Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

*Author's P.O.V*

"You should have let me handle him." Niall whispers, shoving away the other guards."This wasn't suppose to happen."

He runs over to his mate as he feels a slight sting in his side. Once he is near him, he flings the guard that is under him away from him. He rolls Harry onto his side and he flinches at what he sees. There is a long gash on his side that is turning his fur a deep red. He takes out the knife that is there then chucks it away from him. He fight back his tears that want to come as he hears his mate whimpering loudly. He knows that he has to get his mate out of here fast before another guard tries to take advantage of this moment. He rubs his mate's head while leaning down to kiss his snout.

"I got you. You're going to be fine." Niall reassures as his omega closes his eyes for a bit."You're not going to like this."

Harry howls out in pain when he is lift off the ground. He wants to bite at him but he doesn't. He moves around a bit to get out of his arms but it is no use since it causes him pain and he's weak. He can hear his daughter whimpering since she can feel his pain. He looks around to see if he can find her but there is so many bodies in the way. Niall runs inside the house, dodging guards that try to stab him. He takes his mate inside a bedroom then lays him down on the bed. He forces his mind to not focus on the amount of blood that is on his hands and shirt.

"You need to go back out there and stop him." Harry whimpers out after he transforms back into his human form.

"No you need my help." Niall replies, pointing to the wound that is causing the bed to get soak.

"Our children comes first. He can't win." Harry responds, watching as his alpha bites into his wrist then puts it to his mouth.

"I love you." Niall tells him, pulling his wrist away once he feels that it is enough to heal his mate."I'll be back the moment I get our daughter."

He leaves the room as Harry close his eyes with his breathing slowing down. The moment the hybrid steps outside he feels dizzy. His hand comes up to hold the side of his head. The ground in front of him starts to spin as he makes his way back to the action. His balance is suddenly off as he spots his daughter being shoved inside a car. Before the royal werewolf can get inside next, he is grab by Zayn. A stinging pain enters the hybrid's back and he reaches back in hopes of finding out the cause. Xena notices his disoriented state and knows what is going on with him instantly.

"He has another witch hidden somewhere and they have found a way to put a spell on you. You have to stop her." Xena informs him with him being drag away right after.

The battle quickly leaves his sight as he is drag deeper into the woods. The ground beneath him is harsh on his skin. The wounds that appear does not seem to be healing quickly. They do seem to only intensify on the pain scale. His hands reaches out and tries to grab anything that can stop him. That doesn't work in his favor though. It isn't until two minutes later that the pulling stops. The moment it does he stands up then looks around him for the witch. There doesn't appear to be one as he let's his guard down slightly. Suddenly, laughter booms around him.

"Show your face already so I can get this over with." Niall says only to receive another round of laughter.

"Silly hybrid. You're going to be the one that doesn't win this." A voice responds before a female steps out from behind a tree.

"Every person that told me something along those lines ended up dying by me." Niall explains, approaching her.

"You just so happen to meet the wrong one today." The female replies then watches as he falls to his knees in front of her.

"This isn't-" Niall cuts himself off by hissing in pain while the witch ruffles his hair.

"You aren't going anywhere anytime soon." She says then yanking the knife out of his back.

"I swear you'll regert ever working for him." Niall responds, feeling a bit of his pain being less from the removal of the knife.

"Maybe you should have taken this knife out of your back a lot sooner. I was able to curse your blood and bones from it. Now I can bend your body to my will and there's nothing you can do." She informs then shoving his head away from her."Now let's see how this pain effects the people you love."

Zayn, Camren, and Harry suddenly scream out in pain. They all close their eyes while gripping their stomachs. Xena snaps her head to Zayn after she hears that. She doesn't see him being attack so she knows that a witch must be causing that pain. She moves to a more secluded area so she can cast a spell. She closes her eyes, lifting her head to the sky, and making her hands into a fist. She focuses on him then the power that the spell is coming from. She is able to lift the spell off him after three minutes making him able to stop the royal werewolf again.

She opens her eyes again and is met with a guard. She gasps as a knife enters her stomach. She rests one hand on the guard's chest then watches as he pulls away from her with his skin rotting. Once she pulls the knife out, a wince leaves her mouth. The knife is toss far away before she rests her hand on her stomach. After a while, she falls onto her butt. The smell of her blood catches Zayn's attention. He knocks out the royal werewolf before he starts to follow her scent. It doesn't take long for him to find her and he starts to freak out. He drops down to his knees next to her then takes her into his arms.

"Awww your little witchy friend only saved your brother. That gives Harry the perfect opportunity to continue bleeding out quickly." The female says, smiling at the hybrid.

"He's fine so stop lying." Niall states, trying to stand again but the pain brings him to his knees.

"Did you forget that I cursed your blood? That means he's still dying." The female explains, causing his eyes to grow wide.

"Please don't let him die. Just kill me and let him live. He's innocent." Niall pleads and she pretends to cry for him.

"That's definitely not going to happen. You're both going to die so you won't keep searching for your children." She informs as she pats his head.

"I can't die so there's no need to try. Just let him live please. You can even erase his memory." Niall says before he's knock out.



This is for the two lovelies that really wanted me to update. They know who they are. Thoughts??? Predictions???


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