24: Lie About Us

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Louis’ P.O.V

“I want you to go out with Jesy for me!”

Wait… HOLD UP THERE... what!?

I’m sorry, but what!? Has Niall finally lost it or…

“Go out with Jesy and see for yourself! You already know about her problem so maybe you could convince her to stop once you get closer to her-“

“Um EXCUSE me, Niall… this is the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard, NO” I simply respond back, ,putting my hands down as I shot Niall a very serious face.

Has he lost his mind?

“What!?” He was stunned by my quick answer, as I let out a tiring sigh.

“Why notttt!?” He moans, annoyingly.

“Don’t you think that would be going too far!?” I state, wondering how on earth could he not care about how Jesy would feel if she found out that I was basically using her.

I mean, pretending to show some kind of ‘interest’ in her, even though I don’t particularly have any is pretty low already.. I’m not a player and I don’t intend to be one because I know its wrong…

Also, the fact that I’ll have to manipulate and lie to Jesy in order to earn her trust will hurt her more than anything else if she actually does fall for me in the process just like how this plan Niall is expecting me to follow… I just don’t think I can do that you know?

And lastly… Unlike Niall here who’s obviously concerned but stupid enough to come up with this idea, I know the consequences, and I’m pretty sure this plan will fail, because let’s face it… Jesy isn’t exactly stupid, she knows how to figure things out for herself and I bet by god she can probably tell if someone is lying or not to her face, so doing this will only hurt her even more when she finds out that this was Niall’s idea.

In fact, I’m positive this might even do worse and as a result… who knows? Maybe her situation will only get worse. Niall should know that.

He should know that doing something as reckless as this could actually make the problem worse rather than fix it…

So that is why…

“I just don’t want to do it, okay!” I tell Niall.

“End off” I state, cutting off our conversation as I get up from my seat, ready to leave.

The look on Niall’s face is more than just mortified.

“What!? You call that an answer!?”

“You didn’t even answer my question!” He yells back, annoyed by my ‘pathetic’ excuse to get away.

I turn back to look at him, annoyed myself. “My answer is a no Niall.”

“But whyyyyy!? Louis you know I need you, I screwed up big time with Jesy and I need you to save her” He begs for sympathy and I feel guilty.

Of course, I care about Jesy’s health too… but it’s “You’re problem Niall! You save her.”

I’m not sure how I was able to sound so cold saying it, but part of me screamed that Niall really should be the one to save her if he’s really that concerned, however, I’m not gonna lie, there was still that part of me that secretly wanted to be a part of saving Jesy too… you know, as a friend of course.. since Niall got me into this already…

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