Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

*Author's P.O.V*

Niall eyes snap open as a loud gasp escapes his mouth. He sits up quickly with his arms still clutching on to his daughter. He looks down at her once he starts to calm down. The first thing he notices is that she isn't moving at all. It doesn't take him long to come to the conclusion that she is dead. He kisses her forehead before sitting her down on the ground. His head turns to look at his brother, who sits there frozen. That is when he remembers where he is at. He gets up from the ground then makes his way to the bars. Though he can't smell him, he knows that the royal werewolf was here not too long ago. This causes him to smack the bar, which makes it rattle loudly. The noise catches the attention of the guard that is making his way to him.

"You were dead for three days. How are you able to come back?" Zayn says as he gets off the ground then slowly makes his way to his brother.

"He shot me in the head with a gun that kills werewolves. Last time I check, I'm a hybrid." Niall answers just as the guard comes down to the cell.

"What the fuck? You're supposed to be dead." The guard says, causing a flip to switch in the hybrid.

"You thought wrong. The moment I rip through these bars I'm going to break every bone in your body then proceed to wipe out your entire bloodline." Niall says with a hard glare.

He can't feel anything but anger. He won't stop feeling it until blood has been spill and he gets his children back. With that, he looks back over at his daughter. An idea suddenly comes to him, which makes him grin. He goes over to her then picks her up. Fake tears came to his eyes as he walks back to the bars. He holds his daughter out to the guard, who looks at him confused. He doesn't know where the sudden change in mood came from. However, he moves closer to the bars to take her from him since that's what he thinks he wants. Just as he grabs her hand, he is grab by the arm then pull against the bars quickly. He goes to pull out his gun but Abigail is put down with the hybrid grabbing his other arm. Zayn looks at the scene with wide eyes since he doesn't know what else to do.

Niall stares into the guard's eyes, which makes the male shake in fear. He let's out a laugh before yanking hard on his arms. The strength causes his arms to dislocate from his shoulder. The scream that comes from the guard makes him smile happily. He manages to pull him through the bars, which broke some bones inside of him. The guard is push to the floor before his stomach starts to be rip open. He can't do anything but scream with his body trembling in pain. The hybrid decides to satisfy his wolf half so he eats the organs of his victim. His brother turns his head away from in order for him not to get sick. It pains him to hear the guard's screams stop all of a sudden. He can't bring himself to look though to see why. He just prays that it was because of his open stomach instead of his brother doing something more mess up to his body.

"He doesn't have the keys on him." Niall says after some time while wiping his face clean then standing to his feet.

"Oh now you want to check for the keys." Zayn mumbles just as his brother feels what his mate is feeling right now.

"Liam." Niall states before letting out a deep growl that made his brother back into a corner.

"I can't do that to Niall. He is my mate and I love him." Harry says, pushing him away then wipes at his mouth.

"You know you want to. Just forget about him or better yet let me make you." Liam replies with a smile on his face.

"What has gotten into you? You're nothing but a friend to me. Nothing more." Harry states as he points out the room."You need to leave."

Liam doesn't like that at all. He growls at him before positioning himself in a more threatening way. Harry takes notice of this immediately and he makes a run for the door. A scream leaves him when his hair is grab and he is thrown onto the bed. He bounces as the towel comes loose from his waist. The only thing he can think of that might save him is transforming so he does just that. He growls seeing the beta slowly walk to him with a chuckle. Though this may be a bad time, he notices the glossy look in his eyes. He has read that it means a witch cast a spell in order for them do something. That makes him feel a little better knowing that his friend is attacking because he wants to. Due to the fact that he is in his head, Liam is able to grab him then knock him unconscious.

"We need to get out of here right now. Harry is in great danger." Niall states, feeling a little bit of panic settling in his chest.

"I know. I'm trying to think. Just give me a minute." Zayn replies just as the witch appears outside the cell with a big smile.

"Though it is surprising to see you alive, you won't be going anywhere as long as I'm around. You're precious mate is be trained to forget about you along with your children. Now if you don't mind, I have to make your brother work for us since the royal werewolf can't wait any longer." The witch explains then closes her eyes to concentrate.

Those words sent his mind haywire. Ever since he had awaken, he is able to know what his mate thinks and feels along with his children. Their connection to him isn't mess up no more. The fact that it's not makes him want nothing more to protect them. A determined look comes up on his face while making his way to the bars. He grabs them tightly before pulling them as hard as he can. The effort causes him to growl loudly. The witch opens her eyes at the noise then let's her mouth hang open seeing the bars bend to his will. She makes eye contact with him and that's when she notices his new transformation that her boss seen previously. She starts to cast a spell for the bars to be indestructible as she takes a few steps back. Her spell doesn't seem to hold up since the gap is getting bigger. This causes her to leave with a stumble.

"Oh I'm not finished with you missy." Niall says just as the bars break in his hands and fall to the ground.

"Niall." Zayn says while getting up from the ground as his brother turns his head to look at him."Kill every last one of those bastards who willingly took part in this."

"With pleasure." Niall replies with a nod before disappearing within a blink of an eye, leaving his brother to wonder in the woods alone.




Thoughts??? Predictions???

Bye my Icarus Falls.🤕🤗🤖

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