Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

*Author's P.O.V*

Zayn wakes up two days later with the back of his head still hurting. He sits with one of his hands rubbing the bump on his head. After some time, he takes notice of where he is at. He has been to this place before when he was a teen. A minute goes by before he realizes that he is in here with someone else. That person happens to be his baby brother. He is quick to crawl over to his body then try to wake him up. He shakes him, slaps him, and yells his name. None of them seem to work. He puts his ear against his chest only to hear and feel nothing. The realization makes him sick to his stomach. There is no way his baby brother is gone. He was just alive not to long ago. He notices the guard down here and that's when his anger takes over. He moves away from his brother then goes to the bars.

"You son of a bitch. You killed my brother." Zayn spits out with his hands reaching out of the cell to try to choke the taller male."Just wait till I get my hands on you. You'll regert ever doing such a thing."

"I didn't. The royal werewolf did. He saw him as a threat and he wanted to gain his abilities so his people can stay safe and believe in him." The guard states not faze at all by the beta's anger.

"What? Why the hell am I still alive then?" Zayn questions, grabbing on the bars tightly."I will kill him if I ever get out of here without hesitation."

"He doesn't want to kill you. He knows that you'll come around and be apart of his big plan. He sees your potential. He wants you at his side along with his son so you can help rule." The guard answers, causing him to scoff.

"You can tell him to kiss my ass and that his plan will never work. I'll never get over this. My pack will hear about this and they will come for blood no matter who they get it from." Zayn says, rolling his eyes.

He goes back over to his brother then sit down next to him. The tears build up but he doesn't give them the chance to fall. This have to be some kind of sick dream. He hopes that he wakes to see that everything is normal. The minutes go by, however. His hand grabs on to his brother's cold and stiff hand. He squeezes tightly while closing his eyes. This confirms that he is actually gone. His head drops on his brother's chest while tears slip out of his eyes. He had promised their father that he would always protect him ever since their father lost his legs trying to protect them from rogue werewolves. That promise is broken now since he had became a hybrid then dying shortly after.

He then starts to think about how Harry may react to this information if it ever gets back to him. He just hopes that the omega doesn't die because that can happen to them if their mate dies. Now he doesn't want the omega to find out. All he wants is for him to find his babies and live happily. He turns around quickly when a tray of food is place into the cell. He looks at the guard with questioning look but the other male just looks away from him. He wipes away his tears then slowly grabs the tray. He eyes the food on it then gives it a sniff to see if anything was done to it. Once he comes to the conclusion that it is safe, he starts to eat. It doesn't take long for him to finish it since he hasn't eaten in two days.

He tosses the tray out the cell then goes back to his brother. The guard just shakes his head at him. However, he does pick up the tray then leaves the underground cell. Zayn pulls his brother away from pool of blood and to a cleaner area of the cell. He wipes the blood away as best as he can from his face and hair. He then sets him up as if he was in a casket. He doesn't want to remember his last look of his brother like this. He wants his last look to be peaceful. After he finishes, he sits back then smiles sadly at his brother. The moment is ruin for him because the royal werewolf walks in. The beta is quick to get up and run to the cell bars. He wants to know why he would show himself this early. He wants nothing but to bash his brains in.

Harry enters his home then goes to his babies room. He had to come back home once he came to the conclusion that Zayn won't be coming back soon. He also couldn't put up with the pack house. Everyone inside were just way too happy with their mates and babies. He missed the comfort of his own home too. He enters then grabs the blanket that use to cover them. He brings it to his nose then takes a deep inhale. A smile comes up on his face since their scent hasn't completely disappeared. He hugs the blanket to his chest tightly as he makes his way out of the room. On his way out, he bumps into Liam, who causes him to stumble a little bit. The beta grabs him by the shoulders to stop him from falling or bumping into anything else.

"You haven't been home in a while. I thought something had happened to you. I was about to put out a missing person report." Liam says after he lets the omega go.

"No, I'm fine. I was just out doing some searching and healing. The pack house was just too much for me to handle at a time like this. Plus, I had missed my home so I came back." Harry explains, lifting up the blanket to showcase his point.

"Oh. The royal werewolf had came by not too long ago to look for you to make sure you are alright. He says that he has a full team looking for your babies and mate and will not let you down." Liam informs with a nod of his head.

"That's really nice of him. I must thank him when I get the chance sometime." Harry replies with a smile on his face before dropping the blanket and putting his hand over his heart.

"What's happening? I want to know how I can help." Liam says, wrapping an arm around the omega's shoulder.

"Something isn't right. My heart feels like it is melting yet being stab." Harry states, feeling a burning pain in his heart before it suddenly disappears.

"Let's get you to the hospital to fix all of this." Liam says but only to have Harry shaking his head quickly.

"One of my babies. Oh god no. Please." Harry cries out before locking eyes with his friend, feeling like his soul was suck away from him."One of them is dead."



Thoughts??? Predictions???

Bye my Wish You Knew.🤚🖤🤶

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