Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

*Author P.O.V*

The green eye omega gets out the shower with a towel around his waist. He wants to go walk around naked but Louis, Zayn, and Liam are here. He goes to the bedroom and takes his time in drying off and putting on a pair of boxers. He stops going to the dresser for some sweatpants when he feels a sharp pain in his stomach. He let's out a scream when a stronger pain comes. He drops to his knees while holding his stomach with a grunt. Zayn, Liam, and Louis rush in the room while looking around for a threat. They don't find any and are quick to attend to the omega. Liam and Louis lift the omega off the floor and place him on the bed. Zayn leaves the room and is quick to search the house for things to help this birth. He quickly comes back to the room as the omega's mind focuses on his mate.

"Where's Niall? He has to be here. I need him." Harry says as he sits up only to feel pain making him lay back down with a groan."I don't want the babies out until he's here."

"Niall will be here soon but we have to get the babies out now before they kill you." Zayn explains as he grabs a scalpel and puts it to Harry's stomach but his wrist is grab.

"No. We have to wait. He'll make it in time." Harry states and Zayn nods letting out a puff of air bringing the scalpel away slowly.

"Harry we have to start without him." Zayn says after ten minutes as Harry grips the sides of the bed letting out a scream as he feels something in him snap.

"Please Zayn. Just a little bit longer. I don't want him to miss the birth." Harry says, panting as he looks down at his stomach feeling the babies move around a lot.

"I'm sorry Harry but we can't any more." Zayn states while Liam and Louis grab both of Harry's hands not wanting him to stop Zayn.

Harry screams out in pain as Zayn cuts a line under his belly button and open up the cut a bit as the omega kicks and tries to move away. Niall comes in making the omega smile as the alpha comes over bringing Harry's head to his chest rubbing his back and kissing the top of his head. The omega let's out a grunt as Zayn sticks his hands into Harry's stomach making the omega grip Niall's waist tight holding back a scream. Harry let's out a breath of relief when he feels Zayn pull the first baby out. Niall's head quickly shot up to him and he takes him from Zayn when he's not crying but just squirming around a little bit.

"Zayn, what's wrong with him? Why isn't he crying?" Niall asks, looking down at the baby, who slowly opens his eyes and looks at Niall with bright blue eyes just like his.

"It's normal. The baby is fine okay." Zayn explains as Niall wraps the baby in a white towel with a smile on his face as the baby chews on his finger.

"Look he has my eyes." Niall says as he hands the baby over to Harry, who smiles down at him with his thumb slowly rubbing his soft cheek.

"Hey there cuti-" Harry cuts himself off by letting out a groan and closing his eyes feeling a bit light headed.

Zayn looks at Harry's stomach before his eyes grows wide and he reaches back in Harry's stomach. Niall growls and is about to grab Zayn's arm but Zayn pulls his hands out of the omega to show a little girl in his hands. Niall's eyes grows wide while tears comes to Harry's eyes reaching a hand out to his baby girl. Just as he is about to touch her, a cry of pain leaves Niall's mouth as a gunshot rings in the room. Niall falls to the floor and soon Zayn, Louis, and Liam. Harry looks at the figure by the door with fright in his eyes while he holds on tight to his baby boy. He tries to get his baby girl since Zayn drop her by his feet. A scream of pain leaves Harry's mouth as he is shot in the chest. Harry chokes off his blood while the man takes his babies and walks out leaving Harry and the other unborn babies to die.

The omega shoots up from the bed at the horrible nightmare he just had. He puts his hand on his chest where his heart is. His other hand goes to rest on his stomach. That nightmare seem so real that it almost brings tears to the omega's eyes. He looks over at his alpha only to see him gone from the bed. The sunlight that fills the room let's him know that it's the next day. The pregnant male gets out of bed and makes his way out of the room. He yawns and stretches his arms over his head. He walks down the hall then down the stairs. His nose picks up on the smell of his mate. He follows it out to the backyard. The soft grass between his toes feel great. The sun comes down on him, which keeps him nice and warm. He slowly walks into the woods in the backyard with his hands rubbing his stomach. He hopes that his mate is okay since he wasn't in bed this morning. Just as the thought comes, he feels something big nudge his back.

"Oh god you scared the fuck out of me." Harry states once he turns around to face his mate in his wolf form."You can't do that while I'm pregnant."

"Sorry. I thought you would have at least hear or feel me coming." Niall says, sitting down on the ground.

"No need to be sorry." Harry says while sitting down next to his mate with his hand rubbing Niall's furry head.

"Are you okay? I felt that you were distress so I was heading home but then I heard you out here." Niall says as the omega nods his head.

"I'm fine now. I just had a really terrible nightmare." Harry explains, resting his head on his mate's side.

The couple just sits there in silence and watch as the sun starts to rise higher in the air. The birds start to sing beautifully around them. The omega thinks that this place would definitely be a nice to give birth or even get married. His free hand rubs his bump and he feels a kick to his stomach. A gasp leaves his mouth, which instantly cause his mate to become aware. Harry grabs Niall's paw and he waits for his alpha's reaction. He laughs when he sees his mate's eyes grow wide and he kind of sits up a little bit more. Just as Niall takes his paw away, a butterfly comes and lands on the omega's stomach. The two look at each other then back at the butterfly. Harry wishes he had his phone on him. It would have been the perfect picture. He feels a sharp pain in his stomach when the butterfly decides to fly away. He grips his stomach as Niall gets up and look at his mate with worry in his eyes.

"It's time." Harry winces out while closing his eyes at the pain that keeps coming.



So it looks like Harry is finally going to give birth now and had a nightmare about the birth too. I wonder why. Thoughts??? Predictions???

Bye my Let Me.🐰💅🔥

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