Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

*Author's P.O.V*

"You have to go protect your niece and stop the royal werewolf." Xena says while trying to push him away but he shakes his head to let her know that everything is under control.

"Are you going to be okay? Do I need to rush you to the hospital?" Zayn asks, watching as she stops bleeding.

"No no. The spell I casted will do. I just needs to rest for a while." She answers, feeling her eyelids getting heavy.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were my mate and how come I didn't know until now?" Zayn questions as he feels his skin tingling from their contact.

"Because I didn't want to end up how your brother and his mate are. A witch and a werewolf having babies? That would send so many people after us. I casted a spell so you wouldn't be able to sense me as your mate on you the very first day we met because I saw the look in your eyes. I did it to keep you safe." She confesses, feeling a bit better as he snuggle his face into her neck.

"We met three years ago. I can't be upset you. We can make up for lost time now." Zayn states then gets up to take her where the green eye male is.

Harry places his hand on his wound feeling while his vision suddenly goes blurry and his head starts to spin. The pain seems to amplify, which causes him to shift around a lot. His eyes slowly starts to close and he knows what is happening. He knew from the moment Niall's blood didn't start to heal him. The tears that come to his eyes are instant as he tries to mindlink his mate. He doesn't get through, which breaks his heart. He does a sharp inhale before releasing it slowly with his eyes unblinking. His hand slides off his wound and his heart stops beating as the front door opens.

Niall suddenly awakens with a terrifying scream. His eyes are wide with his hands clutching at his heart. This pain was like no other. He knows exactly what this means but he doesn't want to believe it. There's no way that his other half is gone right now. He was just holding him in his arms. He feels responsible for this happening. If only he would have taken the knife out the moment it enter his back. He stands to his feet then leans against a tree since the pain makes his knees wobble. He tries his hardest to mindlink his mate but he gets no answer.

He doesn't understand how people like the royal werewolf and this witch can easily destroy people's lives. They have no right to do so. He wishes he could have prevented this because now the only thing that surrounds him are dark clouds. They rain down on him hard. Reminding him that his mate can't watch their children grow up. The clouds only getting darker as they remind him that their children won't grow up without their second parent. Their home will forever be broken and this cloud will forever be over his head no matter what tries to blow them away.

"I heard your scream and came as soon as I could." Liam states once he's in front of the hybrid."What's going on?"

"I need you to go get Harry from the royal's werewolf home and ask Xena to try and bring him back to life." Niall informs him, making him gasp at the information.

"Okay. Is there anything else you want me to help with?" Liam asks as he prepares himself to shift but he stops then turns around when he hears footsteps.

"That's sweet but you won't be able to help him." The witch says then flicks her finger, causing him to fly back from him.

"You've already took my mate away from me. Please don't kill another innocent life." Niall pleads while trying to get to Liam.

"Too late." She says before a loud cracking sound comes from Liam's neck as his head whips to the side."He was a looker too. What a shame."

Niall looks at the dead beta with wide eyes. There's too much death going on that he can't handle. First his daughter, his mate, and now Liam. All the wrong people are dying. His sadness is replace with anger. His heart harden along with his eyes. He makes it his mission to not let anyone else he cares about die. The only two people he wants to die now is the royal werewolf and this witch. He pretends to be in pain while falling onto his hands and knees. The witch laughs at his pain as she approaches him. She crouches in front of him then lifts his head so she can look into his eyes.

"From what the royal werewolf told me, I would have thought you would have been much more challenging but you submit quite easily." She teases, leaning her head to the side.

"No amount of magic will stop me from getting revenge for my mate and my children." Niall growls out before his hand is around her neck in lightening speed.

"My magic can." She responds, causing his insides to suddenly burn but he still holds onto her neck.

"If you had other witches on your side, then you might have beat me but you're alone. I've killed one of you before and I will do it again." Niall replies as he stands to his feet with her casting another spell.

"That's impossible. Even vampires can fall under a witch's control." She gasps out as he tries to crush her windpipe but a spell stops him from doing so.

"You forget that I'm a hybrid." Niall says before he breaks through the spell and hears her neck crush in his hand like a paper ball."You were quite powerful. What a shame."

He lets her body fall to the ground before he makes his way to Liam. He scoops him up in his arms then starts running back to the royal werewolf's home. Once he does appears in front of the house, he stops to take in the sight around him. His pack members are helping wounded warriors while also making a pile of corpses. He doesn't want to put Liam in the pile. He still has hope. He just has to find Xena. She has to be able to fix this. Before he enters the home in search of her, he spots Louis cleaning his father's wounds, who is handcuffed and still unconscious. He starts to make his way over to him to end his life but he is stop.

"Daddy!" The hybrid hears, which causes him to look around frantically for the body that belong to.

"My baby." Niall almost cries out when he sees his daughter break away from a pack member and run over to him with a smile on her face.

"Daddy!" She shouts again, only being two years old, as he kneels down and gently lays Liam down.

"I love you so much." Niall whispers into her hair once his arms pull her into a hug, feeling tears threatening to fall."Your other daddy loved you too."



I'm trying to finish this before college starts back up on Monday. Thoughts??? Predictions???


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