Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

*Author's P.O.V*

The royal werewolf comes back to his home just as it starts to snow for the first time. He enters with a fake smile on his face so his guards and son would think that there is nothing to worry about. His son is completely clueless about everything because he made it that way. He had told his son that those hybrid babies were his younger siblings and that he must not tell anyone about them no matter what they say. He knows he shouldn't have but he just wants to protect his son. He comes up stairs then goes to check on the babies. He enters the room but stops at the scene. The babies have grown in size as they lay together while being cover in blood. His son stands in the room with his eyes lock on the dead caretaker, who has no ounce of blood left in her.

"They drained her dry." Louis states while his father brings one of his hands to cover his mouth.

"How did this happen?" The royal werewolf questions with wide eyes.

"She was trying to calm them down because they have been crying all day for some reason. She picked the boy up and that's when it started. The moment he wrapped his arms around her neck he attacked. The others got out of their pins then came over to drink from her too. She was completely helpless against them. When I came home, I ran here because I smelt the blood. When I came inside, they were all napping together in the corner. I then went to check the cameras to see how this happen and here we are." Louis explains, motioning his hands to the scene.

"Where is your mate, who I hear is one of us?" A female vampire asks as she picks a weak Harry up from the floor.

"He isn't one of you and he'll never be one of you so I'm not telling you where he is." Harry answers, glaring at the female as best as he can.

"Looks like I'll have to break you to find out." The female says with a smirk then grabs his hand.

Liam stands to his feet while letting out a growl. The male vampire turns to him then goes to bite him but he is thrown into the kitchen wall. The vampire still finds a way to bite into the beta's neck, causing him to howl. Liam breaks away from the male then transforms into his wolf. He bites the male in the shoulder then tosses him out the kitchen before running at the female. The trio crashes to the floor when the beta makes his attack. Harry is pin under the female but it doesn't last long since Liam bites her leg then drags her away from him. She kicks at his snout causing him to let go then growl at her. He goes to attack her again but the male comes back then wraps his arm around the beta's neck tightly.

He stands on his hind legs while trying to transform into his wer form. That is hard to achieve since the male has a tight grip on him making it hard for him to focus. Harry watches from the floor in shock. He can't transform into his wolf form because he is way too weak to fight so it would be pointless. With that in mind, he looks around for a way to help before seeing the knife that the beta had taken from him. He grabs it from the floor then goes to stab it into the female's head. She senses him, which makes her turn around and back hand him into the counter. The knife leaves his hand once again as he wipes the blood from the corner of his mouth. The female laughs at him while he groans out in pain. She looks back at the beta then makes her way to him ready to end his life.

Liam howls out in pain when she scratches at his eye, which will most likely leave a scar. The pain only angers the beta more as he uses that pain to shake the male off of him. He pounces on the female the moment he is free then rips her head off with his mouth. Her blood spills across the floor with most of it getting on the omega, who is holding his side as he sits on the floor again. The male vampire hisses at Liam then goes to rip his heart out. His mission fails, however, because he isn't fast enough to stop the wolf from biting into his neck. He is about to flip Liam off of him but his neck is crush and his dead body falls out of the wolf's mouth. Liam transform back with blood leaking down the side of his face. He comes over to Harry, who spits some blood out of his mouth then looks at him with a thankful smile on his face. He smiles back then looks him in the eyes.

"I told you I'd take care of you. As long as I'm around, you'll never have to worry about being attack." Liam states, pushing the omega's hair out of his face slowly.

"Thank you Liam. I would have been dead meat if it wasn't for you." Harry replies before looking away from him."We should get this mess cleaned up then clean ourselves."

Liam nods his head before helping the omega stand to his feet. He watches as he goes to pick up the little things that were knock over during the fight. He then watches him leave the kitchen to most likely go get cleaned up. He looks at the dead bodies before getting to work on cleaning them up. Meanwhile, Harry stands in the bathroom getting ready for his shower. He turns on the water then starts to take off his clothes. This is what he needs after all the stuff he has been through today. The water runs down his body as he stands under the showerhead. He closes his eyes as he let's the water calm and heal him. His thoughts get the better of him and the next thing he knows is his tears are mixing in with the water. He figures that would be a good time to get out of the shower.

He washes himself then gets out while wrapping a towel around his waist all without the time of ten minutes. He walks out the bathroom while sniffling. He is very surprise that he still have tears that will come out of his eyes. He enters the bedroom just as the beta finishes cleaning up the house. In that moment, he goes upstairs to do what he has been cast to do. This needs to be done in order for everything to work in his favor. Of course, this wasn't his actual thought or intent. He couldn't stop himself, however, when he comes into the room. He stops the omega from going to put on any clothes. Instead, he turns him to face him before looking at his lips. The omega starts to back away seeing the lust in the other male's eyes.

"Liam what are you doing?" Harry asks quietly as his back hits the wall finally.

"Just let it happen." Liam whispers with his hands resting on either side of the omega's head before pressing his lips against his.




Thoughts??? Predictions???

Bye my Scripted.🤔🙄🙃

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