Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

*Author's P.O.V*

"Just let go already." The witch whispers low enough so only Niall can hear it.

"A small bite can't hurt. All I need is a taste then I'll stop." Niall says to himself as his mouth gets closer to the female's neck.

The crowd watches in horror as the hybrid bites into the female's neck without a second thought. The female in his grip trips backwards and falls to the ground with a hard impact. The hybrid hasn't broken apart from her neck through the fall. He just attaches himself to her more with his mind only wanting to get every last drop of blood from her. The shouts and whispers of the crowd fade away from him as he enjoys himself. Blood seems to taste so much better to him when his victim is drowning in fear. Some people take out their phones to record or take a picture of the scene. A beta in the crowd calls the news to come down to get this story. The crowd jumps back in fear when an alpha goes to help the young lady but the blonde hair male growls at him. The alpha takes his spot right back in the crowd feeling useless.

The pack has never experience anything like this. Their community is always peaceful. They have no idea on what to do. No one seem to notice the royal werewolf or question why he isn't doing anything to stop the attack. The royal werewolf wonders why that isn't happening but he'll wait until the perfect moment to do something. The female really plays her part as she reaches a hand out to the crowd to help her. They all just sigh in defeat when they see the tears that fall from her eyes. The witch waits until the female is on the break of death before she pulls the hybrid away with a little help of her magic. The hybrid falls onto his butt with a grunt. His red eyes look at the crowd as blood runs down the corner of his mouth then drop off his chin. His fangs are dripping with blood with his lips cover in the red substance. To everyone else he looks like a true monster.

"What are you doing?" Niall shouts as he is quick to stand on his feet.

"Protecting this innocent female from you." The witch says, helping the young girl off the ground then holding her close.

"Nobody messes with my food. I'll drain you both dry." Niall growls, causing some omegas to whimper and hide behind their mates.

"You see everyone. The rumors are true. He is a danger to our pack so he is no longer apart of it. He shall be killed so no more hybrids may be created to turn out like him. I will bring peace back to our community as long as I shall live." The royal werewolf explains and the crowd cheers him on.

Niall looks at the crowd in disgust. He can't do anything since the witch does the spell from before, which makes him drop to the floor with his head in pain. He goes to send a message to his omega but the witch knocks him out. The alphas that are there help pick the hybrid's body up and carry him to the basement cell deep in the woods. The crowd leaves as the royal werewolf follows the alphas. A news van pulls up and the reporter hops out to find someone to interview. The witch walks the female to the reporter, putting on a frighten face. Meanwhile, the group of males reach the cell out in the woods. The door is open by the royal werewolf before they all go inside. They drop the hybrid to the floor then close the cell door then lock it. The royal werewolf gives the alphas a nod and they all leave the room then head back to where they came from. The hybrid wakes up a few minutes to see the royal werewolf holding his daughter.

"You do not deserve to be the royal werewolf. You would kill off innocent people that are apart of your pack who haven't done anything wrong." Niall says still laying on the ground.

"Oh I am not going to kill your babies. I am going to keep them and find a way to make myself and my son immortal like them. I will find a way to turn them into mortals and strip them of their powers then they can go back to Harry. Don't worry. I'll strip them of their memory of you and what will happen to them so they can live peacefully." The royal werewolf explains with a chuckle.

The hybrid gets up off the ground and is at the cell bars in a instant. He most definitely will not let that happen to his children while he is around. His arm reaches out to try and grab at the royal werewolf but to no use. A growl comes from his mouth as his arm slowly start to transform. His fingernails grow by two inches, almost touching the royal werewolf. His hand turns into a very pale color, almost white. His arm is the next thing. It starts to grow bigger with the veins bulging against his skin like a heartbeat. The hybrid's left eye stays it natural color while his right eye turns a deep blackish red. His bottom teeth are of a wolf while is top teeth are of a vampire. His jawline becomes more define along with his cheek bones. This is a new transformation to Niall and the royal werewolf. It looks like the combination of a original vampire and the werewolf form. 

"The moment I get out of here I am going to expose you to everyone then rip your head off your neck." Niall explains, pulling at the bars as hard as he can with them bending slowly.

"I don't think so. Say goodbye to your daughter. This is the last time that you will ever see her. You will not be waking up after this." The royal werewolf says while going to the desk that is by the cell.

He opens the cabinet then takes out the gun inside. The gun is use to put werewolves down. He makes sure the gun is loaded as the hybrid starts to make a big hole between the bars. The royal werewolf and Niall look each other in the eyes. The gun goes off and the bullet goes right in the hybrid's forehead. He falls to the ground with the hole leaking blood. Another gun shot goes off and a second bullet is put in the hybrid's head again. A last gun shot goes off with the final bullet going in the hybrid's head. The royal werewolf puts the gun away before he leaves the room. He heads to the couple's house to collect the rest of their children. Meanwhile, Harry is turning on the television with the news channel coming up. He wants to find something that will past the time. He turns up the volume when he sees his mate's face come up on the screen. His mouth hangs open in shock with the words that are coming out of reporter's mouth.



Thoughts??? Predictions???

Bye my Tonight.🤒🤓🤑

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