Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

*Author's P.O.V*

"I know I'm the last person you want to see but you have to hear me out. You have to believe me when I say I didn't want any of this to happen. If I could, I would go back and change it all." The royal werewolf says with a sigh.

"You can save your breath because nothing you say will ever make me work along side you. My brother wouldn't have hurt no one. The only person he would hurt is someone out to hurt his family, which he sense you were doing." Zayn says before spitting at the older male."I should have listen to him."

"Look at his hands Zayn and look at the bars. He was going to come out of that cell and slaughter me and everyone near here. You didn't see the transformation I saw two days ago so I had to make a choice that would protect everyone. He served a greater purpose in the end." The royal werewolf explains, looking at the dead hybrid then to the thing in his arms.

"You and that stupid witch caused him to become that way. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for you. You were just too scared of being look at as someone lower than royal. You didn't want the people to put Niall in charge since he seemed to be better than you. You are only looking out for yourself." Zayn replies, sitting down next to his brother again.

"Until you understand, you can sit in here longer with a second body." The royal says while opening the cell then sitting a body down."She didn't make it through our third experiment but she had great potential."

"You sick bastard. I will put your son through the same torture you put me, my brother, his mate, and his babies through." Zayn informs, causing the royal werewolf to glare at him.

Zayn takes notice of how small the body is and his eyes grow wide in horror. This can't be happening. There is no way he is witnessing this. His stomach is doing so many flips that he is sure that he is going to vomit any second. He quickly crawls to the body then picks her up. He holds her tightly to his chest with tears falling down his cheeks. He moves back over to his brother while wiping the blood from his niece's face. He hates that he wasn't there to stop this from happening. He wishes he would have been more careful with being sneaky and saving those babies. He hopes that Harry doesn't feel her nor Niall's death. He feels that the omega might kill himself at that point if he does. He makes sure that she is looks nice before placing her on her father's chest as if he was holding her as she sleeps.

"I will not rest until both of you are served justice for your death. Everyone who has taken part in this will suffer greatly. I promise you both. May you rest in peace." Zayn whispers to them while laying down next to them as the royal werewolf leaves.

"I don't want to control you too Zayn but if you don't come around soon then I'll have my witch make you." The royal werewolf whispers to himself, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Abigail is gone. I felt every minute of it. It hurts so much Liam." Harry says with his hand covering his mouth."Who has my children? Who would want to kill my innocent babies?"

"I wish I knew and could help you." Liam replies before letting his friend go."I unfortunately have to go do something but I'll be back as fast as I can. I promise."

He leaves the house while making sure the omega isn't watching or following him. He also makes sure that nobody else is following or watching him. He let's the voice in his mind guide him to the one causing it. He walks around a corner and sees the witch that was with the royal werewolf. A smile comes up on his face as she starts to mumble a spell under her breath. The brown in his eyes gloss over as her spell really starts to kick in. He stops in front of her then waits for her orders. She delivers it to him in his head before sending him off again. He walks to the vampire territory to look for the vampires that the witch is controlling too. He finds them a few minutes later then leads them back to the omega's home. A grin comes up on her face glad that everything is going according to plan.

Meanwhile, Harry stumbles as his vision goes blurry. He takes a step forward to get to his bedroom so he can rest but his body doesn't let him. He falls to his hands and knees with the burning pain in his heart starting again. The pain hurts way worse this time around, however. He thinks that maybe it is from another one of his babies dying. With that thought in his mind, he let's the tears run down his face. He let's out a scream before laying on his side with his arms wrap around himself. His nose starts to bleed but he doesn't do anything to stop it. The physical and emotional pain he is going through won't allow him to. He is fine with that too. At this point, death does sound very inviting. That is something he will fight for.

He forces his body up from the floor then walks down the stairs while gripping the rail. His body won't stop shivering along with his bleeding nose. He makes it to the kitchen then looks around for a knife. He finds one a few seconds later then sits on the floor since his body won't support his weight anymore. He grips the handle tightly then places the tip against his heart. He knows that his other children are alive but knowing one of them is dead is too much for him. He can't live knowing that he won't have his family complete. He takes in a deep breath then let's it out slowly as he counts to three. He goes to push the blade in but the object is taken out of his hand. He looks up at the person who took it and he suddenly feels bad.

"I just want the pain to stop. Please make it go away. It just keeps getting worse and worse." Harry says, looking away from the beta while wiping at his bloody nose.

"Killing yourself isn't going to solve anything. You'll just leave your pups without parents and your mate without his other half. You have so much to live for." Liam says, tossing the knife aside then cupping the omega's cheeks.

"What should I do then because I'm so lost Liam?" Harry questions, making eye contact with the beta feeling a pull in his chest.

"Let me take care of you. All you have to do is trust me. I promise you won't regret it." Liam replies, bringing his face closer to the omega but he is pull away then thrown out the kitchen.



Thoughts??? Predictions???

Bye my If I Got You.🤧🤛🤳

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