Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

*Author's P.O.V*

Since the witch had died, Liam was free from her spell. That doesn't mean he is free from the wrath of a hybrid though. He is currently tending to Harry while he explains what happen to him. They don't hear the front door open and the hybrid walk in the house quietly. Harry can't even smell him. Liam makes his way to the closed door to go get himself and his friend some food. He smiles at the omega just before a hand comes through the door then grab his arm. He struggles to get away but once he does his shoulder dislocates from the socket. He backs away from the door just as it is slowly push open by his attacker. A gasp leaves the omega's mouth for two reasons. His mate is alive but he doesn't look the same anymore. He looks deadly. He can see the disconnect in his mate's eyes letting him know that this is something very serious.

"I'm not the enemy." Liam says as softly as he can while trying to ignore the pain in his shoulder.

"Niall please don't hurt him." Harry states as he stands in front of Liam, who is holding his arm with a hiss.

"You have no say in this. He kissed you and for that I cannot let him live now get out of the way." Niall replies, taking a step forward.

"That was a misunderstanding so I will not let you kill him." Harry argues, spreading out his arms.

"If you won't get out the way, then you're my enemy too." Niall answers as he makes his hands into fists.

Harry let out a gasp as he is push into the back with the door slamming shut. He looks at Liam through the whole in the door with wide eyes since he is the one that put him in it. He screams then covers his mouth when Liam screams as he is bit in the shoulder. He is slam into the door repeatedly as blood gets all over the door and the floor. Harry takes a few steps back watching the beta being drag away by a very angry looking Niall. He stands still for a few minutes before leaving the room and looking around for his best friend. He can't just leave him to die for something he had no control over. He follows the blood trail into the living room to see his mate feeding off of Liam. He rushes over to push him but he is back hand into the wall. The impact causes him to become paralyzed. All he can do is watch Liam try to get away.

Zayn comes into the house then goes straight to the living room. He sees what his brother is doing and goes to stop him. That doesn't end well since he is grab by the throat then toss into the tv. He gets up only to get stab in the side with his brother's nails. He gives him wide eyes before he falls to the floor. He holds his side to stop the bleeding while trying to move away from him. He doesn't make it far since he is kick in the stomach causing him to fly into the wall opposite of Harry. Liam forces himself from the floor with a slight wobble in his legs. He can't brace himself for an attack since he is punch in the stomach. His knees give out at the powerful hit with his head hanging low. Niall finishes him off by kicking him in the chest, which makes his rib break then stab into his heart. A gasp leaves the beta's mouth as he falls on his back clutching his chest.

"Niall!" Harry screams to draw the attention away from his friends.

"Don't. He will kill you. He isn't thinking straight." Zayn groans out as Niall picks his mate up by the collar of his shirt.

"Please Niall come back to me. I know deep down that this is not you. This is the blood and anger controlling you. I know you don't want to kill your mate." Harry whispers with tears running down his cheeks.

His words doesn't work since he bites into his neck. The moment the blood hits his mouth he freezes. It tastes way different from the other people he had feed from. The blood also floods his brain of images of what his mate went through when he was supposedly dead. The emotions and thoughts is the next thing that hits him. He pulls his mouth away from his neck then looks him in the eyes. His face soften with his body slowly turning back to normal. There is a small streak of white still in his hair, however. He is finally able to realize all the pain he has caused emotionally and physically to everyone. He bites into his wrist then presses it against his mate's mouth. He watches carefully as he drinks it with his body healing as if he was never hurt.

"I'm so so so sorry. I just wanted to keep you safe and put everyone what they put us through. I promise nothing like this will ever happen to either of us ever again." Niall says, hugging him tightly.

"I know just please help them." Harry replies, nodding his head to his friends that are in worse condition than him.

The hybrid nods his head then goes over to his brother. He gives him some of his blood then watches as he heals quickly. They look each other in the eyes with Niall apologizing and Zayn telling him it's alright. They smile at each other after before the alpha goes to help Liam. His chest feels heavy seeing that the beta is dead. He tries his best to get enough of his blood down his throat. He waits for a few minutes then starts to think the worse since there is no movement. A whine wants to come from his throat but he doesn't let it. Instead, he looks to his mate and brother with sadness in his eyes. They give him a reassuring smile to let him know that he at least tried his best to help him.

"He was nothing but good to us yet I killed him." Niall says, going to pick him up but jumps back when he sits up with a gasp.

"We're going back to pack house to sort some things out and give you time to catch up. We will meet back up later." Zayn explains, helping Liam from the floor then they exist the house.

"Can you please tell me what happen to you and our children for us to end up in this situation?" Harry questions as Niall and him sit on the couch.

"The royal werewolf was afraid that I would over power him and become the new royal. He also wanted to make his bloodline immortal so he can stay on top. After I left the hospital, he brings a witch to force me to try and kill a girl in order to have the world agree that I should be killed. He takes Jade then the rest of our babies and puts a spell on me to knock me out. I wake up in a cell unground and he kills me or so he thinks. I wake up not too long after to find Abigail dead in my arms and Zayn in the cell with me. I break free then go out and kill the witch and guards involved before I end up here." Niall explains, watching his omega look at him with wide eyes.

"That bastard. This is not over. Now he has me to deal with." Harry replies as his eyes harden and his hands form tight fists.




Thoughts??? Predictions???

Bye my Old Town Road.🤼🤸🥂

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