wolf coming to surface and repeating the same words back. A strong tug being felt in his chest as he slowly came back to hear a low growling. His vision focused and he saw Harry crouched ready to jump on Zayn, who had let him go. There's no possible way that Harry was his mate. He was such a beautiful, smart, and, most likely, strong omega and he was just a weak, stupid, and scary alpha. He deserved someone so much better than him. He shook his head, making Harry shake his head back. He was able to hear Niall's thoughts and feelings, which was something only a mate could do. His wolf didn't want to be rejected as he whimpered lowly. His paws continuously moving while he tried to meet eye contact with Niall. He didn't know how to change back into his human form and he really wanted to tell Niall his thoughts.

"You don't want me. Your inner wolf does. I'm no good for you anyway. I couldn't even handle my own back there and I'm suppose to be an alpha. How can I protect you when I can't even protect myself? We don't even know each other to even consider being mates." Niall said turning away to leave with Zayn as Harry started to yap and jump back and forth trying to speak.

"Don't go." Harry said to himself inside his head watching Zayn and Niall leave his sight.



Do you all think that Niall is doing the right thing or not? Do you think that Harry emotions and action are good or not? I'm just a curious little demon that wants to kind of force a reply from you all. I'm glad that more people are getting into this story. I may say this a lot but it really does mean a lot to me.

Bye my Swish Swish.😑😏😴

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