Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

*Author's P.O.V*

It has been two days since Harry has given birth and he doesn't seem to be getting any better. His once muscular body is now thin as paper and pale as snow. The hair on his head doesn't have much glow to it either. It is dry most of the time and looks very short. His eyes look as if they are ready to fall out of his head at any moment. The bright green that they use to be is a dull green now. His mouth is dryer than a desert most of the time that it makes him cough a lot and constantly thirsty. The bones that keep his body moving doesn't seem to want to do that anymore. Simply walking to the bathroom or going to feed his babies is a challenge for him. His body just wants to quit every time he takes three steps. The omega figures that this is normal since he did give birth and that can take a lot out of someone.

His alpha, on the other hand, doesn't find his conditions normal at all. He sees the trashbin fill with bloody tissues everyday from his omega's nose or mouth. He sees the way his omega's body tremble twenty four seven. He hears the quiet winces and grunts his omega makes when he moves the slightest bit or is sleeping. He feels all the pain that his mate is going through. All he wishes is for his omega to see that his conditions isn't normal before something happens to him. He doesn't want to wait then have someone tell him that they can't do anything to fix his mate. He'll go absolutely insane. He quietly enters the bedroom and his blue eyes lock on the bed. The bed has Harry sleeping on it with the duvets wrap around him. Josh is sleeping next to him with a smile on his face. The alpha's lips create a smile at the adorableness.

"I made breakfast for you. It's your favorite too." Niall whispers with his lips hovering over his omega's ear, making his ear twitch at every word.

"Wake me up in another hour please. I'm too tired to do anything right now." Harry replies with a groan as his body shifts a little bit.

"Harry you slept mostly through yesterday. It's time to wake up before you end up sleeping through this whole day. I'm sure the kids miss you and I know you're hungry." Niall says just as the omega's stomach growls quietly.

"If this isn't too much to ask, can you use your big muscles to carry me and Josh down the stairs?" Harry asks even though his eyes are still close.

"Of course." Niall states with a laugh before hooking one of his arms under his omega's knee and the other under his back.

The alpha's muscles flex as he lifts his omega up with ease. He bends over the bed a bit and let's his teeth grab the back of Josh's shirt. The baby doesn't awake at the movement of his body. He is gently place on top of his green eye father then the three make their way downstairs. The alpha places his mate at the dining table and grabbing his son right after. He takes him to the living room where his sisters are in their high chairs watching Dragon Tales. He puts him in his high chair then leaves to check on his mate. The omega's trembling hand reaches out to grab the fork on his plate. His mouth opens slowly as he stabs his food slowly then brings it to his mouth. A crack comes from his shoulder when he pulls his arm back but it doesn't bother him. It bothers his alpha very much though. A quiet sigh leaves Niall's mouth as he watches his mate. He can't take this anymore. This is hurting him deeply.

"You need to be look at by a doctor. It looks like you're getting worse every minute." Niall says and Harry let's out a cough before he speaks.

"Just give me a few more days Niall. I promise I'll be back to normal in no time. It just takes a while for omegas to recover after giving birth." Harry says, his fragile body shaking since a chill runs down his spine.

"No. I can't let you keep putting this off. You may or may not see it but your condition is hurting me too. I just want what's best for you. It's better to get check out now so if something is wrong we are early enough to stop it." Niall reasons with his hands resting on the table as he stares down at his omega.

"Just please go take care of the babies. I have a headache and I don't want to make it worse. Please trust me when I say I'll be fine. I will come to you if I'm not." Harry says, looking up at his alpha and that causes Niall's heart to sink to his stomach.

His omega looks so dead right now. It makes the alpha wants to cry because he wants his omega to get better but that doesn't seem to be happening. He doesn't want to walk in on his mate laying on the floor dead one day because of this. He can't even imagine what his life would be like after that. He bands the thought from his mind and focus back on his mate. He nods his head with a fake smile before leaving his omega alone. The moment he enters the living room his smile turns real. The little hybrids, that he is the proud father of, are sitting up with their pacifier going in and out in perfect unison. The action makes the heartbroken alpha laugh and make his way over to them. Even though he hasn't seen any changes to them, he just knows that they are hybrids. He watches in awe as they all look up at him with their eyes holding so much innocence. He can perfectly see Harry and himself in his children and that warms his heart.

He is so focus on his children that he doesn't hear his omega struggling to get up from his seat. Harry still has the duvets on him so it makes the task ten times harder. He winces quietly when he feels something on the inside of him stab into his side. The pain goes just as fast as it came, which the he is grateful for. His free hand comes to rest in that area with his pale, skinny fingers rubbing the skin and muscle gently. The muscles in that area start to loosen up, causing a smile to come up on his face. Just as he places the plate in the sink, he feels a sharp pain in his back and his mouth becomes very dry. As this is happening, the babies start to whine and whimper. Their throats are dry but Niall can't tell though since they can't really talk and he can't see a change to their body. Every time the babies feel a ache or pain, Harry feels it a hundred times worse.




Thoughts??? Predictions???

Bye my Jumpsuit.🐴🏃💐

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