Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

*Author P.O.V*

"Open up sweetheart." Harry's mother, Anne, said as she knocked lightly on the door.

"Coming!" Harry shouted while taking off the very warm blanket and closing his bottle of water.

He paused his movie before getting up off the couch and going to the front door. He opened it to see his mother smiling at him while holding a plate in her hand. He took the plate and went to the kitchen as his mother came in the apartment making sure to close the door. He carefully took the wrappings off of it then put it in the microwave. He started it then went over to his mother and sat down by her. He rubbed his face into her neck, something he was use to doing since he could remember. He didn't know why he did it. He just knew that the feeling to do it came every time he saw his family. He smiled once he pulled away from her neck and crossed his legs. He was going to speak but the microwave went off making him look over his shoulder at the kitchen. He got off the couch and went in the kitchen again. He opened the microwave and took out the hot plate with a hiss. He sat it on the counter then took a fork out of the cabinet. He grabbed the plate again making sure not to hold it with his whole hand then went into the living room. He sat down by his mother again who was fidgeting in excitement.

"I got you a date for tonight." She said making Harry choke on the food he was eating."He's absolutely perfect for you."

"Mom, I told you that I'm not looking for someone right now. I'm still trying to get my life together." Harry said as his mother frown.

"Okay but give him a try. I promise if this doesn't go well I won't set you up on anymore blind dates." She said making Harry let out a breath of relief.

They spent the rest of their time talking and finishing the movie that was playing. It was fun because Harry hasn't seen his mother in three days. It was silly to miss her over that little bit of time but he couldn't help it. He was a momma's boy. Once the movie was over, Harry went to his bedroom to get ready for this "perfect guy" his mother wouldn't stop bragging about. He did admit that the way his mother talked about made him seem like a guy he could fall for. Once he came down the stairs, he heard cooing from his mother. It made him blush as he covered his face from the pictures she was taking. His stomach felt a bit tingly but he figured that it was just because he was nervous. He quickly walked to the front door while trying not to bump or trip into anything. He made it out of the apartment safely before he left the building to go meet his date. The walk there was quite relaxing. Not many people were out, which shocked Harry because it was beautiful out. In less than fifteen minutes he made it to a nice little restaurant. He was going to walk in but he was tapped on the shoulder making him turn around.

"Oh wow." Harry said before covering his mouth after he realized what he had said out loud.

"I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or not." The male said with a nervous chuckle as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Definitely a compliment." Harry said before blushing deeply and covering his face with his hands.

The man was absolutely beautiful. His skin was a chocolate brown color that glowed under the street light. His black hair slicked back and shining with the rest of his body. His electric blue eyes bringing out his perfectly white and straight smile. He couldn't believe that this person was his blind date. Harry could see why it was call a blind date. This man could you blind with just one glance. The tingle in Harry's stomach only intensified when he was taken into the little restaurant. The two took a seat in the back away from everyone else. They sat across from each other before looking at the menu. They ordered their food then got to know each other a little bit. The date was really nice though. The guy was very sweet and funny. The more he flirted the more Harry wanted to kiss the soul out of him. He started to bounce his leg while playing with his fingers. He never had this strong urge to just attack someone in a sexual way. It was horrifying because he was starting to sweat and hallucinate. He knew he should have went home but he didn't and decided to eat his food. He didn't want to ruin this date but fate had a different opinion.

"They're trying to beat me up!" A blonde male screamed as he stumbled into the restaurant with his shirt rip a bit.

"I'm going to go help him. I'll be right back." Alex, his perfect date, said as he got out of his seat.

Harry suddenly felt something wet in his jeans. He figured it was sweat but the amount he was feeling prove to be that it wasn't. He took this as a sign that he should definitely go home. He slowly got out of his seat seeing Alex block three guys from pouncing on the blonde male. Suddenly, everyone quickly turned their heads in Harry's direction. It was very creepy because some of them smirked while others frowned at him. Alex, after telling the three guys to get lost and watching as they did so, came over to him. He took in a deep breath before paying for the meal and taking Harry out of the restaurant. On their way out, Harry glanced at the blonde male and his soul screamed for him to pounce on him. Once he made it outside, the cool breeze calmed him down a little bit. He didn't even realize that he was gripping Alex's forearms. He let them go with a nervous laugh and stuffed his hands in his pockets. Everything was ruin now. His thighs were sticky from some strange substance, a fight almost broke out in the restaurant, and everyone looked at him like he was a snake. He really wanted to say could things be worse but he new it was possible so he kept his mouth closed.

"Are you alright?" Alex asked while he tried to control his urges as Harry's scent filled his nose.

"Yeah. No problem at al-" Harry ended up passing out but luckily Alex caught him before he hit the ground.



There are new changes coming with my stories if you guys already noticed. One of the things is most of the guys are straight now, because in all my stories everyone was just gay not that I had a problem with that. I just needed something new. The second one is biracial couples because hell yeah. Anyway I hope this doesn't like push you away from my stories. The main two characters will still be gay but like everyone else around them will be mostly straight.

Bye my calm people.;-)

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