Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

*Author's P.O.V*

"I'm with you one hundred percent." Niall states, grabbing his mate's hands then giving them a soft squeeze.

"Before we do anything, I want to know where Abigail is." Harry says not letting the tears that want to come free.

"I left her in the cell with Zayn. You go to the pack house and ask him while I go to the royal's house. Once you're done, you can meet up with me and we can put an end to this." Niall suggests before they both stand up.

They share a long kiss, which makes their skin tingle. Neither one of them wanted to pull away from each other. The kiss had made them forget all of their problems. It was as if they were back to their past self. They both dearly miss that. When they were nervous yet so affectionate with each other. They didn't have to worry about people trying to kill their mate or take their babies. They hope that they can return to that soon. They do, however, pull away before they leave their home. Niall can already feel his anger surfacing again. This time the only person he is going to try to kill is the royal werewolf. If a few other people are added, then he will just have to live with that.

The cold and the snow doesn't effect him at all. He can't really feel it since he is technically dead. By the time he gets to the royal's house, there are two guards blocking the gate with two more blocking the front door. They all make eye contact with him, which lets him know that they were informed about him. They only prove him right when they take their guns out. This causes him to sigh deeply. He doesn't waste time with breaking the first guard's neck then doing the same to the other. He then kicks the gate open just as the two other guards start firing. He moves out the way quickly then runs over to them to bash their heads together. They fall to the floor unconscious as he gets back to his main mission.

He burts through the front door already smelling where his children were. His presence alerts the other members inside. A guard comes over to him to kill him but he rips his heart out before he could lay a finger on him. He drops the heart in disgust as a maid screams from the scene. Louis rushes down the stairs then stops when he sees the hybrid. He can't process what's going on fast enough as he is grab by the collar of his shirt. He is about to speak when he is punch repeatedly in the face. A gash forms under his eye while another forms above his eyebrow. Just as blood starts to leak from his nose, the attack stops. He starts to wonder what he could have possibly done to deserve this.

"Where the hell is he?" Niall questions, glaring into his eyes deeply.

"Who are you even talking about?" Louis asks, trying to push him away but fails greatly.

"Your sad excuse of a father and my children." Niall responds ready to spill more blood.

"We don't have your children and I haven't seen my father for hours." Louis answers quickly, raising his hands in defense.

"You killed my daughter so it's only fair that I kill you." Niall states, causing Louis' eyes to grow wide.

Two other gaurds come over to try to protect their future ruler. One of them grab their gun while the other tries to pull the hybrid off of Louis. Niall reacts by grabbing the one closest to him then snapping his neck. He then speeds to the other one and punches him unconscious. Louis scrambles to his feet then make his way to the safe room. He doesn't get far since the hybrid appears in front of him. He knows that there is no hope for him when he gets bitten on the neck. He closes his eyes tightly then start to say his last goodbye to his father. That doesn't last long since he feels the fangs pull away from him as three people rush into the house.

"Niall stop. He doesn't know anything about what happened to you and your family." Zayn says, causing Louis to thank the heavens.

"How can you be so sure about that?" Niall asks, tightening his grip on the beta's shoulders.

"I cast a spell to know everything he knows. He's innocent." Xena explains, stepping forward.

"Plus we need him in order to find his father and our babies." Harry speaks up next, which makes his mate calm down again.

"Can someone please inform me on what's going on?" Louis questions, causing all eyes to shift to him.

"Your father tried to kill me and make my mate and children forget about me just so he could use our blood to become immortal. He also took my children then proceeded to kill one of them so now he must feel my hatred." Niall explains, watching as the beta holds his neck to stop the bleeding.

"I'm very sorry that this happen to you. If I would have known, I would have done something immediately. I am more than willing to help right now." Louis states, giving them a nod.

Zayn looks at Xena then nods at her to proceed with the spell. She looks at Louis and he nods at her to let her know that he's ready to start. She comes over to Louis then starts to mumble something under her breath. He closes his eyes thinking that it would help with spell. It doesn't. She takes the blood from his neck then spreads it across his temples gently. After that, she rests her thumb in the middle of his forehead. He passes out instantly with his body slump against her. She closes her eyes to focus more. She reopens them two minutes later with a satisfied smile. She slowly lays Louis down on the floor before turning to the trio. Their eyes are fill with so much hope.

"He's on the secret road that leads to the airport." She says, causing them to sigh in relief.

"Alright that's all I needed to know. I'll be back in a few minutes with his head and our babies." Niall responds with a clap while heading for the door.

"Wait. I'm coming with you." Harry says, rushing to his mate's side and grabs his hand.

"Or we could just use his son in order to trap him over here and kill him." Zayn suggests with a shrug before they make it out the door.

They all turn their head towards him. It wasn't like Zayn to say something like this. He is always the one trying to have as little as to no violence happen. The only time that he would use violence is if he's being attack in that moment. They can clearly see why he would say this no though. He was held captive in a cell with his supposedly dead brother and niece, almost force to join a power hungry man, and was almost killed by his brother. None of this would have happen if it wasn't for the royal werewolf. He wants him dead just as much as everyone else. Everyone looks at each other then Louis one more time before they nod their head in agreement. It is time for some payback.



Five more chapters.💃💃💃Thoughts??? Predictions???


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