Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

*Author's P.O.V*

The witch runs through the woods trying to make it to the royal werewolf's home. It isn't that far so she hopes she makes it in time. She starts to cast a spell to inform the people there that the hybrid is coming. The moment she finishes she stops when the alpha appears in front of her. He smiles at before reaching out to her. His hand doesn't reach though since she casts a spell so he can't touch her. She relaxes seeing the smile on his face disappear. She starts to back from him as he tries to break through the spell. After his tenth attempt, he is able to get through. He grabs her arm only to receive powder to the face that starts to burn his eyes. The witch uses this as her chance to get away again. She only makes it five feet before he is in front of her again with a shake of his head.

"Where do you think you're going?" Niall questions, grabbing the witch by the throat.

"I have already cast a spell to warn the royal werewolf that you are on your way." She answers, glaring at him.

"Oh sweetheart. I don't care if he knows or not. All I care about is killing you and everyone else along your side for simply fucking with my family." Niall explains with a dark laugh.

The witch goes to put her hand on his head to cast a spell but he grabs her wrist. She screams out in pain when he breaks it. He then gives her a bearhug making sure to squeeze her as tight as possible. He watches as her chokes on her blood that is spilling out of her mouth. A loud crack comes from her back before her ribs are the next thing to break. He is about to bite into her neck but he feels a sharp pain in his back. He let's the witch go then turn around to see the cause of it. His eyes lock on to a alpha guard glaring at him with a knife in his hand. More guards are behind him with weapons in their hands. They all have on armor as well. Some of them are a bit doubtful about defeating him while others are super excited to end him. The royal werewolf comes to the front of his army with his arms cross over his chest.

He makes eye contact with the hybrid with a blank look on his face. On the inside, he is tense because he doesn't know how this will turn out. He could have sworn the hybrid was dead. His mind is only thinking of other ways to kill him. He makes sure he doesn't forget the tube of blood that he has from the babies. That is his last option if he is left alone with the hybrid. He looks at his strongest guards then nods for them to shift. They do so without hesitation. They growl while getting in a pouncing position. Some of them are in their wolf form while others are in their wer form. All of them are alphas too. The numbers or power does not affect Niall in any type of way. This will be a walk in a park for him. With that in mind, he decides to speak.

"Why don't you fight me yourself?" Niall asks, opening his arms wide.

"Because I don't know what you're capable of." The royal werewolf answers truthfully before howling for his pack to attack.

"Now is your chance." Niall whispers before ripping the heart out of the guard in front of him.

The guards rush him, aiming for his head and heart. One by one they all fall to the ground dead. That doesn't stop them from attacking no matter how fast the hybrid is moving. They manage to deal a small amount of damage but nothing more. They all do take notice in the change of the his eyes and mouth though. That is something hard to miss since they are up close to him. They have never seen anything like it. A few of them are able to get him down on the ground a few minutes later. However, they struggle a little bit since he is thrashing around. That doesn't stop a huge smile to come up on the royal werewolf's lips. The guards take this as their chance to really weaken the hybrid. They stab, cut, and bite away at his body as if he is nothing.

One guard standing near by takes notice of the way the hybrid's body isn't reacting to the attacks but to something else. Niall's arms start to shake violently as he screams out. The veins in his body start making themselves visible through his entire body. His hair starts to turn just as white as the snow on the ground. This change in particular catches all the guards attention. They stop their attack to step back and watch a new form. A few of their mouths hang open as the hybrid starts to cry out in pain. They don't know what is happening to him. They are assuming that he is dying but they aren't a hundred percent sure. One of the guards goes to rip out his heart and succeeds in doing so. However, a strong gust of wind blows past him as he realizes that the heart wasn't even beating this entire time. The hybrid is gone as well.

The royal werewolf is about to say something but his men start dropping one after another with their heads missing. He can't see the attacker though since they seem to be moving faster than the speed of light. This gives him a very bad feeling in his gut. He turns around to leave but only sees Niall standing a few feet away from him. He has one of his guards, feeding off him while looking at him. This new form causes him to take a step back in utter fear. The guard falls to the floor revealing the alpha better. His new form is way different than the one before. This time around he looks more demonic than anything. The blood covering him does nothing but add more fear to everyone around him. The guards attack even though they don't want to anymore.

"Sir we need to retreat. We don't know how to deal with him anymore. We're just play things to him at this point." One guard explains, standing next to the royal werewolf.

"I need you to stall him while I go get my son and those hybrids as far away from here as possible." The royal says then runs back home praying that the hybrid doesn't catch up to him.

The hybrid finishes the remaining guards, making sure that none of them were breathing anymore. In the state that he is in, he can't think straight. All he wants to do is kill and kill some more. He goes over to the witch, who still seems to be clinging onto life. He looks her in her teary eyes then proceeds to bash her head in with his fists. After he finishes, he turns to the direction the royal werewolf went. He is about to speed that way when he feels a tug in his body for him to go to his mate. He makes it home in under a second just as his brother comes across his carnage. There were at least thirty guards scattered across the ground along with their blood. He follows his brother scent back to his home and he prays that everything is alright.




Thoughts??? Predictions??? I don't know why I put this anymore since people are afraid to comment nowadays.

Bye my Wobble Up.🏍🏌🤷

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