Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

*Author P.O.V*

"You're going into labor right now?" Niall asks and his mate looks at him like he's stupid.

"What does it look like?" Harry asks sarcastically while laying down on his back.

"Are you positive?" Niall auestions, seeing his mate collect tears in his eyes.

"Yes!" Harry shouts as his toes curl from the long lasting pain in his stomach.

How can they possible be coming this early? This is the only question that keeps going through alpha's mind. The couple just found that they are going go have pups and how many. There is no possible way that they can develop that fast. Not even a witch's magic can cause a birthing to happen this early. That thought really gets the alpha thinking. Can this be the cause of him being a hybrid? That seem to only be the possible answer. If that is correct, then those pups will grow into adulthood very fast. He wish he can go get help but he can't just leave his mate and his pups out here all alone. So much is happening that he doesn't even think about mind messaging his brother to come and help. The alpha is taken out of his thoughts when he hears his mate transform into his wolf. A pregnant male can only give birth in their wolf form, which makes it easier for them rather than getting a C-section in their human form.

"You're doing absolutely great." Niall says as he licks the omega's stomach causing a bit of the pain to go away.

Harry pants lightly as he moves his head so he is looking at his mate. He is glad that Niall didn't go far from the house. He really needs someone with him now. He knows that this is going to be real painful. His muscles tense up and a yelp leaves his mouth as he feels one of the babies slowly moving into position. He just wants the baby out more than anything right now. The pain is just too much for him to handle at the moment. He regrets not taking Zayn's offer on doing a C-section while he's in human form. He whines quietly while the alpha rubs his head against omega's head. The loving affection cause Harry to get distracted and forget about the pain only for a few minutes. A pain fill howl leaves the omega's mouth as he starts to push. His eyes close tightly and his paws push at the dirt that is around him. Niall makes sure to give encouraging licks to his mate and check on the pup.

"I can see the top of the head." Niall states as the omega starts to pant heavily with his two front paws covering his face."Just keep pushing, Harry."

"I can't do it." The omega cries out while shifting a bit and starts to feel blood trickle down his hind legs.

Niall uses his snout to push the omega's paws out of his face and give it a lick. He knows that his mate is going to hate him for this but he knows that it is best. The alpha presses his paw on Harry's stomach and adds pressure causing his mate to sit up a bit and try to bite him. The alpha mentally cheers hearing soft yipping noises come from Harry's rear. The alpha walks over and chews the umbilical cord off then grabs the white pup gently with his mouth by the back of its neck. He brings the pup over to his mate, who instantly starts to lick the pup clean when it is place on the ground. Niall rests on his legs and watches his pup with his mate with a smile. The smile instantly fades and he is back on his feet seeing Harry's face scrunch up in pain. A very terrifying howl comes from Harry's mouth making Niall panic as he tries to see what is going on with Harry. The howl goes on for a few good minutes. Niall's eyes grows wide seeing another white pup yipping loudly and moving its head around. Niall picks the pup up gently and sits the pup closer to Harry, who still is whimpering in pain. Niall chews off the umbilical cord and licks the pup clean.

Zayn finds the two in the woods and quickly make his way over to them. He felt how Niall was freaking out about the babies and instantly got everything he could and came. He gently shoves his brother out the way and wraps the two pups in a towel. The alpha just watches as his mate starts to whine again and starts pushing. Zayn tells Niall to go help Liam set up the nursery room and his brother follows his order. He runs back to the house and shifts back to his human form. He goes up to the bedroom to put on some boxers. He heads down the hall hearing Liam trying to pull something out the room. He enters the room and sees Liam tugging a old and heavy dresser to the doorway. Liam nearly screams when he turns to see the hybrid at the door. Niall grabs the dresser without a word and pulls it out with the other things in the hallway. He goes inside the room again and grabs the box that holds the crib inside of it.

"I would appreciate if you would start setting up the changing table." The alpha says while opening the box with his hands.

"I'm sorry. It's just that his howls are really loud and sound so painful." Liam explains, looking out of the window.

"Don't focus on that. It'll be over soon." Niall says after he emptys the big box and crouch down to start building.

He sets up the first crib before he goes to set up the second one. The hybrid flinches when he hears his mate howling again in pain. He can feel everything that he is going through and it makes him clench his fist. He tries to block out the feeling and the sound but it is no use. There isn't much he can do for his omega but to wait it out. The fact that he can't do anything about it makes him upset. In that moment, Harry let's out a howl that makes the alpha stop all of his movements. He is out of the room before Liam can even blink. He goes back to into the woods and come up to his mate, his brother, and his pups. The hybrid starts to freak out when he sees his omega knock out on the ground. He drops to his knees and feels around his mate's furry body to try and feel if anything is out of place. He feels nothing, which makes him worry even more. He picks up his mate with ease and quickly go back to their home. His brother is trailing right behind him holding their pups. Neither one of them notice the pool of blood that had soak into the earth where Harry had given birth at.



I'm going to put a picture of what their children look like, at a older stage, in the next chapter so look out for that. Thoughts??? Predictions???

Bye my King Of The Clouds.🙇👪👬

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