19: Craving Hearts

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Sorry it's been so long but here it is, chapter 19 and thank you all for waiting so patiently and voting/commenting :)



Niall’s P.O.V

I pull out my phone from my pocket, a devious plan already in mind as I listen to Harry pace back and forth in his room until there was nothing but dead silence after that.

Once I knew he was listening, I quickly text a message to both Jesy and Jade, telling them to come down to our room, since they only stayed a few doors away from ours; as the door swings open just minutes later and in comes the both of them.

“Oh Hey Niall! What was it that you needed us to be here so urgently?” Jesy first brings up whilst Jade closes the door, slightly dragging her feet along.

“Yeah, I was literally taking a shower before somebody decided to rudely barge in and rush me even though I was in the middle of shampooing my hair… thank you very much Jesy” Jade scowls at Jesy as I chuckle only to suddenly catch the sight of Jesy nervously giggling along and looking rather happier than usual, and for a moment there I kind of couldn’t stop myself from smiling either.

“Hence, the reason why I look like this” Jade suddenly tells me as I finally let go of the gaze I was holding with Jesy’s smile, to look at Jade who indeed was wearing a purple onesie, with her damp hair stuck up in an extremely messy high bun that was beginning to fall apart. The sight of Jade made me want to burst out laughing even more as I suddenly laugh out loud and before I knew it, Jade was throwing pillows at me from the sofa.

“Oh get lost Niall. I know I’m not in the best state but what was it that you had to rush us both whilst I was shampooing aye?” Jade frowns, clearly a little bit annoyed.

“Don’t worry, she gets like this whenever somebody messes with her when she’s either sleeping or shampooing her hair” Jesy suddenly whispers as I look at her, nodding and totally understanding what that probably feels like, but in this case, I did have a reason and that was Harry.

I just couldn’t exactly say it though so instead I came up with…

“Hey you know what? I forgot. But I know that there’s a kitchen over there and I’m kinda of hungry. Mind making something whilst you’re here?”

And that my friend was probably the worst thing I could’ve possibly said in a situation like this but..hey at least I wasn’t kidding when I said I was hungry. I mean, I really am hungry right now so I just hope that Harry can make up with Jade again so that I can have my food and then we’d all be happy but… I guess we’re just gonna have to do it the long way..

“What!? Are you joking me Niall? We rushed all the way over here just t-” Jade was just about to rant before Jesy was able to stop her by covering her mouth and pulling her along with her.

“Ha, Jade what a kidder. Don’t worry, we’ve got it” Jesy tells me as she smiles one last time before practically having to pull Jade into the kitchen with her.


Now’s the chance the get Mr. Grumpy out of his cave.

“Harry!” I half shouted, half whispered once I was near his door.


“Oi, can you here me?”

Suddenly my phone vibrates, notifying me that I had a new test message as I open it up, only to reveal it was actually from Harry.

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