Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

*Author's P.O.V*

Harry falls to his knees before he falls to his side. The side of his head hits the floor hard causing blood to spill. His eyes start to close slowly even though he is trying to keep them open. He turns himself over so he is laying on his back. The noise around him fades in and out. The smell of his blood travels out of the room and into the living room. The smell hits his alpha's nose and he is quick to follow the smell. He enters the kitchen and his eyes grow wide at the sight in front of him. He runs over to his mate and drops to his knees. He grabs the omega's head and makes him look at him. He starts to freak out when he sees the gash on his mate's head and the blood that is covering his hands.

He honestly doesn't know what to do. He feels like such a bad mate because he didn't hear when his mate fell. He doesn't want his last memory of the omega is dying in his arms. He wants him alive to watch their babies grow up and do great things. He starts to howl in hopes that someone will hear it and come to help him. The howl ends up making his babies whine and try to howl as well. He ignores those though since he knows that they aren't in any danger. The smell of the blood gets stronger and it causes his mouth to water. He can feel his stomach twisting and growling for blood. His eyes start to change colors too. He knows for a fact that he won't ever feed off of his mate even in his worse of moments.

After some time, he lifts his mate up from the floor and make his way to the front door. He looks over at his babies that are still whining and feels his heart break even more. He opens the front door to see a beta walking up to his home. He tells them to watch after his babies before he starts to run to the nearest hospital. Due to his body being half vampire, he runs pass everything in a blur. He comes to the hospital in under five minutes. He runs in and looks around for a nurse or doctor. He sees a male nurse comes out of a room and he rushes over to him. He feels a squeeze on his arm and looks down at his omega. He sees him looking up at him with his eyes halfway open.

"The babies. Where are they?" Harry questions quietly while trying to get out of his arms but groans in pain.

"They are safe. You just need to focus on yourself right now." Niall says before putting his mate in a wheelchair once the nurse gives him one.

They head down the hallway with a doctor joining them to find out what is going on. A frown comes up on the blonde's face when he sees that the doctor may be a little confused on what is happening to his mate. If this can't be fix, he's going to feel like this is all his fault. They enter a empty room and the green eye male is place on the bed, making him let out a scream of pain. He wraps his arms around his stomach then closes his eyes tightly. This makes the alpha very alert now. He tries to channel the feeling of what his is omega going through but he gets nothing. All he can do is stand next to him and rest his hand on his shoulder. The omega's shirt is taken off and the doctor starts to examine him.

"Is he dying?" Niall asks, fighting back the tears that want to run free.

"No but he is experiencing painful injuries, which I don't know the cause of. This seems like magic to me." The doctor says with a sigh.

In that moment the omega starts spitting out a large amount of blood. This causes everyone in the room eyes to grow wide. The nurse in the room escorts the alpha out of the room, which makes him fearful yet upset. He wants to be in there to help. He stands by the door and looks through the small window but the doctor and nurse are blocking his view. He let's a frustrated groan before taking a seat in the chair next to the door. He sees two females sitting across from him with their eyes focus on him. He had seen them at the celebration not too long ago. He knows that they are apart of his pack but he gets the feeling of them not wanting to be around him. He can tell by the way they are sitting.

"He killed three random people at the celebration and it has to be true since the royal werewolf made everyone leave and some people forget what happened." The older looking female whispers even though it is no use.

"I heard from the people on his team that he is a vampire but disguising himself as one of us." The other female says and the older female gasps.

"You two are really fucking rude. You could have just kept your mouth shut or wait till I left or until you left. You two can happily die by my hands if you keep testing me." Niall explains, causing them to shake in fear.

It feels as though a switch just turn on after that. His fangs are on full display again with his eyes going crimson red. His hands form tight fists making his muscles and veins bugle. All he can think about right now is ripping through both of their necks. He doesn't care that they are apart of his pack. In his eyes they shouldn't have been disrespectful. He can just imagine their screams for help as he takes every last drop of them from them. He knows that they will fill him up nicely. He smirks at the thought and the females get up and speed walk away. The moment they turn down another hall the alpha goes back to normal. He plays with his fingers while his leg bounces up and down.

Twenty minutes later the two females come back with a tall male, who seems to be the mate of the younger female. She whispers into the male's ear while she points over to the hybrid, who is biting his nails. She has told her mate about what the hybrid said to her and her friend and the rumors that have been spreading around about him. The male made a plan to talk to the hybrid outside without any violence. The hybrid is so into his thoughts that he doesn't notice them walking over to him. They stand in front of him causing him to lift his head up and look at them. He lets out a sigh when he sees that the two females are back with another person.

"Let's have a mature conversation outside." The male says with a friendly smile and Niall follows him out the building even though he doesn't want to and could have said no.




Thought??? Predictions???

Bye my Smithereens.🔄✅♻

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