Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

*Author P.O.V*

Niall lays his mate down on their bed once they make it back in the house. He goes to the bathroom while Zayn and Liam take care of the nursery room and the babies. Niall grabs some towels and wets them before running back to his mate. He uses the towels to gently wipe the blood off of his mate. He doesn't focus on the amount that he is cleaning up but only on the beat of his mate's heart. He hears the front door open but pays no attention to it. The hybrid just continues to clean and comfort his mate. He becomes alert when he feels his mate's hand twitch every few seconds. He can't focus on that because he now gets a hold of a familiar scent. He is quick to get up from his spot and leave the room. He comes out the room just as the royal werewolf and the witch he brought along stops at the top of the stairs. He can hear his brother come out of the nursery room and he knows that he's the reason for the royal werewolf being here. This causes him to get angry.

"What is he doing here?" The hybrid asks with his eyes giving a hard glare to the royal werewolf.

"To run some tests on your pups." The royal werewolf states and Niall shakes his head.

"Touch them and you're dead." Niall explains with his nostrils flaring and his hands turning into fists.

"What the hell Niall. He only wants to help out." Zayn says while looking at his younger brother in disbelief.

The moment the royal werewolf takes a step forward the hybrid charges at him. The witch uses a spell to stop the hybrid in his tracks when the royal werewolf nods his head. Niall let's out a growl seeing the royal werewolf go toward the nursery room. He tries with everything he has to get out of the spell but nothing seem to work. This causes him to become concern when he feels his pups feel unsafe. The alpha looks at his brother with pleading eyes to find a way for him to get out of this. Zayn just looks at him before going in the nursery room as well. Once his brother leaves his sight, he becomes extremely angry again. His werewolf side wants nothing more than to rip the royal werewolf apart. He focuses his anger on trying to get free while his body slowly goes to its werewolf form. Once the form is finish, he's able to break free from the spell and go toward the nursery room.

The moment he enters the witch puts a stronger spell on him. The alpha stops again and all he can do is move his mouth and eyes. He looks over at his brother and makes sure his eyes tell him how much he hates him. He watches as the witch pricks one of his daughter's finger to make blood come out of it. His heart clenches hearing his daughter start to cry at the pain in her finger. He feels so damn helpless because he can feel her wanting help so the pain can go away. The rest of his pups go through the same thing, which causes the omega to come to. Harry opens his eyes slowly but then cover them quickly when the light hits them. He rubs his eyes while trying to sit up. He grabs his side and his lower back in pain. The pain feels like it will never go away as the omega tries to get himself out of bed. He manages to do that and put on some sweatpants before leaving the room.

"What are you doing to them?" Niall questions when the witch sets the babies back in their cribs gently.

"She just wants to see what they are capable of and their future." Zayn says then the omega steps from around his mate and into the room.

Zayn's eyes grow seeing the state that the omega is in. Harry looks as if he hasn't eaten in months. He looks as if he can be snap in half just from the slightest touch. His lips are dry and crack with his eyes sucken in with a dead look in them. The omega hasn't seen himself so he doesn't understand why everyone is looking at him like he just did something horrible. He walks over to his babies while he holds his side in pain. He picks up his son and one of his daughters then slowly start to rock them. The witch tries to stop him from interferening with the spell but he growls at her when he feels her hand near his shoulder. She pulls her hand away quickly and looks over at the royal werewolf. The royal werewolf does not say or do anything about it. The alpha quickly goes back to his normal form seeing the condition his mate is in.

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