Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

*Author P.O.V*

Harry woke up with a long yawn. His eyes closing quickly with how bright it was in his room. He rubbed his eyes before opening them slowly. He let his arms stretch over his head hearing his bones pop. He tossed the duvets off of him feeling overheated at the moment. His mind went back to what happened to him last night and he let out a groan. He just wanted to rewind time and made sure he took his pills that day. He didn't even know what was happening to him. He never experienced anything like that since he always took his pills on time. He knew that he would definitely have to talk to his mother about it. Just as that thought crossed his mind, his mother had came into the room. She held a cup of water in one hand and a pill in the other one. She came over with a sad smile on her face seeing the stress in Harry's face. She handed him the pill and he quickly popped it in his mouth. He then took the cup of water from her and drunk it all without stopping. He set the cup on his nightstand then wiped around his mouth. He put his fist to his mouth as he let out a deep burp then apologize to his mother.

"How did I get home last night mom?" Harry asked as he sat up and rubbed his forehead.

"Alex carried you here. That's husband material right there." Anne said, making Harry choke on his spit and sit up quickly.

"Mom please. I already don't feel so good." Harry said, feeling a headache coming on.

"That's because you didn't take your pill like I told you to." Anne said as she shook her head.

"What are those pills for anyway?" Harry asked which caused his mother to tense up and look at him with wide eyes.

"It's uh very hard uh to explain. The doctors tried to explain it to me but uh it was too complex and you know I have bad memory." Anne said with a shrug.

Harry nodded then got out of bed. He didn't think about questioning her about it anymore. He would just do some research on it once he has the time. He really wanted to trust his mother but she said uh too many times. He knows she probably means good but he had to know the truth. It was his body for crying out loud. He left the room to go take a cold shower. His body temperature cooling down slowly with each passing minute. Once he had got out of the shower, he felt way much better. He went to go brush his teeth making sure to check the clock on the wall. He saw that he had a few minutes left before he had to leave for work. He went back to his bedroom to see that his mother had already picked out his outfit. He shook his head with a laugh still glad that she had good taste in clothes. He heard pans clunking together and water running downstairs as he got dress. He made sure that he had his keys and wallet in his pocket before he searched for his phone. He found it under his pillow and let out a quiet cheer seeing that it was fully charged.

He then headed downstairs and into the kitchen. His stomach growled at the delicious food that his mother had made for him. He checked the time on his phone and whined seeing that he had to leave out right now. He took two pieces of bread and scooped the bacon and eggs on it before kissing his mother on the cheek. He quickly left the house cussing himself for not putting on any cologne. He walked to the bus stop glad that his bus was about to pull up. He took out his bus card just as the bus stopped in front of him. He tapped his card before heading to the back of the bus. He was glad not a lot of people were on the bus to see him attack his sandwich like a crazy man. He took out his phone and played some games to pass the time. By the time he was on his fifth game, his stop had came. He got off the bus and looked at the busy music store in front of his face. He put his phone away before walking in and clocking in. He went over to the counter and put on his name tag. He took in a deep breath before turning around and dealing with a lot of people.

"I don't see how you get to have this big title but you or your personality aren't big at all." A guy said as he shoved Niall into a trashcan.

"You have the same title as me. I don't see what's the big deal about it." Niall said with a groan while standing up.

He dusted off the leaves and grass before he was punched in the jaw. He fell to the ground again while he held his jaw. He cried out in pain while he rolled onto his back. He looked up at the short man to see him smirking down at him. He then proceeded to kick Niall in the side before turning around and leaving. Niall closed his eyes and tried not to let tears roll down his cheeks. He then sat up and opened his eyes. He lifted up his shirt and looked down at the red bruise on his side. He lifted down his shirt then stood up and started to walk home. He walked passed many people who did not seem to care about his well being at all. He felt completely weak as he walked down the busy street. His legs started to wobble as he put a hand to his head. He didn't think that the punch or kick would affect him that much. He took one last step then collapsed in front of a music shop. His head smacking the ground with a loud thud. He heard someone gasp before a hand was placed on his shoulder. He was soon picked up and carried inside the little store then into a small back room.

"What happened to you?" Harry asked as he lightly shook Niall's shoulder only to get a wince in response."Just rest for a while."

Harry was about to leave the room and get back to work but then he thought about the stranger's face. He looked just like the guy from the restaurant last night. He looked over his shoulder to see and he was correct about his assumption. He didn't know why he felt this weird tug to this guy. It was definitely frighting since he didn't know him at all. His stomach was doing all sorts of twists and knots, his heart beating quickly, and his body just getting hot all over again. At that moment, he knew something was wrong with him and he was going to find out what it was. He quickly left the room before he could experience anything else and went over to the counter seeing the last customer leaving the store. Harry turned on the laptop and quickly typed in his symptoms. His face was in complete confusion as he read article after article. After a few minutes, his eyes grew wide when he read the last sentence to an article.



So a little background of Harry I guess. I don't know really. Anyways Niall and Harry finally met but not in the way you thought it would be. Don't worry, everything will most likely be given away in the next chapter but not everything. This story is way bigger than it seems. Short author's note but I don't care.

Bye my House Of Memories.😶😯😕

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