25: Take Me Home

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Yay! Here it is, the chapter you've all been waiting for! *drum roll please*... Chapter 25 :D

P.S - I hope this is enough to fill all your Jiam hearts ;D

Lo Siento! ~ This is just a filler chapter, hence the reason why not many of the others had much of a big part in this chapter except for mostly Jade and Liam.

However - Good newwwws! I stayed up till 2:30am yesterday planning the rest of what will happen in One Mix and I did it! I've got the whole story plot leading up to the ending and i'm so excited to continue on! There's a lot of chapters to look out for but hopefully I'll get this story done by the end (if not sooner) in 2014. Yay! Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS + Thank you all so much for being here to support me, bless all of you and your beautiful souls <3



Jade’s P.O.V

Oh no. Did Harry just-

“Uh.. how did you know that was Perrie? It could’ve been me mam ya know?” Is say, but Harry just doesn’t seem to fall for it this time.

“Oh don’t give me that bullcrap Jade, I know it was Perrie.” He states and then pauses before asking the obvious question.

“Why did you say those things?”                

“They’re not true Harry, I just lied okay. Don’t get all emotional over this now” I say and he throws ever more of an argument at my way.

“Oh me? Getting emotional? Unbelievable! You’re the one who fucking lied to Perrie about us!” He yells, his voice getting louder as I get more offended.

“Why are you yelling at me like this!? It’s not like I meant any of it!” I stomp my foot to the ground whilst yelling back, as Harry continues to put up a fire.

 “Well if you didn’t then why did you say it! Why didn’t you just tell Perrie the truth!”

“Because we obviously made a deal didn’t we? Didn’t you say it would be better off if nobody knew about our relationship. Nobody… including Perrie and the others.” I remind him but he doesn’t take note of it.

“Perrie would’ve been an exception. She’s you’re best friend. I thought you would’ve at least told her.” He defends, as if he needed Perrie to know.

“Would you stop already!” I yell, feeling angry at how Harry was just throwing all of this back at me.

“Why are you being like this? I chose you didn’t I!?”

Then he sniggers. The kind I wasn’t expecting, before saying something that really ended up hurting me more than it should have.

“Yeah right. You chose me because you weren’t good enough for Liam!”

My mouth drops open and for a moment there, there was silence.

He stares at me, infuriated, until he suddenly realizes.

My eyes begin to tear up, as I stare at him back, feeling as if he’d just shot a bullet through my heart. “Wow.”

 “Is that what you really think about me?” I say, but my voice sounds torn apart as I swallow my nerves down and take a deep breath, only finding the strength to end this conversation now.

“Well I’m sorry if I bloody wanted us to work out! I was stupid enough to get back with you anyway, so you know what… screw this…” I pause, circling the space between us.

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