4: Stealing a Kiss

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Jade’s P.O.V


The next day…

Okay I’ll admit yesterday went pretty well, better than what I would’ve thought with Harry there… And If I’m being honest, Yes. I did have a good time because, surprisingly me and Harry got along again like we used to before.

So I think maybe it could work out… you know, us being just friends again, instead of me having to avoid him all the time like I was planning too.

Maybe it would be a lot easier like it was yesterday with him, I mean for one thing for sure was that he actually did make me forget about Liam.

And that’s something even the girls can’t even do.

So yeah, maybe it’s worth just being his friend again.

 Suddenly, my phone vibrated impatiently in my pocket, causing me to snap out of my thoughts as I quickly slipped the phone in my hands, reading the first name appear on my screen as I couldn’t help but smile before answering it. It was Harry.

“Hey beautiful, me and the guys are having a movie night today, you up for it?” he said as I cringed slightly at the way he called me ‘beautiful’ in his usual flirty voice.

“Hey Haz, um…yeah, sure but don’t forget we’re back to our tour tomorrow so shouldn’t y-“ I began trailing until Harry had cut me off.

“Jade, you’re either coming or not, c’mon, if you get scared I’ll hold you’re hand for you” he jokingly said, hearing a light chuckle through the phone as I simply just rolled my eyes before replying back.

“Ermm, oh what the hay. Count me in… you know, along with the other girls too of course” I reminded him.
”Great, see you all later” His husky voice suddenly sounded a lot cheerful and happier as I nodded, only realizing that he couldn’t see it so I quickly replied back before hanging up.

Seconds later my phone started vibrating again, as I rolled my eyes, assuming it was Harry again I then quickly answered the phone without even checking the callers ID.

“What do you want now Harry?” I giggled slightly before hearing a low voice that was most definitely not Harry’s on the other end of the phone, as my body tensed up a little and my heart started beating twice as hard than it should have.

“Jade?” I heard his voice confusingly say before I had managed to reply back.

“Oh, uh well this is a bit awkward… sorry Li, I thought you was Harry” I said, feeling my cheeks burning bright red with embarrassment. Phew. Thank goodness he couldn’t see me right now.

”No worries” he simply said back as I then heard a soft chuckle come out from the phone and I felt my knee’s suddenly begin to weaken.

Just hearing that gorgeous laugh made my heart instantly melt.

“Anyway, I was wondering if you and the girls would like to come over TODAY, this time… since you were at the ‘CD signing’ yesterday” He calmly said.

“Oh uh, well actually Harry just rang me a few seconds ago about that, and I said yeah so… yeah we’ll be there”

“Oh right….well I’m glad you can come this time” he suddenly said a little too quiet, before finishing off his sentence with a more positive tone.

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