Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

*Author's P.O.V*

"So my mate told me that you threaten her and her friend. If that happen to be true, I would like for you to apologize and I will make her apologize for whatever she did to make you threaten her. We are in the same pack so we have to look out and respect each other." The male explains with a shrug before putting one of his hands on the hybrid's shoulder.

"Sorry but no." Niall says, making the male look at him with wide eyes and become a little bit upset.

Niall puts one hand over his mouth and the other one on the back of his neck. The two are hidden by the shadows so no one notices when the hybrid bites into the male's neck. The hybrid really wants him to be quiet and still so this can go very easy. The male suddenly falls into a trance and he doesn't scream out for help or move at all. This makes the hybrid smile before he lets his hands grip the taller male's shoulders. He knows that he'll have to check that out later. The moment the blood hits his stomach he realizes how hungry he is. This causes him to bite harder and try to get every last bit of blood. He lets out a groan as the taller male's body start to sway from side to side from the lack of blood in his body. He backs him against the wall to make sure that he won't fall over. 

He stays attach to his neck for a few more seconds before he pulls away. Blood is spilling out his mouth then chin just the slightest bit. He wipes the blood with his finger before sucking the red substance off. He looks at the male, who seems to have fallen asleep. He grabs him and carries him back to the entrance of the hospital. He makes sure that his vampire features are hidden as he starts to yell for someone to help him. A female nurse runs over to him and examines the sleeping male. She sees the bite marks in his neck and knows what has happen. The male's mate comes over when she smells blood in the air. She puts her hand over her mouth seeing her alpha being place on a stretcher.

She doesn't take notice of the fact that the hybrid brought her mate into the building. All she cares about is her alpha's health. She follows as the nurse wheels her mate down the hall and into a room. Niall goes back to his seat feeling a bit more relax. He starts to think about what happened to the alpha he fed on. He doesn't know how he was able to make him stop from moving and screaming. He knows that he will have to test the thought that maybe he can control people out. If his theory is right, then he knows that he is going to feel so many emotions. He looks around the hall for his next victim and sees a female nurse holding a tray of food.

The hybrid smiles at her when she makes eye contact with him. He tells her to sit down across from him in his mind and freaks out when he sees her walk over then sit down. He looks around the hall again to see if anyone else notice what happen. To his luck no one else does. He looks at the female again and tells her to go back to what she is doing. He starts to wonder if she will remember what happen. He hopes not because this power will definitely come in handy. He decides to take a nap since so much has happen and now that he is calming down he feels just how tired he is. He gets comfortable in the chair before he closes his eyes and starts to dream.

Meanwhile, the omega is looking around his room wondering where his alpha is. He doesn't want to go through this alone. He sees the doctor checking his heart rate and writing somethings down on his clipboard. He hopes that whatever is happening to him is not deadly. He would be positive about what is happening but the doctor doesn't seem to be relax or anything. He wants to ask him what could be going on with him but he feels that the doctor will try and avoid that question since he seems to be confused and very concern. He sits up in bed a bit just as a male nurse comes into his room then gives him a tray of food. He thanks him with a smile before he starts to eat.

"Has anything strange happen to you recently, not including the fact you giving birth not to long ago?" The doctor asks while clicking his pen.

"This has to stay between you and me." Harry states and the doctor nods his head.

"Of course. Nothing will be revealed unless you say so." The doctor says, bringing his pen to his clipboard.

"My mate is a hybrid between a werewolf and vampire. It has just happen recently. We don't know what he can do because of this besides the fact that he craves blood and the structure of his body change. I am pretty sure that my children are the same as him but they haven't crave blood or done anything else. They just act like normal babies." Harry explains and the doctor closes his mouth after hearing all of that.

"I think that I might need for you to bring one of your children in to test something and I promise it will be quick and harmless." The doctor says and the omega nods his head.

The omega speaks into his alpha's head making him wake up. He asks for him to go home and bring one of their children back to the hospital. The hybrid gets out of his seat and heads toward the entrance of the hospital. He uses his super speed to get back home once he knows that nobody is watching him. He stands in front of his home a minute later. He enters the home and makes his way to his childrens room. He smiles when he sees the sleeping peacefully. He gently picks up Jade and makes his way out of his home. He speeds back to the hospital then makes his way to his omega's room. The doctor is taken by surprise at how fast all of that just happen. He has never dealt with anything like this so he is very curious right now.

"What are you doing?" Niall questions, seeing the doctor reaching his arms out for his daughter.

"I am just going to run some tests to see what could be wrong with your mate." The doctor replies just as Jade starts to wake up.

"You told him didn't you?" Niall asks while looking over at his mate with wide eyes.

"It might be helpful so it is better to tell someone that can help rather keeping it a secret." Harry answers before signaling for him to give his daughter to the doctor.




I was on a time crunch. Here you go. Gtg. Thought??? Predictions???

Bye my Fefe.🆚🆎📴

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