Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

*Author's P.O.V*

"A innocent female by the name of Paige Wright was burtally attacked by a hybrid outside of Saint Hopes Hospital today that you may know about. The male that attacked her goes by the name of Niall Horan, a former alpha. There is nothing to worry about though. The royal werewolf has taken care of him and the female will be okay." The female reporter explains with a smile on her."We have two witnesses that can explain what happen."

"Everyone just thought it was a couple that was arguing or whatever but then she scream. We all then seen his transformation. He was a true monster. We couldn't help the female because he threaten all of us and none of us knew what he was capable of. We couldn't risk losing more people from the pack to save one person. Trust me though we all wanted to help but we didn't have the power to do so." A female explains while giving hand gestures.

"It was something I've never seen before. He was covered in blood and looked like he was ready to kill all of us but a witch stop him just in time. I didn't think anything like this was possible until now." A male says with him still looking a bit shaken up.

"So traumatizing. If there is anymore updates about this story you'll hear it from us first. Back to you Felix with the weather." The reporter says, nodding at the camera.

Harry's mind has so many questions running through it. He just saw his husband in this very room not to long ago. He simply can not believe this. He knows that his mate wouldn't just attack someone randomly if he was hungry. He tries to mind link him but comes up empty handed. He can't feel his emotions or pick up his scent either. That's when he also remembers that his alpha had their daughter with him. He is quick to change out of his hospital gown then put on his regular clothes. The nurse that comes in try to stop him from leaving but he shoves her out of the way. His baby girl is the only thing on his mind. The moment he steps outside the sunlight hurts his eyes causing him to shield it a bit.

He wants to shift and run home but his body is way too weak to allow him to do that. With that not being an option, he settles for catching a ride home. The first thing he spots is a beta getting on her motorcycle. He rushes over to her and begs for her to take him home. She does agrees to do seeing the state he's in. The ride to his home takes less than ten minutes. The omega thanks her when he gets off then heads inside as fast as he could. He tries to listen out for his babies but he can't hear them. This causes him to run up the stairs as he holds his side in pain. He enters his babies bedroom to find that their cribs are empty. In that moment, he feel as though someone rip his heart right out of his chest.

He wants to know who could have possibly taken his babies. Nobody comes to mind and that starts to frustrate him. He goes to check the rest of the house just in case his babies are still here. He comes up empty handed two minutes later. This causes him to lose his temper. He grabs the nearest object, which happens to be a lamp. The object crashes against the wall once he throws it. Tears escape his eyes as he grabs a picture frame and slams it on the wall. He can't sense his babies or his mate or even mindlink him. His mate might be dead for all he knows too. His body is also failing him. At this point, he wants to kill himself. That won't solve anything but he wants to be taken out of this nightmare.

"Oh hey Harry. The hospital fix you right up I see." Liam says as he comes in the house after his jog.

"Where are my babies?" Harry questions, feeling hopeful in that moment.

"I don't know. They were here earlier with the omega caregiver and Niall. Is everything alright?" Liam answers, noticing the broken items in the room.

"My babies are gone and I don't know who has them. Niall is missing too and I don't know where he is either." Harry explains, wiping away the little bit of snot that comes out of his nose.

Liam is surprise by this information. Before he can even comfort the omega, he is already out the door. Harry heads to the next person that he thinks might know where his love ones are. If Zayn doesn't know, then he is really going to have a mental breakdown. He doesn't allow his mind to imagine his babies or mate dead. If he happens to find out that they are, then he's really going to go insane. He makes it to the pact house and as he walks in all eyes are on him. They must have heard the news is what he thinks. The stares make him feel out of place but he doesn't have time to be focus on that. He goes to Zayn's room and finds him holding a towel around his waist. The door opening causes the beta to turn around ready to attack if need be. He calms down the moment he sees that it is his brother's omega.

"Oh hi Harry. What can I help you with?" Zayn asks with a smile on his face.

"My babies and Niall are missing and nobody knows where they are. I'm freaking out over here Zayn." Harry replies as tears stream down his face.

"Take a deep breath alright. You're going to find them. I promise you that. Everything is going to be okay." Zayn reassures quickly putting on his clothes.

"What if we don't? What if they are being killed as we speak? Niall almost supposedly killed someone. My body isn't functioning properly. Nothing is growing right in my fucking life. I will kill myself if they are dead." Harry rambles while he grips his hair.

Before he has time to do anything damaging to himself or the room, he is pull into a tight hug. He accepts it as he really let the tears flow. He hugs the beta back just as tightly as his tears soak his shirt. He thinks back on what Xena told him but in this moment it doesn't feel like her words were true. His depression is suppose to be short. This is way too long for him. He really needs a rest so his body can get back some energy. He falls asleep in Zayn's bed five minutes later. His friend is gone trying to figure out what happen to his brother, nephew, and nieces. The dream he is having starts to turn dark. He sees his mate transform into something he has never seen before. Even though he looks scary, he can hear him and their babies calling out for help. The dream gets worse from there.




Thoughts??? Predictions???

Bye my Good Years.🤡🛌🤐

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