Chapter 11 (!)

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Chapter 11

*Author P.O.V*

"I'm sorry in advance if I hurt you because I have no idea what I'm capable of. This is why I want to at least hold off on this until I'm in control and know exactly what's going on with my body." Niall explained while resting his forehead against Harry's forehead with a sigh.

"You won't I promise. Stop over thinking it. I trust you." Harry said bumping his nose against his alpha's nose."Now undress me please because I'm starting to burn up."

"Okay." Niall said, smiling when his omega had given him a bright smile and a kiss on the nose.

Niall pulled off Harry's shirt, tossing it to the floor and started to kiss his neck making Harry moan as he found his soft spot, biting it lightly. Niall rolled them over so he was on top, taking off his shirt and jeans as Harry pulled him down for another kiss. He started running his fingers through Niall's hair, pulling on it softly. He let a smile come up on his face seeing the pleasure filled sigh that left Niall's mouth. Harry gasped feeling his boxers come off with the cool air hitting his dick. Niall left rough love bites all over his neck and chest with a smirk on his face hearing Harry's whimpers. As stated before, they were the most beautiful whimpers he has ever heard. Harry had been waiting for this for so long honestly. He was going to lose his mind even though he never had sex before and he wasn't planning on telling Niall that either.

He knew Niall would instantly stop so Harry kept it to himself. He didn't see anything wrong with it. A little white lie wouldn't hurt anyone at all. It didn't take long for Harry to instantly regret not telling Niall he was a virgin as Niall thrusted into him without any type of warning. Harry grabbed his biceps and squeezed them tightly. Harry felt like he was being set on fire as he arched his back closing his eyes, trying not to scream or cry. He had to suck it up and be a man because he wanted this and if he had to take some pain to get it then he'll do it. After five minutes, the pain turn into pleasure as Niall went harder. The impact causing the omega's ass to turn red.

Niall was slowly getting lost in the moment as he held on to the headboard tight until it broke in his hands. A low growl left his lips as he put his hands on either side of Harry's head. Harry was in complete heaven that he didn't even notice or hear Niall growls and heavy breathing as the bed rocked with each of Niall's thrust. More whimpers and moans fell from Harry's mouth as Niall went harder if that was even possible. Harry quickly dug his nails deep into Niall's back. He was reaching his peak and Niall didn't even touch his dick yet. Niall lips trailed from Harry's face to his collarbone. His canines coming out and biting down hard making Harry scream loudly. The pain was unbearable as Niall grabbed Harry's neck tightly, stopping him from making any noise. His rut completely taking over his mind and body.

"Niall, you're hurting me." Harry whimpered out the second Niall's hand eased up on his neck before going tight again.

Harry's hand quickly came to Niall's hand and tried to pull it away with all the strength he had. Though he is a strong omega it was like trying to move a planet. His vision was going blurry while he felt Niall's knot swell up inside of him. He let out a quiet squeak as his other hand pushed on Niall's shoulder. He didn't know how long this is going to take. All he knew is that he wouldn't be able to bear the pain any longer. After thirty minutes, Niall's knot popped with Harry eyes growing wide feeling his mate's nails dig into his back and pull down ever do slowly. Harry could feel the blood running out of the wounds and soaking the duvets. His hands slowly letting go of Niall and falling at his sides. His eyes closed as he passed out still supporting a boner.

Niall eyes grew wide when he realized what had happened. He didn't mean to do that at all. He didn't know if the green eyed omega wanted to be mark so early. He pressed his finger against Harry's neck to check his pulse and let out a breath of relief. He got off the bed and went to go get the things he needed to clean himself and Harry up. He came back in the room making sure to open a window to let a cool breeze in so Harry wouldn't overheat. The alpha cleaned his mate first then himself before rushing to get his phone to call his brother. He didn't know what to do. His hands shook as he tapped call then pressed the phone to his ear. He let out a groan when the phone had went straight to voicemail. He tried one last time but ended up getting the same result as before. He sat his phone on the dresser then sat down on the bed.

He prayed that he didn't do any real damage to his mate. This was the exact reason why he didn't want to go through with this in the first place. He leaned close to his mate's face and was going to kiss his forhead but Harry gasped loudly while arching his back a little. His green eyes were open wide as if he had seen a ghost. He sat up with his hand flying to his mark on his collarbone. It was really painful but it felt wonderful at the same time. He didn't have much time to enjoy it since his mind had reverted back to its hormonal state since he was still in his heat. His hands came out to grab Niall's shoulders and pull him close. The alpha didn't know how he was going to be able to keep with Harry for four more days. He was kind of tired out just from the first round with him. He knew that he really didn't have a choice with Harry already kissing along his neck.

"Harry, maybe we should rest for a bit. You're probably still sore from the previous events." Niall tried to reason but Harry wasn't agreeing with that.

"I'm fine. No rest. Just get inside of me already." Harry said, turning the alpha over so he could get on top of him.

"That's your heat talking for y-" Niall was cut off by Harry kissing him hard on the lips.

"Just stop talking for now. After we're done, then you can talk." Harry stated before he shoved Niall's dick in him.



After the fifth paragraph, I had major trouble on what to write because that seemed like such a good stopping point but it wasn't enough words for me. I didn't want the chapter to be short than what it already is.

Bye my High End.😈💃💀

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