Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

*Author's P.O.V*

"So we call him, then have Louis pretend that I'm torturing him. He makes his way back here and that's when I rip his spine out while Xena and Zayn handle the guards he might have. Leaving Harry with saving our babies." Niall recalls with everyone replying with a yes.

"I'll make sure that Louis forgets that we killed his father so he doesn't end up turning on us in the future." Xena says with everyone loving that idea.

A hour had gone by since they came to the royal's home. During that hour, they made sure they were well feed and hydrated by the servants once Louis cleared their names. Though they needed rest, none of them did it until everything is back to normal. They still haven't told the royal beta about killing his father. They wasn't planning on telling him since they knew that he would ruin the entire thing. They are going killing his only living relative after all. What sane person would tell him? The group are currently in the royal's office with their eyes lock on the phone on the desk. It is time to make the call. Louis reaches out to call his father while mentally preparing himself for this.

"Dad. Dad. I don't have much time but I need you to help me." Louis says, the moment his father answers.

"Son what's happening?" His father questions, feeling sick to his stomach all of a sudden.

"The hybrid came here and he's torturing me until you bring him his children. He said if you don't then he will kill me. Don't let him kill me please." Louis explains before pretending to scream in pain as Zayn makes a slapping noise.

"Don't worry. I'll be on my way to come get you and make him pay. I didn't mean to get you involved in any of this. Just stall him for as long as you can. I love you my son." His father responds while Niall picks up the phone.

"I'm afraid that won't due. My children for your son and I'll let you walk away alive. If it doesn't happen today then you can consider your entire bloodline extinct for good this time." Niall threats before hanging up the phone.

Everyone looks at him as he calms down a little bit. They all leave the room then head outside. They pick to stand a feet away from the house so they can have the advantage in the fight. With the help of Louis, a few guards are willing to fight as they prepare themselves behind them. There isn't much that they can do now besides wait. Nobody has a problem with that. Those minutes turn into hours before they start to hear footsteps approaching them. A pack of guards stop six feet away from them with a blank look on their faces. The couple can smell their child, which relaxes them a bit. They both freeze, however, when the royal werewolf steps forward with a very big Camern on his hip. She has to be at least two or three now.

The royal werewolf is a bit surprise to see his son completely fine. This also disappoints him because this tells him that his son is working against him. He knows the hybrid must have told him the truth, causing him to sigh then shake his head. He knows just how morally base he is so he knows that his son is going to try to talk him out of doing this. As much as he loves his son, he simply cannot have Niall have his way. He is doing this for his son ans him. He notices the couple looking for the rest of their children. A grin comes up on his face, causing his enemies to glare at him. He has a plan that is already set into motion. He feels happy knowing that he has won even if he ends up dying.

"Where are Jade, Josh, and Mia?" Harry asks, stepping forward a bit, causing the guard across from to set forward with his hand on his gun.

"Did you really think that I would bring all of your children?" The royal asks with a chuckle."I knew that if I came here with your children you would give me my son then kill me or this was just a trap to get me here with children and don't give me my son then kill me."

"I told you to bring all of my children and not one. I'm pretty sure that I was serious. You are running on very thin ice." Niall states, waiting for the perfect time to strike.

"I don't have to listen to anything you tell me. You may be immortal, but I am still the royal werewolf." The royal werewolf answers, holding Camren closer to him.

"Those are our children you fucking idiot so you do not get to decide what to do with them." Harry hisses with his inner wolf slowly coming to surface.

"Dad you know mom wouldn't want this. You know your parents wouldn't want this either. You are hurting these innocent people for your own personal gain. That isn't right at all. Please give them what they want so this can end." Louis explains, pointing to the couple.

"You don't understand my son. I'm doing this for you and for the world. They are just going to hurt people with their power. I must do everything in my power to stop that. They deserve this." The royal werewolf replies, making his son disappointed.

"I will slowly break every bone in your son's body until I get my children right here right now." Niall states, grabbing the beta by the back of the neck.

"You do that and I will make sure you never see your children ever again." The royal werewolf says just as Niall makes eye contact with his daughter.

Harry groans out in pain while holding his stomach. The hybrid attacks within a heartbeat. He kills the guard near his mate causing the situation to go south quickly. Three bombs go off, which covers the area around them with smoke. Once the smoke is gone, the hybrid gets a good look at what's happening. Some of the guards are dead while others cough heavily from the smoke. Xena holds her bleeding hand to her chest since two of her fingers are missing. Louis sits on the ground holding his broken leg. Zayn stands up from the ground with some third degree burns. His eyes land on his mate last to see him laying on the ground, whining and moaning in agony.

He is quick to go by his mate side seeing the amount of blood and dirt on his body. He is a bit glad to know it isn't his blood. He bites into his wrist then pushes it against his omega's mouth. A few drops are able to land inside his mouth before Niall is yank away from him. He kicks out his legs as an invisible pulls him further away. Xena notices then uses her power to stop the hidden attacker. Niall stands to his feet only to have a knife enter his back. He turns to his attacker then grabs them by the neck. He breaks it then tosses them away from him. He doesn't care about the knife in his as he runs over to Harry again. He comes over to him just as he stands up while coughing heavily. A cry from their daughter catches both of their attention, making their anger sky rocket.

"Harry wait!" Niall yells as his omega shifts into his wolf then runs at the royal werewolf, who is yanking their daughter away from the chaos."I'm suppose to handle him!"

"No. He's mine." Harry states leaping in the air just as a guard comes in front of the royal werewolf.

"Harry!" Niall shouts once his mate makes contact with the male and he howls loudly."No!"



Thoughts??? Predictions???


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